Chapter 222 Scary sea monster! Help again! (1) Seeking subscription

“Boom boom boom~”

Dozens of mushroom clouds appeared on the sea monster at the same time.

This sea monster is too big.

But no matter how big it is, dozens of mushroom clouds will completely submerge it.

The terrible power of the nuclear bomb blasted the sea around it directly.

It exploded a huge hole!

The sea water was blown into the air at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters!

“Should you die now?”

“do not know.”

“It’s terrible, where did such sea monsters come from?”

“My God, why hasn’t Chu Chen shot yet?”

“Stupid, don’t you see that the Global Federation is targeting Chu Chen recently? Where do you think Chu Chen came from?”

On the Internet, countless people watched the live broadcast, and many people have panicked.

Some people are also discussing why Chu Chen didn’t make a move.

However, there are also many discerning people, judging from the trends on the Internet during this period of time, the global federation should be targeting Chu Chen.

In the eyes of countless people on the Internet, those mushroom clouds finally disappeared.

Everyone looked at it with eyes wide open.

Then, they saw that the mushroom cloud hadn’t completely dissipated, and there, the huge sea monster rushed out of the sea again.

“I’m going,~!”

“It’s not dead! Is there any reason!”

“It’s over, it’s over this time!”

“Call Chu Chen!”

The Internet suddenly exploded.

“How can it be!”

All the top executives of the global federation were dumbfounded.

“It’s tentacles are broken!”

Someone had sharp eyes and saw a few broken tentacles of the sea monster.

But it’s no use, this sea monster still has a lot of tentacles.

With so many nuclear bombs, it only exploded a few tentacles, and the sea monster was very close to the palace.

“Continue to use nuclear bombs!”

“Now it is too close to the palace, and it will ruin the palace if you use it again!”

“There are still a few kilometers, that’s enough!”

The top leaders of the global federation also panicked and once again ordered the use of nuclear bombs.

At this time, the sea monster also learned to be smart, and dived directly into the sea.

With seawater buffering, the direct damage of nuclear bombs is much less.

It rushed to the palace firmly.

“Boom boom boom~”

The nuclear bomb strikes again.

The mushroom cloud rose again.


Not surprisingly, this time the nuclear bomb still failed to kill the sea monster.

“Why is it so hard to kill!

“”It has already rushed to the palace. Nuclear bombs can no longer be used, and our nuclear bomb reserves in the island world are not enough!”

“What should we do now?

“Go contact Chu Chen!”

Finally, some executives of the global federation thought of Chu Chen.

Chu Chen..

Some high-level leaders of the global federation hesitated for a moment. In order to keep the palace, they could only choose this way.

So, immediately, someone tried to contact Chu Chen.

But, soon, they got a reply.

“Chu Chen’s subordinates said that Chu Chen suffered from depression during this period. He hasn’t slept for a long (good) time. He just took sleeping pills and was sleeping, and he couldn’t wake up.”

“Depression? How could it be possible, obviously because I don’t want to give birth to pregnancy!”

The senior officials of a global federation were angry.

But no matter how angry he was, the sea monster had already rushed to the palace.

Its tentacles were dispatched one after another, destroying a large number of new warships.

In fact, killing the sea monster now has little effect, because the new warship has been almost destroyed.

Don’t forget, there are thousands of Seaman warships behind!

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