This woman is beautiful!

if it is true......

His heart beat faster!


Zhao Hongzhuang smiled.

Laughing flowers tremble!

"Just kidding with you!"

After such an interruption, the atmosphere is much more relaxed!

"How the hell did you get your spot?"

Zhao Hongzhuang is very curious.

Chu Ge looked strange.

Zhao Hongzhuang thought he didn't want to say it.

Feeling quite lost, he said:

"Don't want to say it, forget it!"

Chu Ge coughed:

"It's not that I don't want to say it!"

"But I am also inexplicable!"

"Tian Dao said that I got an s rating, and then I practiced the ancient method."

"So, ten places were awarded!"

? ? ? ?

Zhao Hongzhuang was shocked.

This unscientific!

There are many people who get s rating.

There are also people who can get s evaluation and practice ancient methods.


No one has ever been granted a place for these two reasons.


"Why are you an s-evaluation again?"

"You also practiced an ancient method?"

"Are you a reincarnated fairy?"

Chu Ge rolled his eyes.

I'm not!

I am a transmigrator!

Chu Ge smiled and said, "Is there a problem?"

Zhao Hongzhuang smiled bitterly: "No problem!"

After a few minutes......

Chu Ge left Zhaohongzhuang's dormitory.

the next day:

Chu Ge went directly to the library and found more than ten ancient methods in one go.

"When the next time comes, I will practice several more ancient methods!"

"Strive to cultivate twelve magic powers and become the Foundation Establishment Realm!"

If you can enter the school soon, you will become the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Well, the benefits must be many.

Just after leaving the library, he saw Zhao Fei and Xi Menger.

These two are talking.

See Chu Ge coming.

Zhao Fei said triumphantly:

"Chu Ge, I just signed a [-]-year contract with Jinsheng Group today!"

"In a hundred years, the Jinsheng Group will provide me with an additional [-] cubic meters of spiritual energy and other materials every year!"

"Also, Jinsheng Group said, provide me with a share of the day after tomorrow!"

"The day after tomorrow, I will build mana and officially challenge you!"

"When the time comes, you will know:"

"I am the hope of Shanhai College!"

"I am the strongest chief!"

"You can't beat me!"

Chu Ge was stunned.

One hundred cubic meters of spiritual energy a year makes you swell?

I have [-] cubic meters of Reiki a day.

The strongest chief?

What the hell?

Why fight with you?

Chu Ge shook his head, turned and left.

Zhao Fei, triumphantly:

"Chu Ge, you can't do it!"

"From now on, Shanhai College belongs to me!"


Xi Meng'er slapped Zhao Fei's head with a slap:

"When did Shanhai College belong to you?"

Zhao Fei is wronged:

"Boss, Shanhai College belongs to you!"

"I'm just mad at him!"

Zhao Fei, completely surrendered to Xi Menger.

became her little brother.

Xi Meng'er used her family's power to get Jinsheng Group to sign a contract with Zhao Fei.

At the same time, he gritted his teeth and gave Zhao Fei a place to come.

Why she did it:

Because of:

Zhao Fei's luck is a bit strong. .

Chapter 35

The next two days: Chu Ge mostly read the ancient law and the present law in the library!

Among them, he focused on watching the Taoist refining method.

Taoist refining is also divided into ancient methods and modern methods.

Ancient Taoist Soldiers: Those who can refine souls have no self-thinking, cruel methods, but great power.

Now Dharma soldiers: Actually, they are followers.

Powerful or not, it all depends on the ability of the followers.

Chu Ge, there are [-] followers.

He wants to use it.

There are two ways of Taoism, the former is almost not practiced.

Because refining takes too long and is too difficult.

Now the Fa Tao soldiers, it is much simpler.


There are many immortal cultivators who refine the current law and Taoism.

Chu Ge has no shortage of time.

Therefore, he chose the ancient method of Taoism.

And, write down dozens of ancient soldiers.

After the third arrival, prepare for refining.

at the same time:

He also wants to buy a magic weapon that can help collect the essence of heaven and earth.

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