All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 180 Baishui Prison (3)

"Ah? Another physical examination? Didn't you just finish the physical examination two weeks ago?" Jimmy muttered and walked towards the door of his room.

The physical examination is easy to explain. As a purifier with special powers, Jimmy is the foundation for the operation of the entire White Water Prison. To put it bluntly, this kind of person's body does not belong to him at all.

It’s like someone’s idea that all the men in the world are dead and you are the only one left.

In fact, at this time, the dreams you yearn for such as the inexhaustible beauties, the endless money, the ups and downs of all women, or that you will become the overlord of this world, do not exist at all. !

Believe me, if this time comes, you'd better hope that you can produce enough little boys in the first wave of breeding, otherwise you should kill yourself before you are caught, otherwise, you will face It's definitely a miserable life where you can't even die even if you want to.

Fortunately, the responsibilities that Jimmy shoulders are not as arduous as human reproduction. But even so, he still has to undergo strict physical examinations every month. If he dies one day, what will happen to those in the prison? Mutants don’t have fun anymore

So without further ado, Jimmy was in prison and was not worried about anyone doing harm to him, so he opened the door to the room directly.

Outside the door was a heavily armed soldier.

Under normal circumstances, the people who come into contact with him are soldiers with a clear face, and Jimmy also knows that these soldiers rotate their posts every day. The main reason is that he is afraid that he will collude with some staff members to escape, or some organizations Infiltrate and rescue Jimmy.

Are you kidding, someone trying to get themselves out of jail? If Jimmy knows about it, he will definitely be the first to report it. There is food and drink here, who the hell wants to go out.

"Let's go!"

The soldier said coldly, and then turned around and motioned for Jimmy to follow him. Jimmy was also very sensible and followed him directly.

Soon, the two arrived at the infirmary.

The person in charge of the infirmary is called Junko Muto. She is a woman of Japanese descent. She is under 30 years old. She is a bit short, but her appearance is very iconic. It basically conforms to most otakus' fantasies about female characters. This is Whitewater Prison. In order for Jimmy to cooperate with his monthly physical examination, Fang specially dispatched a doctor from a nearby city to take care of him alone.

Don't tell me, this suggestion is very effective. Since Miss Junko was transferred here, Jimmy's cooperation during the physical examination has skyrocketed.

"Lie down." Junko said coldly after seeing Jimmy coming, and then pointed to the medical bed next to her.

"Why did you suddenly advance the physical examination?" Jimmy asked doubtfully.

Miss Junko glanced at him without turning her head: "I don't know either. I will do whatever the higher-ups say!"

It can be seen that Muto Junko does not have a good impression of Jimmy. Nonsense, a woman of such a prime age is sent to such a useless prison, and has to face a man nearly 20 years older than herself every day. No one would be happy if I were an older otaku.

Jimmy was deflated as usual and could only climb onto the medical bed obediently.

Then with the sound of the machine running, the physical examination began.

Scans, blood draws, some simple questions and tests. In this era, although medical technology has not improved much compared to before the war, this kind of physical examination can still draw conclusions quickly, so two hours later, Jimmy’s information It was uploaded to the information database.

Afterwards, Jimmy returned to his room under the leadership of the guards and continued to play his game. Everything was as usual, calm and calm, without a trace of heresy.

In the warden's office on the ground floor of Whitewater Prison, Jimmy's physical examination report has been placed on the warden's desk. A thin man over 50 years old is looking at the monitor on the table, thoughtfully.

This person is the top talker in Baishui Prison, Warden Hu Feng!

He is a level 4 mutant, and his powers, as you can guess from his name, are related to insects. He can summon and drive an unlimited number of swarms, which can cover the sky and the sun, and can be as small as a single individual. , and he can also graft perception onto the bee swarm, seeing what they see and hearing what they hear.

This kind of power is actually not very aggressive, not even as good as some level 3 mutants. However, its scope of application is very wide. If one day Jimmy really sees some cute two-dimensional girl, he won't even come up for it. , Gaba died suddenly, so in a place like Baishui Prison, he could play 120% of his role.

This is also the reason why he can become the person in charge here.

First of all, the bee swarm is very mobile. If someone really escapes or hides, he can find them as quickly as possible.

Secondly, this is a dam anyway, so it is surrounded by turbulent rivers. If you find a person with great powers, start a fight, and if someone is not paying attention, a hole will be made in the dam. That is not right. Are they going to die together?

Finally, it is naturally to deal with those powerful level 5 mutants. Each and every one of those people is a guy who can hit a mortar with one punch. You can't just find someone to confront them head-on.

Therefore, downstream of the dam, he keeps thousands of boxes of special poisonous bees. These bees are extremely small, extremely fast, and make no movement when flying. Moreover, their poisonous needles contain powerful hallucinogens. So when it comes time to fight, these bees will become a big killer against those powerful mutants.

Of course, Hu Feng's powers are very suitable for this place, but after all, he is not a security guard, so he himself is also a very smart person.

His hobby besides keeping bees is watching monitors.

Well, you may not be able to understand this hobby, but Hu Feng really likes to watch monitors, and it’s not just ordinary viewing. He likes to arrange the monitors into equal square rows, and then spread them on the wall to watch them together.

His explanation for this is that it allows him to feel the complex feelings of bees when they see things with their compound eyes.

Well, everyone has their own little quirks, and there’s nothing we can say about them.

Anyway, he stayed in his office every day, staring at the surveillance images of nearly a hundred cameras. It was precisely because of this that Hu Feng knew the area he managed very well.

Therefore, just yesterday, he discovered a small abnormality in the entrance and exit screen of the 4th cell block.

A soldier standing guard for 3 hours without blinking.

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