051 Spider Nest, receive rewards

compared to before evolution.

Xiao Hui’s level has been raised to level 5.

[Master of Web Weaving] This talent has also been replaced by [Dream Weaver]!

Compared to the honest weaving.

Weaving dreams is undoubtedly much more powerful!

And there is one more skill [Dream of Evil Fallen]!

It appears to be able to enslave other creatures.

It is indeed a bit strong and outrageous!

But I thought it was opened from the silver box.

With such a strong potential, it can be said!

Looking at Xiao Hui who was lying in the corner honestly.

Although the size has increased.

But his temperament is still as well-behaved as when he was just born.

“It should also make a nest for you.”

A tall person.

It might be inconvenient to stay in the house any longer.

Mu Bai walked to the station with Xiao Hui.

With the help of a few sand soldiers.

Use the mud to make stone slabs and start to build a nest for the little ash.

Considering that Xiao Hui may grow up in the future.

Mu Bai controlled the soldiers to dig about five meters underground before stopping.

A three-meter-high roof was built with slate.

A boxy stone house with a length and width of 10 meters is ready.

Enter the stone house.

The ground sank, and the steps lead to the ground.

When the door was closed, there was not a shred of sunlight coming in, and it was pitch black inside.

But obviously Xiao Hui is very satisfied.

Excitedly crawling around in the stone house.

And began to spin silk to weave a nest for itself.

Looking at Xiao Hui who started to build a nest, Mu Bai returned to the living room.

Anya was awake, and the two women were talking.

Seeing Mu Bai come in, Anya is obviously a little ashamed that she fainted.

He blushed and twisted, not daring to look at Mu Bai.

Mu Bai was stunned, and suddenly thought that he didn’t seem to have received the reward of the battle power list.

I looked at all kinds of touts in the post bar before.

He was dizzy all over.

After that, he directly created a guild system on a whim.

Then, when Xiaohui successfully evolves, build a house for it.

One set after another!

It made Mu Bai almost forgot that there are also rewards for the power list!

Looking at Yu Youwei who was sitting on the side.

It seems that the news of gathering talents does not necessarily have to be sent by him in person.

“By the way, Xiaoyu, please send me a notice on the post bar, saying that I am going to form my own force and need to recruit some talents.”

“You ask those who want to join to prepare, and I will go online to pick people in a while.”

“Let them attach their resumes, and you can help screen those who are fishing in troubled waters.”

Yu Youwei has now been labeled as Mu Bai on Tieba.

Let her send the first announcement and make a preliminary screening, which can also be regarded as Mu Bai’s approval.


Yu Youwei was very happy when she received the sudden task.

Head start to get busy.

Mu Bai walked into the meditation room and closed the door impatiently.

“System, I want to receive the reward.”

The voice just fell.

Three gift bags appeared in front of Mu Bai.


[Get: Spell Thundercloud Storm. 】

[Acquisition: Spell · Ring of Slavery. 】

[Acquisition: Blueprint · Energy Gathering Core. 】

Identification scan.

[Spell · Thundercloud Storm: A silver-level air spell, summoning a thundercloud storm to carry out a large-scale attack. 】

[Spell · Ring of Slavery: Gold-level soul spells, spells used by high-level warlocks to enslave demons. 】

[Blueprint · Energy Gathering Core: Learn to make Energy Gathering Core after use. 】

Mu Bai looked at the identified information.

A happy face.

A gold-level spell, a silver-level spell!

These are all advanced spells that Mu Bai is currently missing!

Although this gold-level servitude ring is a sorcerer’s spell.

It is motivated by the power of chaos, not magic.

For ordinary people, I am afraid there is really no way.

After all, all spell structures are recorded on the system panel.

It does not understand the structure of magic itself.

But for Mu Bai.

This is not a problem!

As long as the relevant spell structure is parsed.

He can use this skill to simulate the power of chaos with magic!

That’s the advantage of being able to parse and understand spell structures!

This is also the advantage of the power of magic!

Even, Mu Bai can analyze the skills of warriors.

Use it with magic.

But not necessary.

Second, the strength of the body cannot keep up, and it is easy to get injured.

Masters who master the power of the system are themselves invincible.

He just needs to keep filling his system now.

And this silver skill is what Mu Bai needs now.

【Earth pulsation】Although strong.

But it is based on the earth.

It’s not easy to face enemies in the sky.

This [Thunder Cloud Storm] can be considered to make up for the weak point of Mu Bai’s attack.

Incorporate two skills into the analysis task of Soul Supercomputing.

Mu Bai looked at the final drawing.

After studying, Mu Bai looked shocked!

For the first time, he thought of a kind of knowledge researched in Miles’ Codex – magic fusion!


ps: I beg all readers to give my little brother a little collection. If there are flowers, recommend them, and the monthly pass will be even better! It is not easy for newcomers to write books, and they can write with more confidence if they have grades. I beg all readers for your great support. The humble author is here to thank you! ! ! *

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