All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 163 Everything has been changed

Therefore, academic masters and normal people are two completely different creatures. In these few sentences, Harley Quinn immediately came to this conclusion.

She could chat with Old Joey and give him advice, but she didn't dare to show up, and besides Ziliang, she couldn't think of anyone else who wanted to get the key to the archives.

Now that Quinn had shouted out like this, there was no need for Ziliang to pretend anymore. Soon, he walked down the other corner of the stairs.

"Hi, long time no see." Ziliang greeted awkwardly.

Quinn looked at him, shook his head and smiled: "So, you are going to get the key here, and then run upstairs to check Shirley Birkin's admission file? As long as you find the evidence, you can prove that you are not crazy. ,Is it?"

Ziliang was not too surprised that Quinn figured out his plan so quickly. He knew that he could not hide it from the other party, so he asked Old Joey to find a pig to watch her. It only took half an hour. No, just 20 minutes.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to care so much about Shirley's identity, but have you ever thought that it doesn't matter who Shirley is now," Quinn continued.

Ziliang nodded helplessly: "Yes, now all the spearheads are pointed at me. I suspect that someone wants to frame me. This is all a plot, but I don't know why."

Quinn looked at Ziliang quietly, and after a few seconds said, "Okay, I'll help you find it together."

"Ah?" This time, it was Ziliang's turn to be stunned.

"Okay, I know it's a bit strange that a person who personally sent you to a mental hospital suddenly wants to help you, but I really did it for your own good at that time. Ever since I read the book "The Asylum of All Worlds" After reading the book, you seem to be a different person." Quinn said calmly: "I remember you were very sloppy before, and you smoked all day long, but recently, you have become very clean, don't smoke, don't drink, Moreover, I started to pay attention to my hairstyle, so I have to doubt you."

"I loved smoking before?" Ziliang asked in great surprise: "This is impossible!"

"Yeah, so I also want to find out what's going on. If that Shirley is really fake, then I don't want someone I don't know to stay by my side all day. Okay, now I suggest that we go to the archives quickly, so please keep this pig away from me, okay?"

"Okay. Peg, come here quickly." Old Joey clapped his hands and signaled the pig to come back.

"Um Peg?"

"Well, what about the name I just gave it? It suits it very well."

Ziliang and Quinn were silent for a moment: "Well, it would be suitable to change to a pig. Forget it, let's hurry up."

After that, the group of three people walked up the stairs to the upper archives room.

Therefore, in a world shrouded by Bill X, security measures are really weak. There are no security personnel in places like mental hospitals, let alone teaching buildings.

So soon, several people came to the archives room. With the key, the door was no problem. Quinn successfully pushed open the door of the archives room, and then came to a row of shelves. "All the enrollment reports for the past years are here, with the results of each ability test attached at the back. If you want to find someone, this is the most convenient place." Quinn said.

Well, it seems that Ziliang's intention to find the man named Hannibal was also seen through by Quinn.

Ziliang looked at the shelves, which looked like library bookshelves, leaning against the wall side by side, arranged according to year and class.

Although Ziliang and the others could also use computers to query, if someone suddenly accessed the database of X College at this time, it would inevitably leave some clues. Therefore, Ziliang still chose the most original and safest method.

What? You said it would leave fingerprints? Just keep him, since Ziliang is a murderer now, so what if he adds "peeping at test results".

So the row on the outermost side was naturally the one from the exam a few days ago. At noon after that exam, Shirley Birkin was no longer the same as the image in her memory.

So Ziliang immediately opened the exam files for that day.

[Ziliang: Passed]

[Old Joey: Passed]

[Harley Quinn: Passed]

Ziliang stood here and turned over the page twice: "What? What's going on? Why can't I find Shirley Birkin's results?"

"Can't find it?" Harley Quinn frowned: "Impossible. If someone has no grades, the professors will definitely find it!"

Ziliang nodded: "I will definitely find out, but there is another explanation, that is, the professors knew that her grades were missing, but they chose to turn a blind eye."

"What do you mean?" Quinn asked.

Ziliang didn't answer, and then walked to the shelf of exam files from a year ago and rummaged through them. Soon, he pulled out a record.

"Last year's file is still there, and the results are satisfactory. Moreover," Ziliang said, turning the file over and facing everyone. In the upper right corner of the file was a photo album of Shirley Birkin: "The snow in your memory." Li, and the Shirley you see these days, are the Shirley in this photo the same person?"

Ziliang asked

"Yes, they are all the same person!" Quinn nodded and replied. As for Old Joey, the answer he gave is actually not important.

Ziliang listened to Quinn's words, and then gently pointed at the photo with his hand.

"This photo...has been changed!"

"What?!" Quinn was startled, and then took the file from Ziliang's hand. She wouldn't worry about leaving fingerprints or other flaws. She has the key here, and sometimes, these files belong to her. I helped Professor Ororo sort it out, so it’s not unusual to have my own fingerprints.

Shirley's photo was quietly posted where it should be, and it didn't look out of place. However, if the photo had been changed, it would definitely leave some traces.

Quinn quickly turned the file to the back. Through the light, he seemed to be able to see that the paper on the back of the photo was slightly thinner.

This is caused by a layer of paper scraps being slightly removed from the place where the photo was originally attached after tearing it off.

Yes, someone tore off the original photo!

"How could this happen?" Quinn murmured softly.

Not far away, Ziliang continued to look through files from previous years.

"The photos from the year before last have been changed, and the photos from the year before that! Almost all the photos about Shirley have been tampered with. Some of the gel has just dried. It should be what happened within two days. After the first exam. So something must have happened during that exam!"

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