031 Condensed talent, underground river

But before the adventure, you still need to arm yourself.

Yesterday, I was watching the operation of the Magic Web of Destiny, and I haven’t had time to choose a talent for myself.

Open the Destiny Magic Web background.

The dense talent data comes into view.

One day passed, in the talent of parsing.

There is only one gold-level talent!

There are 13 silver-level talents.

And the talent of bronze level is tens of thousands!

The rest are all black iron talents.

Most of the talent’s increase in strength is also based on their own basic strength.

And the more talents, the greater the pressure on the soul.

The average person has reached the limit with an additional 5 or 6 talents.

However, Mu Bai’s soul is strengthened by the increasing number of runes in the soul.

The upper limit is far beyond that.

Look at the dazzling array of talents in front of you.

Mu Bai started picking.

[True attack: Gold-level talent, ignores all energy shields, and directly attacks the body. 】

[Extraordinary intuition: Silver-level talent, for most things, your intuition can make the most favorable judgments. 】

[Super Dynamic Vision: Silver-level talent, beyond powerful dynamic vision. 】

[Rigid skin: silver-level talent, a special talent that imitates the evolution of dragon skin. 】

Unlike others it is just a functional projection of talent.

Mu Bai began to condense the spell structure directly in the depths of his own soul.

Plus his natural talent.

In his soul space, there will be seven innate structures.

Considering that it will be reconnaissance underwater for a while.

Mu Bai also selected the Dark Iron-level [Breathing Water] and [Dark Vision].

I feel that the pressure on the soul is not great, and there is still energy left.

However, Mu Bai is not ready to gather more talents for the time being.

Talent is not the more the better.

And the remaining few silver talents are not very suitable for him.

After a while, as several talent structures slowly condensed in the depths of the soul, they succeeded.

Mu Bai felt a force emanating from the depths of his body.

slightly itchy skin,

The world in his eyes seemed to be pressing the slowdown key when he was concentrating!

Several other talents with less obvious effect.

Mu Bai didn’t feel it.

After making preparations, Mu Bai walked to the lake with Xiaobai in his arms.

Some unknown waterfowl are flying around the lake.

“Meow meow.”

The kitten is obviously reluctant to go into the water.

Mu Bai touched the cat’s head.

“Take care of your home.”

After speaking, he put Xiaobai on the ground, turned around and walked slowly into the lake.

With the lake water not overhead.

But Mu Bai didn’t feel any suffocation.

A trace of oxygen miraculously seeped into his skin from the surrounding water.

Supply the consumption of his activities.

However, this large lake is full of several square kilometers.

Relying on his slow swimming skills, it may take a long time to complete the investigation.

Look for it in the talent library.

Mu Bai temporarily blessed himself with an [underwater activity].

Talent activated.

Mu Bai felt as if his body suddenly became lighter.

The changes in the surrounding water flow instinctively reflected in his mind.

Gently kick your foot.

He rushed out more than ten meters like a swordfish!

“Oh shit.”

This novelty made Mu Bai a little addicted.

After playing around for a while, he began to explore the reality of this lake.

It took ten minutes to turn the entire lake around.

This large lake is not deep in general, about ten meters.

There are some ordinary creatures living in the lake, not even wild monsters.

But as he got closer to the center of the lake, Mu Bai noticed something was wrong.

The surrounding water began to behave abnormally.

It’s clearly gathering somewhere.

As he kept getting closer to the source of the anomaly.

The silt originally deposited on the bottom of the lake can gradually see the rock base!

Wait until Mu Bai swims to the center of the lake.

Impressively, I saw an opening dozens of meters long and wide at the bottom of the lake!

Deep, dark.

Can’t see the bottom!

“Underground river?”

Mu Bai had a calculation in his heart.

I’m afraid this oasis is on a groundwater vein.

Only in the vast desert can such a huge lake be brought together!

And at the junction of the underground river and the lake.

Complicated currents have swept away all the silt here.

Only a solid rocky base remains.

on these rocks.

Mu Bai found hideous scratches!

The scratches are distributed somewhat symmetrically on both sides of the entrance.

It seems that there was once a monster struggling to climb out of the underground river from here!

And this speculation is probably true!

This also makes sense, why is the wild monster in this oasis extremely rare!

Because before the arrival of Mu Bai, this place may have been visited by a mysterious creature!

The desert is a forbidden zone for life.

So far, the wild monster ecology here has not been fully restored!

As for where the mysterious creature went, Mu Bai didn’t know.

But his soul trembled slightly.

Intuition tells him that the best choice is to go down and explore.


ps: I beg all readers to give my little brother a little collection. If there are flowers, recommend them, and the monthly pass will be even better! It is not easy for newcomers to write books, and they can write with more confidence if they have grades. I beg all readers for your great support. The humble author is here to thank you! ! ! *

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