All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 132 He Comes from Heaven (1)

Leon heard the faint curse, and he felt that the voice was very familiar, as if it was the voice of that sloppy doctor.

But Leon knew that the doctor was dead! No one could survive with half their spine ripped out.

Therefore, I must have heard wrongly. The high level of mental stress in the past few days, coupled with the sudden drastic changes in life and death, caused confusion in my mind.

However, the curses can be explained by auditory hallucinations, but what about the person in front of him?

He looked at the man who looked like a wall in front of him and asked himself.

Is it an illusion?

There was a sound of wind, and Leon knew that it was the air flow brought up by the monster's claws that he had no time to avoid. The huge sound of wind was split by a knife and hit the body. Scattered to both sides, blowing up billowing smoke

This was certainly not an illusion, and Leon was not so frightened that he couldn't tell the difference between reality and fiction.

It was this butcher, he must have been infected. Leon looked at the body that was obviously plump, but gave people a sense of majesty and contradiction, with blue-black skin and dark blood vessels spreading like dark branches. .There is also the medical bandage on the arm that was broken into pieces due to the huge impact.

Under the bandage, there was a circle of horrific tooth marks.

Yes, this man was bitten and he should have turned into a zombie. But why didn't he bite me like other zombies but instead came to protect me?

Leon didn't know. He was just a policeman who had just come to work. He didn't know anything. Even now, he still hasn't remembered what the butcher's name was?

Old George?

Old Jonathan?

Or old Joey?

This is a difficult question, because not only Leon is thinking about it, but the butcher in front of him is also thinking about it.

"My mind is so messed up."

"What's my name?"

"where am I?"

"who I am?"

"Oh, by the way, my name seems to be Old Joey. But, this name is a bit special. I should have another name."


There was a loud noise, not much smaller than the sound of grenades or flash bombs exploding. It was the sound of a sharp claw slamming into the butcher's face. The huge impact force pushed the dust away, forming a solid line. ripple.

This slap is enough to punch through a wall!

However, the butcher's head just turned in one direction following the slap, and then slowly turned back again.

"Yes, I am a butcher. I should also have a name. What is it called?" He was slapped on the face by this shocking slap, and the corner of his mouth cracked, and blood seeped out into his beard: "I seem to remember something Already? Heaven. Yes, hit me again! Haha - let me remember! Hit me again. Please! You! "

Maybe it was because his mouth was broken, or maybe the virus had begun to erode his nerves. In short, no one could hear clearly what he was saying. They could only hear the laughter. There was an inexplicable sadness and Deafening!


There was another loud noise, louder than the last time, almost beyond the scope of the sound of physical impact. If I had to make an analogy, it was like two huge lead balls for demolition, wrapped in a thick layer of tires. The rubber seemed to have been bumped together with the greatest strength.

Incomparably dull, but with a silent roar.

The butcher's head was photographed at an angle that was enough to break his neck. Behind him, Leon could already see the gray-white eyes and the blood spilling out.

"Crunch - crunch -"

The sound that makes people's scalp numb is the high-pitched friction sound of twisting and breaking bones.

In an inhuman way, his head was forcefully twisted back into place by the brute force of his neck muscles.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-" He laughed, but there was a hint of crying in his voice: "Yes, I remembered it. It's a name I tried my best to forget."


This was already the third loud bang. Maybe he found that the stupid big guy in front of him was still standing under his claws, which made the monster feel very humiliated. Therefore, this third loud bang was more fierce than the previous ones combined. , are all heavy.

A loud noise and a hurricane blew away all the smoke and dust, and people could see clearly above the ruins two giants whose size was larger than that of ordinary people.

But this time, the monster's claws did not hit the butcher's face again, but were blocked in mid-air by a hand.

"My former name. Oink."

He cooed softly, as if crying, whispering, or moaning.


The butcher who called himself Oink suddenly pulled the monster towards him. In fact, his hand could not hold the 30 cm diameter claw at all, but he still pulled the monster over. Because, his fingers had dug deeply into the flesh of the giant claw, and blood mixed with thick juice splashed out, staining the butcher's body red.


Different from the previous one, this one was not very loud and sounded like a foot stepping into the mud.

Because this punch was delivered by the butcher.

His fist was thrown very slowly, his posture was ugly, and the fist was not even clenched because he still held the short, stupid butcher knife in his hand.

However, with this sound, his fist sank deeply into the opponent's chest.

Then it sank in some more.

I sank in some more.

This is not beating, but pushing in, digging in. The position of the knife was adjusted, and the rusty and dull blade turned into a rock-breaking blade, and it went straight in, reaching the elbow! Just like the stupid and cruel ancient method of killing pigs. Barbaric, rude, and inhumane.


The monster screamed, but it could be felt that it was not a roar, but a scream.

The huge eyes opened suddenly, staring at the person so close, with obvious fear in the tightened pupils.

The giant claw began to dance wildly and hit the guy in front of him. However, no matter how severe the attack, he seemed not to care.

The exposed skin was cracked by the smash, and the sharp blade made shocking wounds. However, this attack that could not penetrate the bones was completely ignored. He was like a conscientious butcher, quietly and single-mindedly working. Yeah, butchering something.

Everyone was shocked by this extremely ridiculous scene. They stared blankly and even forgot to run away.

Therefore, no one noticed that from a corner of the ruins, a figure wearing a white coat but covered in blood walked out.

"Hurry up and run away. The butcher is back."

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