All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 189 Daniel (unfinished)

Well, it looks like today is no ordinary day for Daniel.

He had no idea what he was going through, and he didn't know why he knew the password to the door of the 'master control room'. He didn't even know why Arthur next to him suddenly turned into a woman covered in blue.

In fact, it's not just him who is confused. If this day's experience were the plot of a novel, readers who read this paragraph would also be confused.

And the only one who can explain all this seems to be Zi Liang, who is still on the aircraft.

So, let’s go back to a day ago

At this moment, the aircraft had just taken off from the X-Men's headquarters and headed to the heart of the Sahara Desert.

In the cabin, Ziliang and Magneto sat opposite each other.

"Are you saying that the military base under the desert has the same defensive force field as the 'purification layer' above the city?" Magneto said.

Ziliang nodded: "Yes, and according to the compass, the energy is stronger than the one in the city."

"This is difficult to handle." Magneto said, "This protective stance can largely isolate the intruding powers from the outside world. This is why I pulled the train underground in the city before. In fact, if there is no defense, "

"Yes, I can imagine, because if there was no defense layer, you would have demolished the entire city long ago." Ziliang waved his hand and said, "However, this defense layer can be turned off, because In the main control room of the base, there is a switch that can turn off this defensive force field."

Magneto nodded: "Oh? Is that so? That's easy to handle. There is a member of the X-Men who can just deal with this situation. Her name is [Phantom Cat]. Her power is that she can pass through walls. If you tell her the approximate location, she can sneak in quietly."

"Can it go through the wall?" Ziliang lit a cigarette and said, "It's a really useful skill, but the actual situation is not that simple. Because there are many sensing systems in the main control room, if something is inside and the door is not opened, If you enter without permission, the alarm will definitely be triggered. Moreover, I would bet with a pack of cigarettes that there must be a stricter defense force field mechanism in the main control room. If you dare to pass through the wall without permission, the guaranteed superpower will Once cleared, the [Phantom Cat] will most likely be stuck in the wall by then."

"I see." Magneto thought for a moment: "However, we still have a member who can deal with this situation. Her name is [Mystique], and her power is that she can imitate anyone, so I know that Who can open the door to the main control room? Then Mystique can imitate his fingerprints, irises, voice, and even blood tests. In this way, we can enter freely and close the defensive force field. "

Ziliang was stunned: "Haha, as expected of the X-Men, there are indeed many powerful people. However, it seems not that simple, because if you want to open the door normally, fingerprints and voice lines are not enough, you also need a password. The most important thing is that only one person can't do it, because you need two people to open the door. One of them is named Daniel and the other is named Arthur. Moreover, in order to avoid unexpected situations such as memory being stolen or brainwashing and manipulation, the base's top brass , these two people have been injected with false memories. They always thought that they were two temporary workers whose construction period was about to be completed. Little did they know that they were the key to the main control room door. After calculation, these two people seemed to have already been here. I’ve been at the base for more than 30 years.”

Magneto fell silent: "In other words, it won't work to arrest them both for interrogation."

at this time.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me." A woman with blue skin came out and said, it was the Magic Girl: "Phantom Cat will take me, and in one day, we will find a way to get the defensive force field. "

She said with great confidence

So just like that, the previous story happened.

From time to time.

Daniel looked at Mystique beside him who had transformed into her original appearance. He opened his mouth several times before finally saying: "Who are you?"

Mystique glanced at Daniel coldly: "Me? Haha, it's so interesting. You don't even know who you are, and you still have the nerve to ask me who I am."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Daniel heard that the other party's voice was female, and seemed to gain a little courage: "Also, where is Arthur?"

"The real Arthur?" Mystique asked, "How do I know? He might be in a sewer or taken to the inside of a wall. These are not what you should be concerned about. Now you should be concerned about where you are being taken."

The words just fell

"Hi, hello." Another female voice rang.

Daniel was startled. He turned around suddenly and saw a woman appearing behind him at some point.

This woman's face is very beautiful, but she doesn't know what her figure is, because half of her body is stuck in the wall.

Well, now is not the time to care about that.

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions towards you, I just want to shake hands with you." Phantom Cat said, and then took advantage of the half-second when the other party was stunned to grab Daniel's hand: "Okay , remember to hold my hand tightly, otherwise it will be troublesome if it gets stuck in the wall." She said with a smile.

Then, with a whoosh, Daniel disappeared into the floor along with him.

Mystique had obviously seen this situation before, and walked into the control room without even saying goodbye.

Just as he stepped through the door.

It should be that a camera in the main control room saw the restored prototype of Mystique outside the door. Or a guard discovered the real Mr. Arthur hidden by the phantom cat. In short, the alarm suddenly remembered... Inside the wall The machine gun also stretched out.

"You have entered the closed area, please leave immediately, otherwise, you will be deprived of the protection rights of Act X." The warning voice rang.

But Mystique seemed not to hear, and still walked to the console.

"Kill the target."

The defense system immediately made the most correct decision, without even a countdown. In fact, when the prompt sounded just now, the X-act on Mystique had been eliminated, and the sounds of bullets being loaded were heard one after another.


A series of fire snakes have been sprayed from the muzzle.

Under this terrain, there is no place for Mystique to dodge. It is not difficult to imagine that in the next second, she will be torn into pieces!

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