Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 16: , Admission Criteria of Kyoto University

At night, the forest is dim and dark, and the noisy cicadas are a little annoying.

Xiao Yao and the others took out the night lights in their backpacks, lit them, and gathered together.

This kind of night light is specially designed for people who live in the wild. It has various shapes and can freely adjust the brightness of the light.

At the same time, the night light has a super battery life, and it can support the maximum brightness for more than 500 hours on a single charge. It is one of the necessary props for every adventurer.

Because they were worried that the lights would be too bright and other monsters would be attracted, everyone just turned the brightness of the night lights to the lowest level.

In the dim light, the faces of several people showed excitement. At this time, they were spending the night in the wild for the first time. They were both excited and nervous. Fortunately, there were experts like Guo Yufan around, so they were not too worried about their own safety. problem.

"Senior, can you tell us how to get admitted to Kyoto University?" Xu Xingliang asked.

Hearing this question, everyone looked at Guo Yufan with anticipation.

Kyoto University is the best university in the Dragon Kingdom. Even if ordinary people are admitted to this school, they can far surpass their peers after graduation. For Summoners, Kyoto University is undoubtedly the top. Whether it is the faculty or various resources, Kyoto University is undisputedly occupying the top spot all year round, even Shuimu University is slightly inferior.

Now that everyone has become a Summoner, who wouldn't want to enter this top university in the country?

Guo Yufan smiled and said, "You are all summoners, but if you want to become a member of Kyoto University, you must first pass a grade in culture class."

A score line?

Xiao Yao and Xing Yi had a relaxed look on their faces. As the top students in the class, a score line was a bit too simple for them, but the rest of them were still a little worried.

In fact, their grades are not bad, and they can pass a score line in the general examination, but when they become summoners, their desire to learn has also dropped rapidly.

After all, he has already become a powerful Summoner, so who would want to sink down and learn?

Hearing Guo Yufan say this, they quickly adjusted their mentality. Since Kyoto University requires cultural courses, other top universities will also have requirements for cultural courses, so even if you can’t get into Kyoto University, you can’t relax your study of culture courses if you want to go to other good universities.

There are a total of 5 cultural courses in the Longguo science class, which are Chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Among them, biology is the most difficult. It not only needs to test basic biological knowledge, such as genes, cells, chromosomes, etc., but also test each other. The identification and characteristics of common animals and plants in the wild, so the score of biology is the highest, which is 50 points higher than that of language and mathematics.

Of course, even in liberal arts classes, in addition to Chinese and mathematics, politics, history, geography and biology are also tested. Whether it is science or liberal arts, biology is required, and liberal arts are one more subject than science, so in this world, students who choose liberal arts are even rarer.

"It looks like I will study hard in the future." Xu Xingliang murmured.

Guo Yufan patiently said: "Don't think that you can give up learning after becoming a summoner. If you want to become the top summoner, you will inevitably have contact with your own wild environment in the future. If you don't have enough knowledge, even if it is a treasure of heaven and earth before you. I can't even recognize them. Kyoto University does not only train powerful reckless summoners, but trains talents with all-round development of strength, knowledge and knowledge. There is still more than half a year before the college entrance examination. If you want to be admitted to a good university , must not relax the requirements for cultural classes."

"Thank you, senior, we understand." Li Ming said gratefully.

If it wasn't for Guo Yufan's reminder, even if they realized the importance of cultural classes later, it might have been too late.

Guo Yufan smiled slightly and continued, "Apart from the culture class, the next step is to test the strength and potential of your beasts."

"Senior, how did you investigate this?" Xiao Yao asked curiously.

The strength of war beasts may still be seen, but potential is invisible and intangible. How should you judge it?

"It's very simple."

Guo Yufan said sternly: "After the college entrance examination, you will participate in a wild survival test. Of course, it is different from the current one. At that time, it will be entirely up to you."

"During the trial, your performance will be seen by the examiners. First of all, they will judge the potential of your war beasts. For example, if someone's war beast is a species like the Wind Devil Rabbit, no matter how high the war beast's level is, it will still be worth it. Will not be admitted to Kyoto University."

Speaking of this, several people had worried expressions on their faces. After all, they didn't know whether their war beast potential met the admission criteria of Kyoto University.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Guo Yufan smiled: "Don't worry, your potential for war beasts is no problem. At least in Kyoto University, I have seen the same species, except of course Xiao Yao's."

Hearing Guo Yufan's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, Xiao Yao is not worried. After all, Xiaoke's potential is definitely much stronger than other war beasts. They can all be, and Xiaoke is absolutely fine.

"Then it depends on the combat power and level of your war beasts. When you awaken at the same time, the stronger the war beast, the higher the level, the stronger the potential. Even if it is the same species, the individual There are also big differences. UU reading According to my experience, your war beasts must at least reach the black iron level 4 before they have the chance to be admitted to Kyoto University.”

Black Iron Level 4!

Except for Xiao Yao, everyone else looked embarrassed. There is only half a year left before the college entrance examination. Now their war beasts are only black iron level 1. No one can guarantee that their war beasts can be upgraded to the level of black iron level 4. After all, they are still some distance away from black iron level 2. .

Guo Yufan's face was calm, but he didn't actually say that, judging from their war beast species, even if the war beasts of these few people reached black iron level 4, they would only have a chance to pass the test, but this chance is not very big, unless it is a war beast. The beast's combat power is very outstanding. Only when he reaches the black iron level 5 can he be admitted to Kyoto University with more confidence.

Of course, if the war beast can reach the bronze level, then he will be admitted to Kyoto University with 90% certainty. Of course, he has not heard of such a **** for a long time.

After all, it is almost impossible for the students at the bottom of the class to be admitted to Kyoto University within half a year.

Xiao Yao is full of confidence. After all, Xiaoke is already at level 2 of black iron. It is only a matter of time for him to break through to level 4 of black iron. The big deal is to spend more money to go to the training ground to find dozens of sparring partners. He believes that as long as he If I can get admitted to Kyoto University, I can still ask my mother for this money.

"These two points are satisfied, plus you have a clean background and have not done anything illegal, then you will have hope of being admitted to Kyoto University."

Guo Yufan clapped his hands, "Okay, it's getting late, you should go to rest, by the way, remember to keep your war beasts on guard at the door, don't sleep too hard, and always be vigilant."


Several people nodded and walked into their tents with full of worries.

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