All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 168 Dead End

Professor Wagner said calmly, this sentence unintentionally sentenced everyone to death.

But his expression didn't seem to be very happy. On the contrary, there was some imperceptible loss. No one knew why he told everyone the ins and outs of all this at this moment. Maybe, it would make them understand a little better. This is what he wanted The best we can do.

Wagner was a devout believer. In this world that was destroyed by the war and almost in ruins, his former faith was almost blown to pieces with the flames of war. However, he still persisted in his old habits, praying and hoping every day. God can make this world a better place.

Indeed, the world is more beautiful, there is no war, no harm, everything is logical and orderly, but Professor Wagner is still praying.

He didn't know what else to pray for. He just felt that if this beauty was obtained by his predecessors with their lives, then of course he should be in awe and remember it. However, if the price of this beauty is to slaughter the people who are here at this moment. people. Then, their taste will completely change, especially when they become the butcher's knife to maintain this beauty.

Killing one person is naturally more cost-effective than killing tens of millions of people, but for an executioner, is there really any difference between killing one person and killing a group of people?

Professor Wagner didn't know either, but he still seemed to be waiting for someone to erase the darkness behind this light, so he embedded the door where everyone could see it, so his office was never Locked

However, ideals will not replace reason after all. The supremacy of Bill X is still the strongest structure to maintain the stability of this society. Therefore, those who violate Bill

"I'm sorry." Professor Wagner said to everyone in front of him, and at the same time, he bowed with sincere apology.

These were the last words Hannibal heard. Then, all he saw was a plume of smoke, and Professor Varger disappeared in front of him.

What followed was a roar from outside the window.

Old Joey was closest to the window. He subconsciously looked through the window to the horizon.

"It's over." He muttered blankly.

Before he finished speaking, Hannibal and Harley Quinn also looked out the window at the deafening roar coming from several helicopters in the sky.

On the ground, you can also vaguely see police cars driving towards this direction from the gate of the campus.

This is because this window only faces the direction of the school gate. In fact, you can imagine that there are probably groups of police rushing towards this direction from all directions that you cannot see.

It is estimated that this kind of scene could still be seen half a century ago, but since the promulgation of Bill X, the police have not been involved in such a large-scale operation for a long time.

Obviously, when Professor Wagner told Hannibal and others about the whole thing, he had actually notified the police of this location. As for why it caused such a big fuss, Hannibal now also This is Zi Liang in the eyes of the police, but he is a person who can ignore the X Act. As long as the professor of the Go ahead.

Faced with such a scene, Hannibal and others could only have one result, and that was to be captured without mercy. Well, to put it more clearly, they were executed as a matter of course after being captured without mercy, or were directly shot to death during the resistance process.

The most frightening thing is that such a death is still reasonable, and there is no need to change other people's memories. After everyone in the world learns that these people are dead, they can only smile and breathe a sigh of relief.

No one will know what is hidden behind all this, and no one will have any doubts about the perfection of Act X. The sun still rises as usual, everyone works peacefully, and the world is still beautiful or even better.

The more beautiful the skin, the scarier it will be after being punctured. This is probably the feeling.

Thinking of this, Hannibal even felt a little funny. He shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that I have caused trouble for you." He said.

"Well, now let's raise our hands and explain to them that all of this is actually a lie. You have all been deceived. Will anyone believe it?" Old Joey asked while touching Pego who was tickling him. .

"Being cheated? Come on, if everyone in the world has been cheated, then it's not cheating, it's the truth. On the contrary, those of us who know the truth are the other ones." Harley Quinn was helpless. He said, yes, in order to maintain the stability of the world, does anyone really care if it is a lie?

There was a moment of dead silence, as if everything had come to a dead end.

at this time.

"We still have a chance!" Hannibal said suddenly.

Others were stunned: "What an opportunity."

"Go to Hannibal!" Hannibal said: "Someone has been telling me this from the beginning, but I have never been able to understand it."

"Well, I don't seem to understand." Quinn said, and pointed at the man in front of him: "Hannibal, isn't it?"

"No, Hannibal is not me!" He immediately interrupted Quinn: "I just used this body, but the previous owner of this body is not here. What I am looking for is the former Hannibal. It’s Hannibal with a real past, the ogre!”

"Ogre?" Quinn frowned. She couldn't believe that at this time, the other party was still thinking of joking.

But 'Hannibal' didn't feel the slightest bit uncomfortable under this kind of gaze: "Yes, ogre, that's how Hannibal was described in "The Asylum of All Worlds". He is gentle, humble, gentleman, and treats everyone well." People are polite, but they like to eat people. In fact, you may not believe it. In the book, you are a crazy woman full of medical knowledge, and Shirley is a cute loli who is extremely sinister, and Old Joey." Hannibal looked at Old Joey and hesitated for a moment: "Old Joey is what he is now."

Harley Quinn frowned: "Do you still believe in that book now? Don't you think these are all coincidences?"

Hannibal nodded: "Actually, I didn't believe it at first. After all, it sounded too ridiculous, and the description of 'Ziliang' in the book was completely different from mine. But, if I were Hannibal , then, it seems to be a little more aligned."

The alarm bell outside the window was getting closer and closer. Looking out the window, the entire teaching building seemed to be surrounded.

"Okay, okay, no matter how ridiculous, what do you want to say?" At this time, Quinn didn't care how out of tune the other person's words were. She couldn't think of any good solution anyway.

At this time, Hannibal was already running quickly towards the door.

"In this world now, the only thing that still describes 'Hannibal' is that book!" He said: "I remember that in the first volume of the book, there was a man named Falconi. The second-rate character once said that if this world were a book, then all the people in the book would be individuals with self-awareness. In other words, even if the real Hannibal is gone in this world, the book would still be alive. He still exists! So there should be something in that book that can help us!" he said.

"Where is that book?" Quinn asked and followed him out. Although Old Joey didn't react a little, he just followed him!

"I'm still trapped in the desk in the classroom on the 9th floor!" Hannibal shouted.

Just like that, the three figures disappeared into the stairwell of the teaching building.

On the ninth floor, Professor McCoy's classroom.

With a "bang", the classroom door was kicked open.

"I still can't believe it. If someone really wants you to find this book, then why doesn't he just tell you directly, but instead writes so many ambiguous reminders on you?" Quinn asked. .

Obviously, on the way just now, Hannibal had already told others about the fact that unknown people had written many words "Go to Hannibal" on his body.

"I don't know. Maybe, for some reason, he couldn't tell me the answer directly. For example, it would be detected by the so-called 'god'. Or maybe he wanted me to come at a specific time. Looking for this book is like knowing that I am Hannibal. Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

As he said that, Hannibal rushed to his desk and put his hand under the desk.

Fortunately, the book is still lying quietly in the desk hall.

Without saying a word, Hannibal took out the book.

The workmanship is still crude, the painting is rough, and the characters look like they are stupid and silly. Even if this kind of book is put on the surface, no one will probably even look at it.

But this book has become everyone's only survival sustenance at this moment.

The footsteps downstairs seemed to be getting closer and closer, and the heavily armed people were searching every floor recklessly.

No, there must be a mutant among them who can sense the location of the target, so they should be able to rush up and find him without even searching.

Hannibal was flipping through the book quickly. Where did he see it last time? Yes, I see a world where we have to fight against the invasion of cosmic consciousness.

Then what?

[Volume 7: Black and White]

"Damn, what a bad name, and then? What then?" Hannibal flipped through the pages quickly. Fortunately, his reading speed was very fast.

And within just ten seconds, he was extremely shocked to find that the things described in this book were extremely similar to his own experience. Waking up in class, being mistaken for a psychopath, and eventually learning the true nature of Act X.

"Damn, cosmic consciousness is real, I'm actually reading a fucking book about myself!"

Hannibal's mind kept roaring, and he almost collapsed on the ground, but he couldn't. The footsteps of the secret book were approaching. Maybe those people had already rushed to the 7th or 8th floor. He had to hold on. At the end of this book, I must have written how I escaped!

Finally, Hannibal turned to the most critical chapter.

【Dead end】

This is the name of this chapter.

The self in the book is indeed flipping through the book desperately, looking for the last glimmer of hope.

But at the end, this chapter came to an abrupt end.

No, it seems like it's not over yet, because right at the end of the chapter, a painting appears.

In other words, a set of runes appeared,

It was a circular pattern, not too big, but the lines inside were extremely complicated. Among the chaos, there seemed to be an white sheep running crazily!

Hannibal, or rather the person who had the memory of a good relationship that had been modified, was stunned for a moment. Although he has never seen this pattern, he knows that this thing is called [Aries Rune]. Not long ago, the character in the book learned to draw this kind of rune!

Its function is to allow two objects drawing runes to exchange positions!

At this moment, there was a series of "crash" sounds, and all the classroom windows were kicked open instantly. Some heavily armed police officers with lift locks broke in through the windows.

In fact, you don't need to look very carefully to find that these vanguard troops who broke in through the windows are all robots with long arms and legs.

This is natural. After learning that the target was a person who was not affected by Act It can ensure that some people suddenly appear during the mission, such as "hostages", which will cause the operators to be suddenly restricted by the bill and unable to pull the trigger.

Robots are different. They will resolutely execute orders. As long as the ultimate goal is in compliance with Act X, they will carry out the orders to the end.

Without further ado, before the sound of the broken window could be heard, there was a gunshot without warning, which directly hit Hannibal's side of the chest. A bloody hole was opened in half of the chest, and blood immediately splattered everywhere!

"Damn!" Hannibal spat out one word vaguely under the sudden shot, but what was more, was a large amount of blood spurting out from his lungs.

He fell down!

But at the same time, his hand also touched the Aries charm in the book.

The book disappeared in an instant, and there was a wave of distortion in the space in front of him, as if he was looking at other things through a hot flame.

And as this fluctuation disappeared.

A man with muscles as thick and knotted as steel bars suddenly appeared in front of Hannibal.

Hannibal couldn't see his face, he could only see it from his back. He was wearing a very simple white vest, which was held up by strong muscles, making him look slightly smaller. The hair on his head was very thick, and the sides of his cheeks were very thick. There should be a lot of beard on the side that is too lazy to take care of, which can be seen from the back of the neck.

The robots that broke in through the window were not frightened by the sudden appearance of the big man. Under the intelligent scanning system, they quickly confirmed that the man did not have any weapons.

Since there are no weapons, then it is just a lamb to be slaughtered, because eliminating factors that threaten social stability is the highest execution item of Act X.


An electronic sound sounded without hesitation, and then, a series of bullets were unleashed on the man!

However, the expected blood and flesh flying did not appear.

Because the man was still standing, and not much blood was spilled.

Instead, among the continuous gunshots, there were waves of roars hitting the steel.

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