Almighty sign in

Chapter 282 - Monsters

"Brother Zhao, you are familiar with the Wall Street routine, watch the moves over there for me. I'm worried that Mark will be careless and they will use him as a prey without knowing it."

Xu Ang had a phone call with Zhao Changlong.

Like this turn the gun, give their own people a knife thing in the business world is too common.

Capital is a greedy beast, it has only interests in its eyes, no morality.

One moment it is still fighting alongside you, the next moment as long as it catches the opportunity, it will swallow you with bones.

After eating rivals to eat allies, for capital is not shameful, shameful is failure.

After all, Mark is a technical origin, the nature of capital is not deep enough to understand, Xu Ang does not want to be easy to make Twitter to make a big noise, but finally cheap others.

Compared to Mark, Steve is much more astute.

Of course, this is because he has eaten the loss of capital, the capital is unusually wary. And although Mark has also had the same experience, but he will only fall on Paul, can not see through the essence of it.

"Not anyone is Steve, there is only one Master Joe in the world."

Xu Ang can only make this sentiment.

The things in Rice can be described as far away, and what happened to him is close at hand.

Close your eyes, Xu Ang is thinking, let him so the object is not a side object, is today's daily sign-up random to the reward.

"You have completed the daily check-in and received a random reward: intelligence plus one (for every point of intelligence attribute point brain development increased by two thousandths.)"

Yes, two thousandths.

Xu Ang remembered that before he got ten points of intelligence attribute bonus, the increase in brain domain development per point of intelligence attribute was one thousandth.

Shouldn't it be like speed, the more random attributes you get, the smaller the increase for each point. Now what's with this intelligence, the increase has actually become more.

It's not like I randomly got a bit of fake intelligence, right?

Or maybe the increase in physical attributes is not the same as the increase in intelligence.

That seems to be the only explanation.

He didn't dwell too much on the change in increase, as long as Xu Ang knew that the change was beneficial to him anyway. What he had to think about was that as the brain field continued to develop, his brain would become stronger in all aspects, and with it, the nutritional needs increased.

The higher the development of the brain with, the greater the demand for nutrition.

Take today, because the random reward drawn is intelligence, and the brain development degree increased to two thousandths at once, Xu Ang used up more nutrients than the two development thousandths. He did some silent calculations, if the amount of high energy nutrients needed to develop one thousandth is one, then the amount needed to develop two thousandths is three.

Thanks to Xu Ang now has enough wealth, otherwise the supplemental nutrition alone can be worried to death. At this stage of the country, and how many people can afford to spend that much.

"What is this, no money even to recharge the IQ can not do? Or is it that a high IQ needs kryptonite to be reached?"

Shaking his head in self-deprecation, Xu Ang felt that since he was in such high demand, with the trend of high energy nutrients becoming his daily necessities, he could not keep going to the outside world to buy them.

After all, it is something to be imported, if the other party plays badly and wants to do something bad against himself, this high energy nutrient will become one of the breakthroughs.

Leaving such a big breach to others, so that people with a heart can use it to target themselves, Xu Ang will not do that.

The loophole was found to be plugged in advance, so as not to happen in case.

The family has a loving mother, but also cute little dog sister, Xu Ang did not let them.

"Knowledge of nutrition, perhaps you can find some information to see for yourself and try to match it to yourself."

Rubbed his chin, Xu Ang made a decision.

He would study, try to study a day? Two days?

Well, it's not impossible to learn for three days if you need to.

"Hey, Hendry, help me find something."

"Something on nutrition, the more comprehensive the better."

"I don't mind spending money if I can get information on high-powered nutrients. As for commercial secrets and other sayings, don't mention them in front of me, commercial secrets can become secrets only because the money is not given enough."

"Okay, as long as you understand, I'll wait for your good news."

A phone call to Hendry, and then sit back and wait for the results, Kryptonian big brother to do things is so simple and clear.

Why go to the liver when you can use money to solve things?

Xu Ang said: my time is very valuable, commercial espionage or whatever is just a little money. Spend a few hundred million dollars and save yourself even half a day, it is also worth it. After all, I have the time to save that money why not use it to spend with their own families.

"Little well little Erlang, pick up a school bag to school, not afraid of the sun, not afraid of that storm wild ......"

The two little sisters held hands and sang the children's songs they learned in kindergarten today, jumping and skipping back home. As early as before they entered the gate, the milk voice of the song drifted across the spacious courtyard and into the house, reminding Xu Ang's little sister who was in the living room to come home from school.

Behind them is followed by Fang Shuying, a worried mother who loves to worry blindly that her little sister will get lost in the middle of the school day without her escort, not going straight home but running around the neighborhood.

It is really a good mother who is worried about her little sister.

In order to meet the little sister, Xu Ang took the initiative to open the door and stood at the door waiting for them.

He never thought that his good intentions were actually ignored by the two little sisters. Standing at the door, he saw the two little dogs did not even look at him, and after entering the door, they ran directly towards the boutique caravan, to go back to their doghouse.

I am such a big brother and you ignore it!

Xu Ang's face was overflowing smile stiffened, then he decided to give a little lesson to ignore his puppies, so that they know the power of the brother.


That is certainly not hands.

Do not think that the little doggie will not bite, Xiao Xiao's little milk teeth can also make her eat meat.

Quietly follow the puppies into the RV, wait until the puppies throw away their little school bags and walk to the stairway to the second floor, Xu Ang first reached out and pressed a button to lower the car window, then turned off the lights inside the car.


The two little dogs only felt a blackness in front of their eyes, their little brains did not react that fast, confused for a second or two before they came back to their senses.

"The light light is not on."

"The power is out."

The two little sisters were talking, and they weren't nervous. Domestic power outages were not uncommon in this day and age, and the little sisters had all experienced that.

However, after an odd sound came, they could no longer be calm.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, there are monsters, I hear monsters screaming."

"Don't be afraid, I have a solution."

The two puppies hugged each other, the timid dog Xiao Qingzi was scared and trembling, Xiao Xiao said she was not afraid, but in fact she was very afraid in her heart.

Xiaoxiao is a sister, she is not a timid dog, as a brave puppy son, as a puppy son who dares to show her little milk teeth to her brother, she is very brave.

In the face of the monster hiding somewhere, in the face of the danger hidden deep in the dark, she exhaled: "Brother, come quickly, there is a monster in the car! Mom came to save the baby's life, the monster wants to eat the baby!"

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