Almighty Coach

Chapter 330: Save the field

Harman looked at Li Dai, his eyes flashing, Li Dai brought him surprise again.

"It looks like the Asian coach is not as unbearable as I thought." Harman looked at Li Dai with interest, and at this time Li Dai was pulled to the side by another player and massaged his muscles.

The intermission time soon passed. Harman did not adjust the personnel and tactics, but only required the players to strengthen in certain aspects. The score of 0-0 away game, if you can stick to the end, it is a victory for Dingtian.

However, the modern aspect has become more fierce. They want to break the deadlock faster, but repeated attempts are futile. In particular, the presence of foreign aid Neor, so that Jeonbuk Hyundai did not dare to invest all his strength in the attack. Neorh ’s personal abilities are too many to stand out. If Jeonbuk Hyundai ’s rear line is left without people, it is easy to be neo. He came straight in.

In the past of one minute and one second, the score has not changed. In the modern aspect of Jeonbuk, coaches, players, and even home fans are all anxious.

In the 61st minute, Jeonbuk Hyundai finally offered a substitution.


"Forcing!" The whistle sounded and the referee took a yellow card to a Jeonbuk Hyundai player.

On the side, foreign aid Martintes fell to the ground, holding his calf in pain.

Martintes is the core player of Dingtian's football midfielder. He is strong and full of energy. On the offensive and defensive ends of the midfield, he often shows a world-class overall view, control and tactical qualities. As a Brazilian player, offensively, his skills and imagination naturally need not be doubted. While defending, his steals and interceptions always create an insurmountable barrier for the team.

In order to deal with Martinez, Jeonbuk Hyundai has paid several fouls and a yellow card in the first half. This is also due to the fact that Jeonbuk Hyundai ’s home court has a referee ’s partial help, if it is on the road. It must be more than a yellow card, maybe even a red card has come out.

But now, Jeonbuk Hyundai has paid another yellow card in exchange for Martintes.

Team doctor Malaloni rushed over with the medical team, and then began to check the injury for Martintes.

Maraloni also knows that the current 0-0 situation, dragging the game to the end, Dingtian will have one more home advantage, so he is also taking the opportunity to check for Martintes, deliberately wanting more Delay some games.

However, the referee quickly ran over and signaled that the stretcher team should lift Martintes to the sidelines without affecting the progress of the game. Obviously, the referee is also experienced, he saw through Malaloni's trick.

Maraloni didn't dare to face the referee. In desperation, he had to let the stretcher team carry Martintes to the sidelines, and the game continued. On the scene, it was a 10 10 11 situation for the time being.

"Good opportunity, Martintes is the core of the Dingtian team's midfield, and has made a great contribution to both offense and defense. Now that he is off, it is our chance to score!" The head coach of Jeonbuk Hyundai did not hesitate to use After three substitutions were made, a major adjustment was made in tactics.

In the situation, for Dingtian Club, it instantly became passive.

For the Dingtian team, whether it is offensive or defensive, Martintes' role is irreplaceable, especially in terms of defense, in the face of Asian players, Martintes has an overwhelming advantage, while Martin Tes's end was equivalent to losing the most important barrier for Dingtian's defense.

Jeonbuk Hyundai realized that this was a good opportunity to score a goal, and they immediately put a lot of pressure on it and wanted to score a goal as soon as possible.


"How is Martintes?" Coach Harman asked anxiously.

"No bones were hurt. In my experience, it is likely to be a strain, but the severity of the strain needs further inspection to confirm." The team doctor Malaloni said.

"I need an accurate answer. Can Martintes continue to appear?" Harman's expression became serious and continued seriously; "We don't have so much time to delay. If he can't continue playing, I They will be replaced immediately. "

There are only three substitutions for each team in the football game, so every substitution is extremely valuable. The coach should make tactical changes through each substitution, if the substitution cannot achieve an immediate effect , Then this substitution can be said to be a failed tactical adjustment.

If a player is forced to make a substitution because of an injury, it means that there is one less chance to adjust the tactics, or even disrupt the original tactical arrangement of the team. So for coaches, this forced substitution is obviously It is not worth the loss.

Team doctor Malaloni also knew the importance of substitutions, and he immediately said: "I can give him an analgesic spray first, and then tie it with a bandage. It should be possible to continue playing. But how long can he persist, I I ca n’t really guarantee that if you are insured, I suggest that you still reserve a replacement seat. "

Harman frowned, which was obviously not the answer he wanted to hear. He still didn't want to waste a substitution.

At this point, Martintes lying on the ground suddenly said: "Let Coach Li try it! At halftime, his massage relieved my pain, and I want him to give me another massage."

"Call Coach Li!" Without any hesitation, Harman directly ordered Li Dai to save the field. Now on the court, 10-11, Haman must make any decision quickly, and dare not delay.

Li Dai was called over without any trace of ink, and he began to perform rehabilitation massage for Martintes directly.


On the stand nearest to the bench, Dingtian's management members were sitting there. At this time, everyone was looking at Martintes who was receiving treatment at the bench.

"What's the situation with Martintes? His injury is serious."

"Team doctors are dealing with him, I hope there is no big deal."

While everyone was discussing, they saw Li Dai running over.

"That man seems to be a fitness coach? How did he come here?"

"Shouldn't this be the time for team doctors to play a role? What's the use of allowing individuals to coach?"

"And he is not yet a member of the Harman team, I remember this Li Dai, is it our club's own coach?"

"Of course we are ourselves, there is no Asian face in the Harman team."

Xiao Yunan, who was sitting in the middle, also saw Li Dai running over from a distance, and then crouched beside Martintes.

"Dai Li seems to be giving Martintes a massage? How can he do this kind of thing? Isn't there a special rehabilitation therapist and masseur in the team? It looks like it was allowed by Coach Harman."

Xiao Yunan also had a doubt in her mind. She couldn't understand why at this time, coach Harman would trust Li Dai instead of the coach in Harman's own team.

In this second, Xiao Yunan couldn't help but have a little more curiosity about Li Dai.


The 11-for-10 situation gave Jeonbuk Hyundai an advantage in the scene, and the players who had just been put on the field were when they were full of energy, constantly trying to hit the defense line.

Harman did not immediately make tactical adjustments, no substitutions, nor did Martintes return to the court.

The commentator on the TV station also appeared anxious: "Martintes got injured and has been treated for three minutes, but coach Harman has not yet made a substitution. In this way, Martintes seems to be not seriously injured and may be used. Before long, he will return to continue the game. "

Another commentary put forward a different point of view: "I'm a little worried about Martintes 'injury. If it's just a general injury, it can be dealt with simply, it won't take so long. Martintes' injury It ’s obviously an accident for Dingtian. I think Coach Harman should make tactical adjustments. He may make substitutions soon. "

"But even substitutions cannot replace Martintes. In the three minutes Martintes was not present, Jeonbuk Hyundai has launched two rounds of attack, including one shot that threatened the goal range. Compared It seems that Dingtian has not yet adapted, and their midfield core is not present. "

"Coach Harman needs to make adjustments sooner, otherwise, it may only be a matter of time before Dingtian loses the ball."


"Are you all right?" Harman asked anxiously.

"Okay!" Li Dai nodded and raised Martin Tesla.

"How do you feel?" Harman and team doctor Malaloni asked almost simultaneously.

Martintes moved his legs a bit, did a quick run on the ground a dozen times, and then nodded: "No problem, I can play."

"Okay, come on!" Harman patted Martintes on the shoulder, a relieved smile on his face.

Team doctor Malaloni could not help but secretly glanced at Li Dai.

"It's just a few more presses, it's really a ghost!"


"Huh? Martintes is approaching the sidelines. He has signaled to the referee. Is he going to return to the court?

"Yes, Martintes is back! The injury just now has been treated, but I don't know if this will affect his condition."

"From the footsteps of his walking, it seems that it has no effect. If Martintes can play as usual, then Dingtian's midfield offense and defense will gain advantages again."

"Martintes ran up, no problem, his activity is no problem, it seems that the injury just now will not affect his performance."

"Martintes is back, and it looks like Dingtian will regain control of the court."


Martintes returned to the court, not only to give the team an extra point of defense in the midfield, but also to boost the morale of other Dingtian players.

On the contrary, Jeonbuk Hyundai's resistance to their offensive increased instantly, the midfield's advancement became difficult, and Martintes had to guard against a quick defensive turn attack. UU Reading

In the stands at home, fans have already booed with disappointment, and the head coach of Jeonbuk Hyundai has a solemn expression on his face.

At this moment, Harman began to make substitutions.

Seeing that Martintes's state was not affected, Harman decided to make a substitution and he had to adjust his tactics.

Jeonbuk Hyundai's substitutions were earlier, and earlier substitutions meant that they exposed their tactical intentions earlier. How could a world-class coach like Harman be indifferent. Therefore, Harman came to a post-control, targeted substitutions, and targeted tactical adjustments for the tactics exposed by Jeonbuk Hyundai.

Seeing the replacement of Harman, on the bench of Jeonbuk Hyundai, both the head coach and the mainstream coach showed a desperate look. They all understand that for a tactical master like Harman, substitution now means He has found a way to restrain Jeonbuk Hyundai.

At this time, the three substitution places in Jeonbuk Hyundai have all been used ...

The big picture is set!

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