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Chapter 317 Shocking Ministry and Title Party

Daxie Xiwu is full of face, and he is coming here to see Xu'an, and it will be clear about it.

However, Xu Qian gave him a closed door.

I think that he is a person who has a status. It takes the initiative to come to Xu Qian actually connect to him. When did he have been treated?

Such an extremely unfriendly attitude can only explain one thing, that is, Xu Qian has a big manuscript to suffering from the accident, and even the head of the Sony of the parent company.

It is really good to do it, and the big man is still a little better. The problem is that this matter does not have a co-money relationship. They are purely in the pool, and the big man is ignorant. .

"Even the opportunity to explain is not given to me, the harsh Chinese people."

"Thanks to me, I thought he was smarter, I didn't expect it to be stupid."

"He doesn't want to think, everyone knows that our relationship with him is nervous, once he is the biggest suspicion, we can't do this."

"He broke the contact channel between us, refused to meet me, did not happen to the behind-the-scenes black hand? At the time, we have a dispute between us, the people who hide in the back, I don't know how big and cheap, my heart How to shame it. "

Going back to your car, Daxie Xiong is constantly complaining in this intimate space he rest assured.

I saw the car who took the car leaving, Li Ke came to the general manager of the team who was originally belonging to Jin Beller.

"The boss, the little devil is gone."

Xu Yunou didn't lift his sentence: "It's a jealousy."

Through Twitter, Netscape, Fruit Private, those who have their own people think that Xu Yun is to lock the goal in the Cognar Bay, and its parent company Sony, to have a so-called traffic accident to experience the so-called traffic accident.

According to the previous logic, Daxi Xiong didn't really have difficulties.

Even if the people want to pay for the self-witness, even they can find evidence that they are not doing themselves, and they have to travel.

Only the war in the battle decades ago, the impression of the 11th district is extremely impressed.

"The hatred between this two countries will make people naturally can't keep calm, and how to analyze the calm people?"

The 100-year old name in Wall Street Lehman Brothers are calling funds, using the stock price fluctuations of Sony's share price that is implicated by Corner Bay.

For their financial institutions, the stock market is calm and the worst thing. They want the wind, the waves, or how can they send a big fortune?

As for the consequences of this - others jumping off our ass.

They only hate too little money in their hands, if they have enough money in their hands, they can earn more.

In fact, every financial institution has to face such a problem, that is, in front of the opportunity to make money, they always feel that their money is not enough.

"The heart is always greedy." Xu Qian put the pink mobile phone in his hand, "Capital will never sleep."

The phone rang, it was a phone from Peng Xue.

"The boss, I don't have you expect you, based on the information we find, Stri is mortgaged with the quality assets under his name."

Well, Xu Qian is not in the case, he just said to Peng Xue: "Your operation is careful, don't let people perceive before completing the arrangement."

Peng Xue replied: "Please rest assured, I have been staring, until now we have successfully purchased the shares of fifty-nine companies, but because there is no trigger point, these companies are published in the list of shareholders. There is no change. If you think, you can be a member of these company boards. "

Said here Peng Xue reminded Xu Zhong: "There is a message to tell you, our team's capital investment is too much, and immediately reach the red line. If there is no new capital injection, we are unable to let more rice companies with you. Bundle. "

In this regard, Xu Yun's answer is: "You look at it, since the team gives you, I only give the goal, I will not hang up."

Professional things should be done to the professional people, especially in the financial sector, and do not understand the situation, they will only mix things a mess.

Since Xu Zhong has chosen Peng Xue, he will believe Peng Xue's ability.

Even if Peng Xue is going to be chaotic, her team can have a number of people from Beiping University. It is Xu Yun's alumni and brother. I really thought that Huaxia's circle culture was playing, no one helped Xu Qian stare?

There is no lack of self-motivation, people who want to be onset.

Therefore, it is so easy to lead and manage a team is not so easy.

I have learned that when I learned that Lehman Brothers came from the real estate industry, Xu Yun thought of a person. The Stirlin is a fool, and I can guess my hidden racist's thing for this long time.

According to whoever, whoever is the suspicion, Sterlin is determined to be a ghost, otherwise, the fastess team he operate will not fall into the hand.

Let Peng Xue to verify, but it is finally confirmed.

I got the answer, I confsed that Xu Qian guess in my heart was not strange, and I won't be inexplicable.

Xu him smashed with a knife, and did not revenge?

How is this reason.

"The mall is a very common thing, but you want my life, it is too much."

Xu Qian knows that they only worship the winners in the country, as long as you win, however, however, there will be few people who don't have so many people.

However, there is not necessarily reasonable, it is just a reason, just this.

"Only dead enemies are good enemy, not ending him, buried him into the soil, let his body rotten in the dirt, and finally only one pile of bones, but give him kind and forgiveness, it is For your own cruel. "

Open your own laptop, Xu Zhong did not have an urgent operation, but a person in the Yueyang phone called Shen Zhen.

"Horse, I have to send an email now."

Shen Zhen Ma immediately nodded a young man in the office, he replied: "Xiaolong's technology, you will help you exclude external interference."

How can an Internet company do not have a technology big to take the town?

This place in the office is in the invitation of the horses. Please go to the other party but spend the people of Shen Zhen Ma. In order to express the respect for talents, Shen Zhen Ma also gave the opponent enough freedom and permission.

Sure enough, some special logo appeared on the computer that didn't have a small dragon. He shot like a flying, tapping the keyboard, one side, a saying: "The old rice is always in my hand, I have to be in my hand Stealing information, you think beautiful. "

The rice in the other side of the ocean will soon become more and more fun, because the new news appeared in the hot topic list of the tweet.

"Shocked, real estate businessmen actually made this! "

"The secret of shocked the eyeball, the real estate, the secret!" "

UC shocking department ... Twitter shock and network header party released in advance.

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