Not even the water in the tank.

Day [-]:

All the green plants on the earth withered.

Within a thousand miles of the imperial capital, everyone was terrified.

at this time:

Many people believed what He Fei said.

"Immortal, there are indeed nine disasters!"

"What kind of disaster is this?"

"Did we kill our soldiers and smear our foreheads with blood to survive?"

Everyone was horrified!

"I heard that the children of Li Yun's family killed their soldiers yesterday and smeared their foreheads with blood!"

"He kowtowed and begged the immortal to drink water!"

"And then there's water!"

The powerful are hungry and thirsty, afraid of death!

They used their power and killed their soldiers.

Smear the forehead with the blood of the soldiers.

However, no matter how much they kowtowed, there was no spring.

The powerful, go and catch another left-behind teenager.

Force him to kowtow.

The young man kowtowed helplessly.

Sure enough, there was spring water!

The rich and powerful were pleasantly surprised and kept making the boy kowtow.

In order to get more spring water!

As night fell, everyone fell asleep.

Suddenly, someone woke up.

He found that it was extremely bright outside.

"It's dawn so soon?"

More people found anomalies:

It should have been late at night:

However, the scorching sun is in the sky, and the heat wave is raging!

The night ended early.

Under the heat wave, people are more thirsty.

This is the sixth day.

Royal Palace:

Liu Meng woke up thirsty!

He coughed so hard that he vomited blood.

"Where's my medicinal food?"

The eunuch said with a dry mouth:

"Your Majesty, the emperor has no water, so he can't cook a medicinal meal!"

Liu Meng is angry:

"If you don't have water, use blood to cook a medicinal meal for me!"

The eunuch took the order, and soon, a blood-red medicinal meal was delivered.

Liu Meng drank and became even more thirsty.

"Let other cities bring water here!"


Some people rushed to bring water to the emperor from thousands of miles away.


The water they carried disappeared instantly as soon as they entered the imperial capital for thousands of miles.

These people were frightened and dared not return to the imperial capital.

Had to run away!

This day:

Baiguan wrote: "Your Majesty, there are disasters in the imperial capital thousands of miles away!"

"We're thousands of miles away, won't we be all right?"

Liu Meng nodded.

Immediately order the relocation of the capital!

Short of time, they decided to go light.


As soon as I hit the road, I encountered endless sandstorms!

The wind and sand swept through, and no one could be seen ten meters away, which was quite scary.

This is the seventh day.

This day:

Many people are dying of thirst!

The scorching sun was in the sky, and there was no water to replenish, and many people died of thirst.

Only a powerful family is still full of energy.

Someone secretly reported to the emperor, and Liu Meng arrested the family for questioning.

Then I know that there are teenagers who can kowtow and can come out of the spring.

"Bring that boy here immediately!"

Soon, the boy was brought over.

The dry mouthed Liu Meng frowned.


The boy who can kowtow and summon the spring water looks a bit miserable:


Thanks: Dream?Dream! , Gangzi, hzx1200, Liu p0322, 150825, 13106, and other brothers' monthly passes, flowers, comments!

Thank you brothers for your support!

grateful! .

Chapter 27

Teenager: The flesh and blood on the forehead burst open, revealing the bones!

His eyes are demented and his eyes are broken!

Even if he is being held up, he is kowtowing.

"How long can this guy live?" Liu Meng was anxious.

The officials dare not speak.


Teenager looks like he's going to die anytime!

Liu Meng hurriedly said: "Quick, give him medicine, let him kowtow, and get me water to drink!"




The boy kowtows: The spring water is pouring out!

Liu Meng was proud and laughed.

Baiguan was also very excited.

Everyone swarmed up to grab the spring water!

They gurgle when they are full, and store a lot in water tanks.


The spring water produced by the juvenile kowtow will not disappear when stored!

Liu Meng was triumphant: "With him, the emperor will be fine!"

"The sky will never stop me!"

"I'm not leaving!"

The officials were horrified!

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