Chapter 235 The allegiance of a powerful race!

They want to remember their own powerful strength and oppress the flame gods to become slaves.

But the latter would rather die than resolutely resist, after a rocky battle.

Ended with the failure of the flame fairy.

At the same time, the evil power, in order to no longer allow the Flame Star Gods to gather together again.

Through strong crazy strength, this continent was smashed!

Together with the sea snakes, this continent sank into the sea “Three One Zero”.

Only some relatively high areas have become scattered islands.

The Elder Flame Star God was sealed in the island by the sea snake tribe with the most despicable methods.

With the passage of time, the power gradually disappeared.

In the end, the flame star god leader wanted to retain his strength.

Let future generations remember this series of things.

He poured his remaining breath and strength into the stone stele.

Written in obscure text, waiting for someone to discover.

And he turned into a spiritual body, floating on this island.

I never thought that the story behind the Flame Star God turned out to be so awkward.

But at this time Chu Chen did not focus on him.

But after the Sea Snake Alien race himself tossed like this.

It is certain that one side of the island has already attracted the attention of the sea snakes.

Although he has commanded some marine life.

But there are no human beings on the island for the time being.

Even if they attack the island, they will not have any impact on themselves.

With such an idea.

Chu Chen’s expression became lighter at this time.

“As the leader of the Star God, I can go through the summoning ceremony.

“Summon all the heroic spirits of my sleeping race here.”

“With the help of my own original breath, I can turn stones into spirit and let them become my subordinates and your heirs.

After the flame fairy uttered the following words respectfully.

Picking up a broken pebble from the side, while chanting the spell silently.

This was actually quickly compressed into a particle of dust in his hands.

At the same time, it expanded rapidly, and when it was placed on the ground, it was directly transformed into a human form.

It is full of comforting flames.

There is no attack that means not to say nothing, and even looks at Chu Chen with a very indifferent expression.

Invisibly, the subordinates of the Star God also strengthened Chu Chen’s strength.

While Chu Chen naturally allowed him to do this, Chu Chen also made a request for him.

“I am also very happy to be able to summon such a subordinate.”

“But you have to remember one thing, restrain them all the time, and don’t let them do anything out of the ordinary.”

Why do you say such words?

Chu Chen understands through the memory given to him by the Flame Star God.

Before they arrived, they had hunted and killed crabs and alien races.

And now there are two crab tribes in his hands.

I’m afraid there will be conflicts between the two of them.

I hope Flame Star can understand the meaning contained in his words 0.4.

The latter also nodded at this time, expressing his understanding of what Chu Chen said in modern times.

The leader of the Flame Star God continued to create his tribe with the gravel nearby.

By night, his ethnic group had reached more than 700.

This is a thing to celebrate.

But Chu Chen felt all kinds of crises.

Coming at them at a fast pace. .

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