To tell you the truth, I don't feel much about these people. One day I will stand on their heads and hiss.

When I left the reception, Yan Wei and I didn't say a word. Jonathan had a lot of topics with Xiao man and Xiao Lingling. Even Brady, who was always silent, had a few words. It can be seen that they had a good time tonight.

When I got back to the Hilton Hotel, I went straight back to bed. If I don't mind tonight, it's bullshit.

No matter how generous I am, I will be very upset when I hear those people's words.

It's just that I don't want to show it. When I show it, I'm in a state of impatience. I'm afraid that's what they want to see most.

So I forced my mood, and then they fell asleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by the alarm clock, and then I went to wash.

Xingyun and Ruoxi are still sleeping. They stayed in my parents' room for a long time last night. Although Ruoxi also likes her grandparents, she already likes sleeping with me, so she came back when she went to bed at night.

After washing, I went straight out.

Downstairs, I called Jonathan and told him to get out.

Jonathan didn't seem to wake up. When he received my call, he was immediately confused: "Mr. Zhang, what's the matter with calling me down so early?"

"If you want to come down, you can come down for me. There's so much nonsense!"

With that, I hung up.

My orders still worked. Jonathan rushed out in two minutes with a comb in his hand.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm here. Now you can say something." Jonathan had a good laugh.

"Go with me and buy an island." I said calmly.

"Oh, good!" Jonathan didn't seem to respond. He gave a casual reply.

After a pause of a few seconds, Jonathan opened his eyes wide and asked, "Walter?"?? What do you say? Buy an island? "

"Yes, did I hear it wrong or did you say it wrong?" Jonathan asked stupidly.

"Why, don't you think I can afford the island?" I turned my lips.

"No, Zhang, now, I definitely don't mean that. I mean you have to be clear that buying an island in the United States is not only about having money, but also having contacts and relationships. The number of private islands is limited, and the government has strict restrictions on the purchase of Islands..."

"So I'm not calling you?" I turned my lips and said, "as an American, if you can't help me with this, you might as well die."

"I..." Jonathan a face of embarrassment: "I can do is can do, but I do, it will be a lot of trouble."

"Just do it. I'm not afraid of trouble. Let's go."

Said, I directly waved to stop a taxi, and then directly sat in.

Jonathan sighed and talked about it. He had to come in with me.

Along the way, Jonathan and I talked about the trouble of buying the island. The taxi driver thought we were bragging and left me on the way.

I'm a bit embarrassed: "Falk, are you American people so grumpy?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, although I'm American, I have to admit that the American people are too proud!" Jonathan sighed deeply.

"Well, don't talk to me about buying the island until you get to the place. Can you keep a low profile?" I said with a curl of my mouth.

Jonathan scratched his head in embarrassment, and without saying anything more, he got on the bus.

Next, we didn't say a word in the taxi. We went directly to the port around the island of Los Angeles. We got off the taxi and looked at the islands floating on the sea level not far away. I was so excited.

Some of these islands are undeveloped. I've learned about them before. Some of them have been developed. I don't want to develop them. The developed ones are meaningless. It's better to build them by myself.

"Mr. Zhang, have you really thought about it?" Jonathan looked at me with some uncertainty.

"Why, do you look like I didn't think about it?" I chuckled and patted Jonathan on the shoulder. "I said, Jonathan, don't be so shortsighted. Do you think I'm buying the island on a whim? Nonono, if you think so, it's a big mistake! "

With that, I opened my arms and hugged the air: "don't worry, I won't lose money if I buy this island."

"Then, which one would you like to buy?" Jonathan shook his head as if he could not agree with my crazy idea.

You know, the cheapest way to buy an island is millions of dollars, and it is undeveloped. If it is a developed Island, the price is more expensive.

I lost money when I bought the island for development. Most of the rich people would not do this, because buying the island seems like a fool to many people. It's not convenient to go on and off the island every day when I bought the island. It's just that the value factor also determines that private islands are doomed to be unpopular.Buying an island is not like buying a house. Buying a house may also have real estate value and can earn some money. Buying an island is just like buying a car, and it will depreciate all the time.

Of course, although there are times when the market goes up, private islands are not very popular.

Jonathan doesn't know my ambition, and I don't blame him. After all, he would be happy to get my 100 million investment. If he knew that my next budget would cost more than 1 billion, would he be scared to pee?

One of the islands I've long seen is Babylon Island, which is located on the west coast of Los Angeles. There were people living on Babylon island before, but because of the lack of convenient transportation, the people on the island were removed by the government.

Later, the government planned to develop tourism, but for various reasons, the project was shelved.

Normally, island tourism projects are very popular, but the reason why the Los Angeles government abandoned Babylon island is that this island is a desert island. In short, it's a kind of "die what you plant".

To be honest, such a large island is a dead Island, which makes people feel sad.

However, I have many ways to develop this dead island. When I was in the Middle East, I paid special attention to an ancient planting technology of Middle East people.

In the desert environment of the Middle East, they can cultivate all kinds of vegetables and saplings, which is shocking.

The reason why nothing can be planted on this dead island is that the whole island is saline land. Either there is no solution to saline land, or the Los Angeles government refuses to spend money.

My budget includes money to improve saline alkali land. When the time comes, I will send people to the Middle East to learn the planting techniques of the Middle East people, but I'm afraid they can't develop them?

When he heard that I was going to develop Babylon Island, Jonathan was shocked again and tried to persuade me not to buy the island.

I still didn't listen to him.

Jonathan sighed and said he knew he couldn't persuade me.

Of course, he couldn't persuade me, but I had planned it in my heart. The island is large enough to cover hundreds of football fields.

It's a pity that such a large island should not be thrown away like this.

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