All-round Athlete

Vol 5 Chapter 176: vicious

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The Olympics are over, and Zhang Guan will face a very tight schedule next. He is going to participate in various commendation conferences, to accept various forms of interviews with the media, to have some talk shows, and then there will be events for the Olympic champion Hong Kong and Macau.

I am afraid that it will take a month or two for the Olympics to pass, so Zhang Guan will be very busy for at least the last two months.

And Zhang Guan's agent team has also been busy. Various business endorsements are coming like snow flakes. They are negotiating with the sponsors during the day and at night with the sponsors on the other side of the earth. Although the championship team has already set the highest price in the world, the advertising shooting plan is still scheduled for the second half of next year.

The sponsors are very savvy. They know that Zhang Guan’s commercial value will be maximized in the 2008 Olympic Games. If Zhang Guan can achieve a good result in 2008, his commercial value will definitely improve, and if he is like Liu If the trapeze retires, his business value will inevitably decline.

The sponsors obviously did not want to take risks, so most of the sponsorship contracts for Zhang Guan ended in 2008. The sponsor's behavior is also watching. If Zhang Guan can achieve good results in the Olympics, the sponsor will definitely work hard to renew the contract, and the sponsor can also accept Zhang Guan's price increase; and if Zhang Guan cannot achieve good results If so, the sponsors are bound to find another more popular spokesperson.

In the end, Zhang Guan achieved good results in the Olympics, but the results were really amazing. Zhang Guan's value has doubled several times, and the sponsors who signed in 2008 regretted it. They can afford a slightly higher sponsorship fee, but they have many times more sponsors at once, which makes many sponsors discouraged.

Even if the sponsorship fee is more than several times, there are still many sponsors who are willing to spend money. High-end advertising endorses this thing, a star will only endorse a brand of a certain type of product, such as endorsement of Mercedes-Benz, will not endorse BMW; endorsement of Lange, will not endorse Rolex. So for sponsors, it doesn't matter if they sign Zhang Guan, but if Zhang Guan is signed by a competitor, then it will be troublesome. A good spokesperson is enough to make an unknown brand rise. Zhang Guan's strong influence also forces many sponsors to have to throw money over.

At the same time that Zhang Guanying was full, one person was very unhappy.

Monaco, IAAF headquarters.

Sebastian was sitting in the office. On the computer monitor opposite him, there were reports about the Olympic Games. Undoubtedly, the vast majority are praises, and of course there are criticisms like picking bones in the sour eggs of individual media.

At this time, Sebastian did not have a taste in his heart, because this Olympic Games was held so successfully.

First of all, there is no need to say in terms of hardware. The venues are all the most advanced, first-class stadiums, and first-class Olympic villages. Compared with the stadiums without roofs in the last Athens Olympic Games, they are not many times stronger. The logistics support is also very perfect, the food, clothing, housing and transportation are well prepared, the volunteers are piled up, and they have all received very professional training. Many foreign athletes come here, they have a feeling of reluctance, and can’t wait to stay longer.

This makes Sebastian feel extremely pressured, because the two adjacent Olympic Games will always be compared, and Sebastian knows that the London Olympics can never be compared to this one. Olympic Games. He has even been able to foresee that the London Olympics four years later will inevitably be considered inferior to this one in every aspect.

London does not have so much financial resources to build top-level sports venues. The so-called use of recyclable building materials is just to cover up that there is no money under the guise of high technology. After all, second-hand materials can also sell some money, and it is really impossible to sell waste. Iron can also be worth a few cents. However, even if the Olympic venues are used up, it does not mean that they will be dismantled and dismantled. They have to give the public an explanation. Recycling has become a good reason.

It is impossible for the London Olympics to have so many volunteers and service personnel. This has nothing to do with the total population. The population density of London is also the top in the world. The key is that the London Olympic Committee cannot mobilize so many people. There is no interest in hosting the Olympic Games. They even think that hosting the Olympic Games will lower the law and order in London and disrupt their daily lives.

And there are voices in the UK that oppose the hosting of the Olympic Games. Some people have been thinking of Brexit all day and closed their doors to live their lives; those who are independent in Scotland also feel that the Olympics have nothing to do with themselves. The people's hearts are not even, even if they are hosting the Olympic Games, they will encounter various resistances.

So Sebastian is very worried. After four years, when people compare the two Olympics, the London Olympics will definitely be defeated.

"What should I do?" Sebastian shook his head helplessly. Although he was the chairman of the London Olympics Organizing Committee, he could not do anything without giving money.

The irritable Sebastian opened another website, but the headlines were reporting Zhang Guan's great achievement of winning 10 gold medals.

"It's Zhang Guan again." Sebastian frowned in disgust.

It is said that there is a well-known athlete in track and field events, which can obviously strengthen the momentum of track and field competitions around the world and bring help to track and field sports. Sebastian, who is the president of the IAAF, should highly respect Zhang Guancai. But the facts are just the opposite. He is a British with a Cold War mentality. For a person with a Cold War mentality, everything in this country in the East is wrong and should be opposed. In his view, How can a red country host a successful Olympic Games?

Sebastian decided that China could not host a successful Olympic Games. He originally came to see the joke. In his impression, China was still a poor and backward place, but the reality is that he saw that a big country has risen but he still does not. Willing to admit this. This kind of ideology is the most insurmountable.

Europe is like the age of Sebastian, and many people have a Cold War mentality. In the future Rio Olympics, all track and field athletes of the Russian track and field team were disqualified from participating, and this thinking is inseparable from him. At that time, the Russian team did use some stimulants, but it is impossible for one or two hundred people to use stimulants, but the IAAF directly came to death with a stick, no matter you use no stimulants, as long as you are in Russia If you train domestically, you can’t compete, and if you’re training in the United States, well, it’s open, but in fact the United States is the country with the most stimulants in the world.

"A successful Olympic Games has created a great athlete." Sebastian silently read the subtitle of this news, but he had a vague idea in his heart.

"If a successful Olympic Games could create some scandals for Zhang Guan, people might not think so." Sebastian thought of this and dialed Richards's phone.

Soon after, Richards came to Sebastian's office.

"I have something you need to do." Sebastian continued: "Zhang Guan is really too hot recently. I don't want a certain athlete to dominate the track and field events. You must understand. An overly strong athlete is not a good thing for our IAAF, so I think it is necessary to suppress Zhang Guan's arrogance. I hope you can think of ways to create some trouble for Zhang Guan, such as the scandal. class"

"Scandal" Richards repeated the word again.

"It's a scandal, such as playing big cards, such as disobeying the arrangement of the event organizer, such as looking down on opponents, or doing some other inappropriate things. We hold so many games every year, it should not be difficult to create some public opinion, Just ask someone to report. We just need to make people think that Zhang Guan is not as great as people think. He is still a person with great flaws. In short, we cannot let people treat it as a godlike existence. "Sebastian made an excuse that didn't sound very reasonable.

"Uh" Richards hesitated for a moment. He thought about it and said, "Mr. President, this is probably very difficult because Zhang Guan has not participated in the sponsorship of our IAAF since the Athletics World Cup two years ago. The game, he is playing tennis, he did not participate in the competition hosted by our IAAF. The only international track and field competition Zhang Guan participated in these two years was the Olympics, but we cannot let the Chinese cooperate with us to find them Trouble with national heroes."

Sebastian felt even more depressed at once. He was an IAAF president who wanted to find a track and field athlete. This is indeed enough to make Sebastian feel stumped.

Richards also clearly felt Sebastian's suffocation. As a subordinate, of course he had to "anxiously lead the leadership" so that he could be promoted. I saw him take a step forward, lowered his voice, and said: "Mr. President, I have an idea to stink Zhang Guan, maybe this trick will make him never turn over."

"What idea?" Sebastian asked.

"The urinary b-samples of the athletes of the Olympic track and field events have been sent to our storage center in Switzerland. We can start from this aspect." Richards fully revealed his plan.

"It's too risky to do this. If it really succeeds, Zhang Guan will indeed never turn over, maybe even the entire Chinese sports world will be spurned by the whole world, but if others know that we are doing it. "We are never going to turn over forever," Sebastian said.

Richards did not answer, he thought Sebastian rejected his idea, but only listened to Sebastian then said: "So this thing, you must do it yourself, I must let me let the third I personally know this matter, and I can only rest assured if you do it yourself."

For Sebastian, if he can stink Zhang Guan, it is certainly a very happy thing, but if he can stink together with the 2008 Olympic Games, then he will certainly at all costs. In this way, at the London Olympics four years later, people will think of a 2008 scandal that is full of scandals, and the London Olympics will be called a clean reputation.

And Richard Zu suddenly laughed bitterly, although this bad idea was proposed by him, but he didn't seem to be the one to implement it. As Sebastian said, the risk is too great, if you fail, you will lose yourself.

But since Sebastian had spoken, Richards could only agree with his stubbornness.

A large net spreads towards Zhang Guan for a long time.

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