All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 160 Wanted (10,000 words a day, please vote!)

This city once should have had a name, but no one would remember it. In 2049, after the end of the Mutant Wars, it only had a simple city number. Meaning: Immorta.lPurlius.Zapr127 - Number 127 of the Immortal Ruined City.

Yes, cities in the world now can basically be labeled with these simple numbers. After all, there are only more than 200 cities left in the world that are suitable for human survival.

Late at night, the patter of rain beats on the ground. This rain has been purified by the protective layer above the city and no longer contains radiation. It can even be drunk.

On a street corner where the street lights do not shine, a man wearing a leather jacket and carrying a travel bag is looking up, letting the rain fall into his mouth.

In fact, if you look closely, you can see that the leather jacket is obviously one size too big.

These clothes didn't belong to Ziliang, he stole them on the roadside. After all, he couldn't really run around in a bloody hospital gown.

As for what's in that bulging travel bag, we'll talk about it later.

Ziliang is very thirsty now, but he dare not go to the convenience store to buy something. This is not only because he has no money, but more importantly, he seems to be wanted.

This was a development that he had never expected. Even when he first learned about it, Ziliang thought that he had had another strange dream.

Two days ago, Ziliang escaped from the mental hospital.

In Bill Under the general premise, naturally no one in the entire hospital could stop him, so while rushing in all directions, Ziliang rushed out of the hospital in a daze.

Ziliang didn't realize what he was about to face at the time. He simply felt that as long as he found "Shirley", he would be able to figure out the whole story and prove his innocence.

Moreover, a robot actually killed a doctor. In such a crazy and vicious incident, everyone's eyes should be aimed at the manufacturer of the robot, and I am just an ordinary citizen, so no one should have the leisure to do so. It's only right to pay attention to yourself, so even if you want to mobilize the police to arrest yourself, you should wait until this matter subsides, and you should have been cleared of suspicion long ago.

However, that night, when I passed by an electrical appliance store, the news playing on the TV in the window gave me a hard blow!

[According to a report from the Municipal Psychiatric Hospital this afternoon, a murder suspect has escaped from the hospital’s control.

According to the police investigation, the suspect has been identified as: Citizen No. 7143, name: Ziliang; gender: male; age: 38 years old; a second-level mutant with mental abilities.

The suspect was a delusional patient with a history of violence. According to hospital witnesses, the suspect was armed with a scalpel and killed a hospital doctor and a security guard.

After on-site investigation, the police highly suspected that this person was the first human being not subject to the "X Act" since its promulgation.

Starting today, a curfew will be implemented throughout the city, and checkpoints will be installed at all major intersections. If you have any clues about the suspects, please contact the city hall phone number]

At that time, Ziliang was completely confused after hearing this report.

Because he knew that the one who killed those people was obviously the malfunctioning robot, and he was just a victim.

But why did he suddenly become a murderer?

But that's not all. What shocked me even more was that after that, some videos were played on TV.

This video was very familiar to Ziliang, because it was what he had experienced. On the screen, a man wearing a hospital gown was running rampant in the hospital, covered in blood. But unlike in his memory, the patient did not seem to be He was running for his life because he had a scalpel in his hand!

A security guard rushed out, seemingly trying to subdue the patient, but the man stabbed the security guard directly in the head.

This video shows extremely clearly that this person is not subject to "Act X" because he committed a murder and the murderer was himself.

Ziliang didn't know what was going on. In his memory, the person who killed those people was clearly a robot.

But that's not what happened in the video.

His face in the surveillance screen looked so distorted and crazy!

In the video, from beginning to end, there are no robots in the corridor at all!

Not far away, several cars passed by at high speed. Ziliang swallowed the little bit of rainwater and licked his dry lips.

In fact, he now has some doubts about whether he is really sick.

From the dream, to the fake "Shirley", to the murder in the hospital, all signs indicate that the most reasonable explanation is that he is crazy.

In fact, that robot did not exist at all. What he saw was always an illusion, and the person who killed him was always him!

If this is really the case, wouldn't he really become a terrible murderer?

Thinking of this, Ziliang couldn't help but tremble and quickly kicked the thought out of his head.

Now is not the time to think about this, because there is another direction that I have never explored: Hannibal.

Yes, although Ziliang still doesn’t know what this Hannibal is, he always feels that as long as he finds Hannibal, he can figure out what is going on!

So taking advantage of the night, he quickly walked across the road. Not far ahead, a series of buildings loomed under the lights. That was X College.

Just like the university town many years ago, College

And the place he wants to go is the archives of X College.

A few days ago, Harley Quinn said that she had mentioned Hannibal more than once, and judging from her tone, she seemed to have always thought that Hannibal was a partner of hers.

Although Ziliang has completely forgotten these things now, if he had really said these words, then the man named Hannibal should be a student of X College.

As long as you are a student, you can find relevant records in the archives!

So. Ziliang walked towards his dormitory building.

Uh, yes, Ziliang definitely can't just rush into the archives by himself, he needs help.

Since the curfew time was coming soon, there was no one on campus. Ziliang deliberately avoided the scope of the street lights and moved cautiously towards the dormitory building in the darkness.

This is an extremely dangerous behavior!

The saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place really doesn't work that well in reality.

For example, at this moment, it is extremely risky to come downstairs to the dormitory when you are wanted by the police, because the police are likely to have the place under surveillance.

But Ziliang has no choice. He is now penniless, and it is impossible to use his mobile phone, credit cards and other things. He must find someone he can trust. Otherwise, before he can figure out what is going on, He starved to death on the street.

Without further ado, Ziliang took a huge risk and walked around the dormitory building several times. After confirming that at least no "person" was monitoring or patrolling the dormitory's perimeter, he finally had the courage to arrive. Behind a bush next to the dormitory building.

Through the grass, he could clearly see the front of the first floor of the dormitory.

At this point, Ziliang finally breathed a sigh of relief and secretly sighed at his good luck because the door was open!

Everyone in X College knows that the janitor of this dormitory building has a problem, and that is sleeping. It's probably because of his own powers. Anyway, this old man can sleep to an incredible extent.

He almost sleeps except for eating and going to the toilet. Since his metabolism is not fast when sleeping, he only eats once every two or three days and only goes to the toilet once a week. Without eating, he will pee and poop.

It is precisely because of this that the door of this dormitory building is never closed, and no one will cause trouble anyway. And it seemed that the news that he was wanted did not disrupt the guard's habits.

In that case, if I put on my clothes and hat and walk directly into the dormitory building, he should not be discovered.

But Ziliang still couldn't take risks, because there might be guards in the building.

So he unzipped the travel bag he had been carrying halfway, then stood up, lowered his waist, tightened his abdomen, held a breath in his mouth, pulled the strap of the travel bag, and spun around in a circle , then rounded it up and threw it into the dormitory building!

The door of the dormitory building is quite big, so as long as the angle is not too far, it can always be thrown in.

Then, there was a sound like a slaughtering pig, and the travel bag fell heavily to the ground. Then, accompanied by bursts of miserable wailing, a pig's nose opened the backpack desperately. zipper, crazily got out, and started rampaging all over the corridor.

This scene is just like a scene in a funny movie.

Let’s not worry about what Ziliang wants to do, let alone where he got such a pig. Anyway, the pig ran around squealing, and the whole dormitory was like a pot. The students all started talking about it. He ran out of the room, and even the old doorman was awakened, and he chased the pig away with him.

Ziliang looked at the heated chaotic scene and quietly retreated into the darkness.

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