All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 174 Everyone is here

The water was boiled quickly, and the kettle flew out by itself, and then the tea was accurately poured into the cups in front of everyone.

In fact, it's not quite accurate, because some of the rim of the cup in front of Old Joey was spilled.

The old man who was once called [Magneto] politely wiped away the few drops of water stains. People could clearly see that his hand holding the tissue was shaking.

Magneto saw everyone's gaze and smiled helplessly: "It's a sign of Parkinson's disease. People will always grow old and become useless. It was hard for me to imagine that I would have such a day, but this day One day has finally come." He said calmly, and then tried to pick up the tea cup in front of him, but he retracted his hand because it was burned.

"How was my driving this time? Was it too early or too late to stop?" he asked.

Everyone reflected for a while before they understood what this meant.

"It's a little late, but thank you." Quinn still managed to suppress her shock and answered the other party's question.

She really couldn't imagine that an old man could pull a subway train from one place to another hundreds of kilometers away without hitting the edge of the tunnel at all. This kind of thing was simply a miracle.

"Are you a level five mutant?" Hannibal asked. In fact, he probably already knew the answer. Of course, the person who can accomplish such a thing can only be a level five mutant!

However, what surprised him was: "No, I am a level 4 mutant." Magneto replied.

Yes, Magneto is only a level four mutant. Based on the current population base, there are about 25,000 mutants of this level.

But it would be difficult for you to find a level 5 mutant who could control a subway to fly along a precise route hundreds of kilometers away.

Then someone may ask, why is a level 4 mutant able to do things that even level 5 mutants find difficult to accomplish?

Here, let me explain. Mutants' abilities are divided.

In fact, the level of an ability does not mean that the ability is the strongest or the weakest. The higher the level, the greater the potential of the ability. That is to say, the higher the upper limit of the ability, and training, growth, etc. All will enhance this ability, so don't think that the ability with the highest level is the strongest ability.

However, there must still be surprises between levels. If you ask a husky to challenge a rhinoceros, no matter how powerful the husky is, there is no chance of winning, and it is basically impossible for a rhinoceros to defeat a Tyrannosaurus rex.

So the horizontal gap between levels still exists.

However, everything has its own exception, and there are some outliers among mutants. They are able to break through the boundaries between levels through their powerful abilities!

To take the most well-known example, the savior of mutant society - Charles Francis Xavier, also known as 'Professor X', is a level 4 mutant.

However, his ability to control the brain and thinking has reached a level that is close to that of a 'god'. At the peak of his ability, just one look at him can cause a powerful level 5 mutant to be brain-dead.

And Wolverine is also a very obvious example. In fact, even if you look at him as invulnerable and invincible when fighting, in fact, he is just a level 3 mutant. However, he once experienced an experiment that made all the bones in his body... Metalized, oh, by the way, countless level 4 mutants died under his hands, and he even killed level 5 mutants.

As for Magneto, let’s put it this way, he and Professor The magnetic field of the entire earth, so it would be easy for him to pull a train.

So, having said this, let’s get down to business.

"Level 4?" Not only Hannibal, but everyone did not expect that they would hear such an answer.

Magneto nodded: "Of course it's level four. You've asked this question several times, and I've explained it several times. What's the surprise?"

Hannibal frowned: "How many times? But... this is the first time we met?"

Magneto was stunned: "Oh, look at my memory. I forgot that your memory has been modified." He then reacted and said normally: "Then now, should I call you Hannibal or Zi?" Where's Liang? Whatever, you shouldn't care that this memory is false anyway, right?"

"So we have met before?" Hannibal asked doubtfully.

"Of course I have. You have stayed in this rebel base for more than a year. In fact, you only left here a few months ago. The reason, of course, was because of your friends." As he said that, Magneto turned his attention to Harley Quinn and Old Joey were stunned on the side: "Because your friend has never been able to break through the memory barrier of the 'X Act' and cannot integrate with his original will, so you and Ziliang set up a game together to I was sent to city ipz-127 myself. I don’t know the specific content of this plan. In short, it seems that you escaped successfully."

Magneto smiled and said: "So, this beautiful lady, you must be Harley Quinn, right, and this one is undoubtedly Mr. Joy."

Speaking of this, Magneto was suddenly stunned for a moment: "No, I remember that your target should also be a cute little girl."

Everyone's faces darkened: "Are you talking about Shirley? Because she was tested as a level 5 mutant in the last exam, she has been put on the elimination list, so..."

" just think I'm hopeless?" Suddenly, a girl's voice came over.

Everyone turned around in surprise and looked at the door that opened again. They saw Shirley walking into the room wearing the dress she liked very much and with a queenly look that was very inconsistent with her age.

(The Shirley here is the real Shirley, not the one whose body has been swapped)

Behind him was a 30-year-old man wearing a dirty white coat, with messy hair, an unshaven chin, and the iconic dark circles under his eyes.

It was Ziliang who never showed up.

At this moment, he was holding a cigar in his mouth. He could imagine that this cigar must have come from Logan again. In his hand, he held the book titled "The Asylum of All Worlds".

"Ah ah ah ah, it's been two years, and I finally got you all out!" Ziliang muttered with his eyes closed, and then took out a few plastic-sealed dried meats from his pocket: "One pack for each person, chew Once you chew it, you should be able to retrieve all your memories.”

Everyone took the plastic-sealed dried meat suspiciously. In fact, in everyone's impression at this moment, this guy named "Ziliang" was a stranger at all, and with his kidney-deficient look, he didn't look like a reliable person. spectrum person.

The most important thing is that chewing dried meat can restore memory. This painful setting is too casual.

Fortunately, Old Joey didn't have so many doubts, he just tore open the package of dried meat

"Well, it's a bit sour. What kind of meat is this?"

"Hannibal cooked it up in the kitchen. I think it's better for you not to know about it," Ziliang said very seriously.

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