Almighty Coach

Chapter 459: King's return

On the fourth day of the Olympic trials, the finals of some projects started one after another. At the same time as the first and second runner-ups were born, the places for the Olympic Games were also selected.

At this time, the game finally entered a fierce stage. At the level of American athletes, no one can enter the qualifying finals. None of them are idlers. In strong American teams such as sprinting and hurdles, the level of the finals is comparable to that of the Olympic Games. world class.

The final two games on the fourth day are the highlights. The first is the 400m final, where legendary athlete Elvin will participate. Once Alvin achieved the top three, he will represent the US team for the fourth time in the Olympics.

The other is the 100-meter trapeze battle. This project has always been the most concerned item in track and field competitions. It can be said that there are many big names gathered. Who can win, who will become the new American first trapeze. Alvin's popularity is still bursting. As long as he appears on the field, he will always be accompanied by crazy cheers from the audience, allowing him to qualify and play again in the Olympic Games. It has become a matter of public expectations.

Alvin's emotions are also a little emotional. Before he played, he just got good news. A famous sports brand awarded him a two-year, 15-million-dollar endorsement contract, provided that he must get Qualifications for the Olympic Games.

In track and field sports, the two-year 15 million endorsement contract is something many athletes dare not think about, especially for track and field athletes, this is definitely a superstar-level treatment, and many all-star stars No basketball player can get such a high endorsement fee. Once the money can be obtained, Alvin ’s economic pressure will be much less, even if the oil price has not risen, Alvin does not have to worry about being dragged down by shale oil wells.

And in Elvin's view, this is just the beginning. As one of the greatest track and field athletes in the history of the United States, as long as he can continue to appear on the field, he will have continuous advertising revenue. If the champion, then it is more perfect.

To the left of Alvin, a black man with a mustache on his chin was secretly observing Alvin.

The black man was named Brown and was five years younger than Alvin. Before Alvin retired, Brown had won the 400m runner-up in two Olympic Games and the 400m runner-up in one World Championship. The reason why he did not win the championship was not because of his Not fast enough, but because of Alvin's existence.

The same is true in other games. As long as Alvin participates, Brown can only get a silver medal. And for any international event with a little influence, Alvin will participate, and Brown can only be the second millennium. However, in the 4-by-400-meter project, Brown was very productive, following the US team to get many gold medals.

In the 400-meter project, Alvin is invincible. No matter how hard Brown tries, he can never defeat Alvin. Until three years ago, Alvin chose to retire. Without Alvin on the field, Brown finally began to taste the taste of the world champion. In the last World Championships in track and field, Brown was the first place in the US trials, and in the subsequent World Championships, he even won the gold medal in the 400-meter project.

In this Olympics, Brown ’s goal was obviously to win a personal gold medal in the 400-meter Olympics. In fact, he was close to this goal, because in the 400-meter event, the American champion is the world champion.

But Alvin is back, the mountain that Brown can never cross, the Alvin Demon King is back!

At this time, Brown's mood is very complicated. On the one hand, he feels that Alvin is 34 years old, and it is impossible to have the state of the year, so Brown feels that he has a chance to defeat Alvin this time; on the other hand, The shadow of Elvin's heart, but if it was a nightmare, always wrapped around his heart.


On the right side of Alvin, there is a young black guy, his name is Andre, who is a new 400m newcomer in the last three or four years. But this talent of Andrew is very good, only 23 years old this year, his strength is second only to Brown. Andre's performance is still improving. Last year, he had experienced running within 44 seconds.

Unlike Brown, Andre seemed very excited at this time, because his idol came back! For Andre, this is a game and a pilgrimage.

When Alvin got his first Olympic gold medal, Andre was only a pupil. It is no exaggeration to say that Andre grew up watching Alvin's game. It was also under the influence of Alvin that he embarked on the road of 400 meters. As a young 400-meter athlete, Andre's idol is Alvin.

Andre also participated in the Olympic trials four years ago, and reached the finals, but unfortunately he failed to qualify, he still remembers that in that game, when he turned to the last straight and started to sprint Alvin had already been far ahead, and the back left to Andre was like a peak that could never be surpassed, and kept flashing in Andre ’s mind.

Today, four years later, Andre has been able to run within 44 seconds. He spent four years gradually catching up with the idols, and he wants to challenge his idols in the game.


Alvin stood on his pass, not talking to the athletes around him, or making any physical movements.

He simply stood there, looking at the track ahead. Like a lord, standing at the very top of the castle, looking down on his territory.

Everyone can feel that the sense of self-confidence exuded from Alvin is like a sword, indestructible, and anything that stands in front of him will be broken into pieces.

At this time, Alvin not only recovered the state of competition before retirement, but also recovered the feeling of being the first person in the 400-meter world.

That is a feeling of victory, as long as he stands on this track, it means that he will rule this track.

He is the ruler on this track.

Alvin took a deep breath and stepped onto the starting block, preparing for the start, waiting for the gunshot to sound.


The stands were a little quiet, and the audience seemed to be dumb, not even applause, even the "click" of the camera shutter.

"Boom!" The gunshots started.

Immediately afterwards, the shouting sound suddenly rang through the audience, as if it were a torrent of water, drowning everything. All the spectators stood up and screamed at the track.

On the track, the athletes have already started running, and the sound of the surrounding mountains calling tsunami makes them feel as if they have fallen into the ancient battlefield, about to collide with the enemy and fight!

Although no athlete can clearly hear what the surrounding audience is shouting, it is an exciting voice, which brings an atmosphere of excitement to the people and even brings extra morale to the contestants.

Brown was inspired by this voice. At this time, he only felt that his whole body was full of power, so that he could run forward unscrupulously.

Brown could feel that his condition was very good. He couldn't help turning his head to look at Alvin on the side track.

"I'm faster than him!" Brown suddenly realized this.

A feeling of excitement spread in Brown's heart. His career has been firmly suppressed by Alvin, and he can only succumb to the "millennial second child." At this moment, he seems to have seen victory. hope.

"Alvin is 34 years old. He can't be as fast as four years ago. I can win. I can win today!" Brown started to inspire himself. He wanted to mobilize his inner emotions and then transform these positive forces. For the driving force forward.


After the start, Andre's mood is no longer as surging as before. As a professional athlete, once he enters the process of the game, he must adjust his state, put down all the things he has in mind, and devote himself to the game. .

"I feel that Alvin's speed is about the same as mine. I don't seem to be behind him."

Andrei couldn't help but think of the Olympic trials four years ago. At that time, he also reached the finals of the trial. For the first time, he competed with his idol. With full confidence, he wanted to show himself in front of the idol. Can only chase the idol's back.

At that time, Andre was like a small grass, and Alvin was a towering tree, the gap between them was really too big.

Today, the grass of that year has also grown into a big tree, the existence that could only be looked up to, but now it can keep pace.

Andre's already suppressed emotions now became surging again. This time he is no longer the young kid who can only chase the back of the idol. He can perform well in front of the idol, challenge him, and then defeat him!

Nothing makes Andre more excited than this ~ ~ Alvin has noticed that his challengers on the left and right sides are a little more excited, they are fast, and the momentum they exude, It was like two cheetahs chasing their prey.

This thought flashed through Alvin's mind, but it made him feel annoyed. If the two challengers were cheetahs, wouldn't Alvin become the prey they chased!

In Alvin's career, he has been the ruler of the 400m project and the absolute king of 400m. If the other 400m athletes are cheetahs, then Alvin should be the leopard king.

How could the king be reduced to someone else's prey!

Alvin knew that he should respond, and he must also respond. He wanted to tell those challengers that he had not grown old yet, he was still the king of 400 meters!

The best way to respond is to beat them on the track and defeat them completely!

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