All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 184 Prison Break (End)

The staff in the control room were startled by the sudden sound and turned around.

Then, they saw a little girl wearing a cute dress standing at the door of the control room.

People were stunned for a moment. In fact, if the person standing in front of them was a man or a slightly older woman, then these staff members would have activated the protection system immediately.

However, it was a little girl who appeared, and she looked about twelve or thirteen years old.

In other words, people are all visual animals. At such a tense moment, no one immediately developed a sense of crisis.

"Whose child is this?" A person who looked like the leader shouted: "Don't you know that the work regulations strictly prohibit bringing family members into the work area?"

"Get her out quickly. This is where adults work. Children can't come in casually!" Another person yelled at Shirley fiercely!

At this moment, someone finally realized that something was wrong. This was a relatively private area in the prison, and access cards were required to enter and exit. Even if this child was a family member of the staff member, she could not get here.

Moreover, it seems that this little girl just said something strange.

"Did you just say that your children broke the pipe?" the man asked suspiciously.

"Yes, they are quite naughty." Shirley responded.

"What do you mean, your child?" The man frowned and continued to ask.

Shirley smiled cutely: "Oh, my children. That's what I mean."

As she spoke, she pointed to the ceiling above her head.

Those people followed Xue Li's fingers and raised their heads one after another. And the three cute lickers were hanging their long scarlet tongues, waiting for the first scream.

The next harmonious scene passed by in one stroke, allowing our attention to shift back to the infirmary. At this time, Quinn had forced Jimmy to the corner of the room. During this period, Jimmy may have felt how dangerous the woman in front of him was, or it may have been that Jimmy felt how dangerous the woman in front of him was. It was just his cowardice. Anyway, he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​fighting back against the seemingly weaker woman in front of him.

"Haha, you are such a good boy," Quinn said with a smile, "but to be on the safe side, I still have to make it clear that I have only one purpose here, and that is to rescue you, so from now on, Just do whatever I say, and I'll make sure you get out of Whitewater Prison intact, how about that?"

Quinn said, her face almost touching the tip of Jimmy's nose. However, Jimmy, as a professional who was robbed of experience, was naturally robbed of experience, so he did not respond to Quinn at the first time.

"Oh, it seems you are quite conservative." Quinn still smiled: "You must be thinking that the alarm in the prison has gone off. Will the guards rush in after a while and take me directly?" Shoot me, so you are going to just waste time and fix me in this small infirmary?"

Well, Quinn is right. That's what Jimmy thinks. After all these years, he no longer cares about which organization he belongs to. As long as he lives a good life, he doesn't stay anywhere.

However, at this moment, there was a click and the door of the infirmary was pushed open.

It's just that the person who came in was not the prison guard, but the warden - Hibiscus. However, Coral Bee now wears a pair of sunglasses.

Jimmy breathed a sigh of relief. He knew this warden well. Although he no longer had superpowers, he was still a very powerful guy based on his personal fighting ability. The woman in front of him could never be his opponent. Look. Come on, the organization that hijacked you has been brought under control.

"It's done," Coral Bee said.



Two responses sounded at the same time. The first one was from Jimmy. The second one was said by Quinn.

"Ah?" Jimmy was stunned for a moment. He looked at the nurse in front of him inexplicably, thinking, are you mistaken? This person is your enemy. What tone do you use when he speaks?

But then, Jimmy discovered something was wrong with Warden Bee. After he finished saying that, he stood motionless.

The next second.

Coral Bee took out a gun from his waist.

"Bang" sound.

Kill yourself

Jimmy was completely dumbfounded. He had a big mouth and didn't say anything for a long time?

Before he could recover from the shock, a man about 40 years old, wearing prison uniform, walked in. He walked over the body of the coral bee as if nothing happened, and seemed to have a lollipop in his mouth. Came to Quinn's side

"Is he obedient?" the man asked.

And the ‘he’ in these words is obviously Jimmy.

At this time, Jimmy quickly suppressed the shock in his heart: "Obey! Very obedient!" He shouted very professionally.

Hannibal looked at him and nodded with satisfaction: "Well, not bad, otherwise I would have to work hard to control another one."

"Where are old Joey and the others?" Quinn asked again

"She must be lost, but Shirley has already gone to look for her." Hannibal responded.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud bang.

Some wall in the corridor must have been blown open. At the same time, a series of inhuman howls came over. Through the unclosed door, Jimmy could clearly see several fully armed guards retreating. While firing the gun forward with all his strength, he didn't even bother to look into the infirmary. Immediately afterwards, several more people wearing police uniforms, but clearly looking like zombies, swayed and chased after him.

"What, did you go to the wrong set?" he thought with a sad face.

At this time, another person ran over, grabbing his neck and screaming, and what was chasing him was a scary red thing with a long tongue. It crawled over on the ceiling with a whoosh.

Jimmy cried and thought, It's over, my notebook and my game console are going to leave me now!

Just when he was thinking about his future life, there was another boom! The wall next to him was kicked down by something, and out of the smoke, a bald man covered in stone grey, with big shoulders and round waist, walked out.

"Hey! There's a door over there!" Quinn said with a look of disgust as he fanned the dust in front of him.

"Don't bother. Now, only Shirley can communicate with him." Hannibal shrugged his shoulders and said.

Well, Quinn also knows that in this mode of old Joey, when you communicate with him, it is like playing the piano to a pig.

At this time, a figure that was several sizes smaller came out from behind Old Joey. It was Shirley.

"Okay, everyone is here. Have you got the pass for the gate?" Shirley said, followed by a licker.

"Oh, that door requires a retinal scan, which is a bit troublesome, but I still got it!" Hannibal said, taking out the lollipop in his mouth.

However, it was not a lollipop at all, but a human eyeball.

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