All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 186 Just a question

"So, you want to blow up the world just because of those few words from Charles?" Ziliang said with a smile.

"Of course, after all, no matter what the world becomes, it is impossible to sit at the table and drink tea with me."

Ziliang nodded: "Yeah, I really envy you for having such a friend, but that bitch spends all day thinking about how to kill me."

"Smelly bitch?"

"Ah, a friend, don't worry about it." Ziliang waved his hand and said.

at this time.

"Sorry to interrupt your chat, but I think we're almost there."

A woman who looked to be in her thirties and had a few freckles on her face said that she had been driving the aircraft along the way.

Ziliang looked at his compass: "Well, that's almost it. I'll leave the rest to you."

Magneto looked down from the aircraft's mirror and saw an endless desert. It looked no different from the scenery along the way, just sand. And sand. However, Magneto could clearly feel how huge a space there was under the yellow sand.

So, he nodded: "Phantom Cat, you and Mystique go down first to check the situation."

At this time, he had already used code names for all the members of the No matter what trouble occurs, anyway, this is a habit left behind by Professor X when he was the leader of the X-Men, and Magneto has certainly continued it.

"I'm happy to oblige." As soon as he finished speaking, a woman of unknown age came out. Her whole body was wrapped in a material between scales and skin, and this material was obviously not a battle costume, but her Well, so to explain it from another perspective, this eldest sister is completely naked at this moment.

And this naked woman is the Mystique that Magneto calls her.

So here, I have to briefly introduce these two ladies.

First of all, the phantom cat is the one flying the aircraft.

Her original name is Kathleen Anne Pride, and she is a student of Professor X. In every dimension, she is a character with a weak presence.

But when it comes to relationship history, this Miss 'Phantom Cat' can crush everyone.

Due to her really good looks and the fact that she has always been in adolescence, this older beauty has a very complicated relationship history, and her boyfriends are all famous first-class characters. Level 3 peak mutant Colossus, level 4 peak mutant, It might even be the Level 5 Iceman, who had a small romance with Wolverine Logan as a teacher and friend, and had sex with the Level 5 mutant Jean Grey. Eventually, he married Jason Quill.

What? You don’t know who Jason Quill is? .Tsk tsk, you must have heard his nickname: Star-Lord.

Yes, the one in the Guardians of the Galaxy who drives a broken spaceship, a tree, a bug, a foul-mouthed Noodle, Thanos's daughter, and a stupid fool who wanders the universe seeking death. of Star-Lord.

Well, they are husband and wife!

Fortunately, in this dimension where X-law controls the world, she is not so sentimental. She is just a level 2 mutant with the power of "traveling".

The time travel here is not a time travel or a time travel between planes. If that were the case, wouldn't this guy be a humanoid self-propelled 'eternal coffin house'?

Therefore, the time travel mentioned here is simply traveling through objects.

She is able to ignore any terrain, materials, and substances and pass through them, and anything that has come into contact with her body can be given the same ability.

In other words, after she activates her ability, she can keep falling, falling through the mantle, through magma, and into the center of the earth. In a certain plane, she used this method to kill the Hulk, the invincible Hulk.

So after talking about Phantom Cat, let’s talk about Mystique.

Her real name is Raven Darkholm.

This one is also a level 2 mutant, and her superpowers are of a type that are completely unsuitable for combat, even worse than those of a phantom cat.

Her ability is...disguise. That is, they can become anyone, including voice, fingerprints, retinas, etc. In short, except for the ability to imitate, they are almost the same person.

And this also allows her to play a greater role in most situations than in a 'frontal fight'.

As for her relationship some planes, she once caused a fight between Magneto and Professor X, and in some planes, she was gay. This thing is not accurate, so I won’t go into details here. Oh, by the way, because of his superpowers, this guy is actually over 200 years old.

Without further ado, Phantom Cat and Mystique nodded respectively, and then, holding hands, they fell from the floor of the aircraft with a "whoosh".

"Well, this kind of power is really easy to use. In other words, if the woman called Phantom Cat wants to make someone immortal, then she just needs to hold his hand, right? Anyway, even if the missile is in front of her Even if it exploded, it would have no effect on her." Ziliang said thoughtfully as he looked at the two women who suddenly disappeared.

"Haha, of course it's not just that simple. Although ordinary explosions or bullets are ineffective against her, some energy damage can still harm her." Magneto shook his head and said: "However, compared to these, I I think it’s better to talk about what’s going on between the two of us first.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Gen didn't know when he poked his figure out from behind Zi Liang, and the steel claw in his hand slowly unsheathed. It is not difficult to imagine that with just a wave of his hand, he could directly cut Zi Liang into pieces. into several pieces.

"Oh? What does this mean?" Ziliang was not too surprised, but just cast a meaningful look at Magneto.

"It's nothing, just to be on the safe side, I want you to tell the truth." Magneto said: "At the age of 30, he broke through the constraints of Act X with his own strength and rescued not a single soldier from the city. I found my companions, and then it took only four people to get to Whitewater Prison within a week. Now, I found the location of Charles. To be honest, I have been looking for this location for decades. just want to help me and save this sick world?

Haha, I am old, but not to the point of being old and confused. "

Magneto said lightly. Finally, he raised his head and met Ziliang's eyes. Between the corners of his wrinkled eyes was a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

"I just want to ask you, do you want to kill Charles?"

Ziliang slowly lit up a cigarette


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