All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 610 Doll

So many worlds.

In every world, interesting stories are happening.

But my world has always been so fucked up.

I was originally born in a colorful city, but my mother, who was eager for quick success and quick success, insisted on sending me to a university in a neighboring state just so that I could study "psychology" in Laoshizi.

Come on, there are already so many doctors in the house and there are more white coats in the closet than there are clothes in normal life.

Does this family really need more doctors?

No matter what, my family won't care about this. They will ignore any complaints I have, push me into the door of the psychology school, and then say to me fiercely - "If you don't graduate with the highest grades, then Just don’t ever go back to this home!”

Yep, it sounds like I like that home very much.

However, I eventually went back.

With the best grades in more than ten years, envious eyes, and the capital to show off to my family again, I returned to the city that gave birth to me but never raised me—Gotham.

Yeah, where else could I go. I was just a good girl. I never drank alcohol or went to any parties before I became an adult. Even on Christmas night, I just received a stack of books as a Christmas gift.

Even I don’t believe it. I haven’t even put on makeup in more than 20 years.

I'm a girl! I didn't even put on makeup. I wore a pair of glasses, a ponytail, and conservative ankle-length attire all day long.

My life is filled with these rotten smells to the core. Although these don't seem to be a big deal, shouting about them makes me appear to be a rebellious girl who doesn't understand the world.

But there is no denying that I hate it all! ! !

The city outside the car window is still prosperous, with million-dollar cars, exquisite beauties, overnight vomit, and homeless homeless people all perfectly integrated into the same picture. This may only happen in Gotham. kind of scene.

The taxi I took drove through the city center and then crossed the old city, until the tall buildings became low and depressing.

And I just leaned against the lathe quietly as usual.

The thick glasses reflected the strange morning light, and all the words I said before were actually meaningless confessions in my heart.

I am still the same me, not rebellious at all, always a good girl. I am like this today and will still be like this tomorrow.

My life will never change.


Hi Miss! Here we are!

The driver's voice became louder and louder, and finally he pulled me out of my reverie.

"Oh, sorry."

I embarrassmently touched my hair, tied it into my single ponytail that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and got out of the car.

In front of me is a huge and thick iron gate. Although I can't see the scene inside, I know that it must be as tight as a prison.

【Arkham Asylum】

This is my first job after returning to my hometown.

Yes, where else can a doctor majoring in psychology go? I even foresee that my life will be repeated every day.

However, not long after I fell into fantasy again.

"Hello. Is this Miss Harley Quinn?"

A security guard approached me.

I was stunned for a moment, then quickly nodded in response. I didn’t expect that someone already knew me. It was just my first day at work.

Immediately afterwards, the security guard took out a package from behind.

"Here, this is your package." The man hesitated and handed the package to me. He kept an inexplicable frown throughout the whole process, as if he was experiencing something strange. matter.

And I took the package hesitantly.

This was a very ordinary gift package. I looked down and saw a note on the box.

[November 21, 11:40:45]

[Main entrance to Arkham Asylum, yellow taxi, lady]

[Eyes, ponytail, beige windbreaker, flat heels]

【Collected by Dr. Harley Quinn】

I looked at the note blankly, and then subconsciously looked at my watch.

Even the time is accurate to 'seconds'.

A ridiculous feeling came up, and at the same time, there was also an inexplicable joy.

I quickly opened the gift box.

And inside, there was a doll.

A doll with a big head, green hair, and it was laughing at me. It was very cute, but the mouth was painted a bit too big, which seemed very inconsistent.

Underneath the doll, there is also a letter.

I turn it over

[Hi, Quinn]

[I don’t know how old this letter is, to be honest, I have never written anything like this before]

[There is an indescribable feeling]

[The hospital is very quiet now, not as noisy as before. I am still quitting smoking, so the office is relatively clean]

[I have been with you for so long, but I have never understood what you are looking for, love, friendship, madness, freedom, maybe all of them, or none of them]

[But it doesn’t matter, maybe you don’t know it yourself, this is you]

[Then let me think about it, in front of your heart should be the door of Arkham Asylum]

[As I said just now, I can't understand you, so I can't give you any advice]

[I can only say that when you walk through this door, you will meet someone who can change your life. He will lead you into the life you want, or he may drag you into an eternal hell.]

[Of course, no matter what, you can handle it all, right]

[So. Just do it according to your own ideas]

[Maybe you will like the name ‘little pudding’. I wish you good luck]

[————Sincerely Ziliang]

at the same time.

The deepest reaches of Arkham Asylum. An absolutely isolated ward.


A series of metal collision sounds were heard, and then, a piece of breakfast fell out from a small slide window on the wall.

This method of delivering meals prevents staff from coming into contact with patients, while also ensuring that those damn patients don't starve to death.

A pair of slender, almost skinny fingers took out the rice, and then used ugly orchid fingers to take the lunch box away.


The man let out a very depressed groan. It was obvious that he was extremely disgusted with this kind of unchanging breakfast.

Just when he wanted to throw away the meal.

Suddenly, there was something in his food delivery chute.

The man frowned, put his hand in and took out a doll.

It was a very cute big-headed doll that looked like a woman. It was wearing a funny costume similar to that of a circus performer, and there were two small bent pigtails on the top of its head.


The man looked at the doll inexplicably and seemed to find it very interesting, so he opened his mouth and smiled.

At this time, there was a series of sounds of the iron door being pushed open outside the door.

Soon, a guard came over.

"Hey asshole, the new psychiatrist wants to see you."

"." The man was silent for a while: "Hey, okay."

He said, his smile getting brighter.

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