Bai Willow based on the roster of forces laid out by the magic net left by Su Bai in Yongcheng last night.

Caught all the traitors around him and some magic nets planted in the Yongcheng Military Region!

Didn’t give them the opportunity to report the news!

And then according to the roster, and the contents of it.

Bai Willow and the entire Yongcheng Military Region decided to take action against the Demon Net today.

Wipe out all the forces stationed in Yongcheng in one fell swoop!!!

That’s what happened just now.


A scuffle broke out!!!

Well, naturally, the situation is one-sided!!!

Su Bai had already returned home at this time.

He didn’t know that Bai Willow had already begun to make a move against the Demon Net Organization.

I don’t know that my current self has exploded on the whole network!!!

Now Su Bai.

Just want to do one thing.

That is to enchant yourself first, and enchant yourself first with the [Full-time God] entry.

Then you have to enchant the Thousand Blades, the workbench, and the various items on your body.

Finally, go to the Treasure Pavilion.

Go buy some good gear, then enchant, and put it on!!


Su Bai used the enchanter’s enchantment ability on himself!

[Please choose one of the following three enchantment entries]:

Enchantment Entry 1: Explosion III: When you are attacked, it automatically explodes!!

Enchanted Entry 2: Luck Increase II: Your luck increases by 20%!

Enchanted entry 3: Evil God V: Each organ of your body produces self-awareness, and the consciousness of each organ can be upgraded and upgraded, and when it reaches a certain level, it separates the ontology and turns into an evil god, and finally the ontology consciousness dissipates, sharing consciousness for the evil god!


“All these enchantment entries?!”

“Self-explosion, self-cultivation of evil gods, special meow, except for the second one, the rest is garbage.”

“Eh, in fact, I can’t say that, if you enchant the enemy and self-detonate the entry, it seems to be very good!”


There are some negative enchantment entries, which really don’t work.

But that’s for using this enchanted entry for yourself.

However, if you want to use this negative enchantment entry for the enemy.

That for yourself.

Isn’t it a good enchantment entry?!

Just like before against the lava behemoth.

If you can’t refresh such a negative enchanted entry.

Then even if Su Bai wanted to pass the lava behemoth alone.

It also takes a certain amount of time!

Definitely not that fast.

It is also impossible to say that it is directly killed.

Therefore, this mythical enchantment is really awesome.

With the Eye of the Dao, it is simply invincible!!!

“Keep refreshing me!!!

Su Bai once again used the enchanter’s ability.

Much later.

A few hours later.

Four o’clock in the afternoon.

The fifth thousandth.

[Please choose one of the following three enchantment entries]:

Enchantment Entry 1: Full-time God: Your four-dimensional attributes, strength, physique, agility, and spirit will be subject to the highest attribute, and all other attributes will be automatically promoted to the highest attribute value!!

Enchantment Entry 2: Violent V: Attack attribute increased by 2000%, the price is to lose the ability to think rationally, and there is only killing in the heart!!

Enchantment Entry 3: Kirin V: Can be transformed into a unicorn, when in the unicorn state: +200% of all attributes, each attack randomly comes with gold, wood, water, fire and earth attribute damage, if it produces restraint attribute damage to the target, the next attack must be an attack that restrains its attributes, and the damage is increased by 1000%!

“Finally here!!!”

Su Bai let out a long whistle.

It’s been so long to refresh!!!

It’s really been too long!

“Choose the first, the first enchanted entry! Full-time god !!! ”

[You have chosen the enchantment entry: God of Full-Time!] 】

[You used an enchantment on yourself, and you obtained the enchantment entry yourself: Full-time God! ] Your four-dimensional attributes, strength, physique, agility, and spirit will be subject to the highest attribute, and all other attributes will be automatically promoted to the highest attribute value!! 】

[Your four-dimensional attributes are: 376].


Su Bai’s body has changed!

I was originally a little mentally fatigued, but now I have recovered, and I feel more energetic!

Whether it’s agility, spirit, or physique.

It’s all getting a huge increase!!!

“By the way, after I upgraded, there are still 400 free attributes that have not been added to !!!”

“Now, add all the points to my strength attribute !!!”

[Strength attribute +400].

[Trigger the full-time god enchantment entry effect: agility attribute, spirit attribute, physical attribute are all 776! ] 】

[Su Bai].

Level: 20

Class: First Order Enchanter (unknown).

Talent: Mythical Enchantment, Eye of the Avenue

Life: 77630 (+30).

Mana: ∞ (infinite).

Attack: 2628 (+120+180).

Defense: 2350 (+7+15).

Attributes: Strength 776, Spirit 776, Agility 776, Physique 776

Enchantment: Infinite Resurrection, Full-Time God

This moment!

Su Bai looked at his attributes and all 776

I was overjoyed!

That’s really cool!

To know.

Even the ultimate profession!

Even if it is a polar flow, only one attribute is added to the free attribute point.

Then at most it is 1+20×1+20×40

That’s 821 attributes!

In other words, a single attribute is up to 821 points!

Then the rest of the attribute values, all 21 points.

But what about Su Bai?

Not only comparable to the polar stream,

And every attribute is comparable to the Extreme Stream!!!

This is the almighty route!

It’s not something anyone can compare!

Fleshy, high output, or physical spell mixed damage, and agility is extremely fast.

This is a monster!

It is the ultimate profession of the same level as Su Bai, taking the extreme stream, facing Su Bai’s words, it can only be an end.

That is, even Su Bai could not see it, and then it was seconds!

Su Bai’s agility value is 776, if you don’t have more than three hundred agility values, you can’t capture Su Bai’s movements at all!

Su Bai only moved slightly.

In front of your eyes, Su Bai is teleporting.

You can’t fight back at all.

Your reaction, your perception, your speed, all were crushed by Su Bai!

What to take and fight with Su Bai?

That’s the point alone.

Su Bai is already invincible!

Not to mention this defense, let alone this health point.

This is the horror of this enchanted entry [Full-time God]!!

“OK, now, it’s time to enchant the Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife!”

“By the way, I still have to buy weapons for various classes, bows and arrows, firearms, daggers, staffs…”

“If only there was a weapon that could change countless ways, and that could follow my thoughts into weapons of various classes!!!

[Why don’t you ask me first, this weapon exists.] 】

PS: Ask for flowers and reviews!!!

Yesterday’s attribute was written incorrectly, not 366, but 376, because it was upgraded by 10 levels, ten points of full attributes were raised, I forgot to add it, I have changed it, you can refresh it, you can see the content I modified in chapter [29].

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