Looking at the queen ant below, the meaning is also obvious.

This boss only needs to be killed with long-range skills, and it basically has no ability to resist.

As the dungeon of LV30, the previous nearly a thousand elite monsters are the real difficulty.

That being the case,

Bai Ye also unceremoniously began to use his “bone spear” to attack.

And it’s the opposite of White Night

Three eldest ladies,

It was accidentally bumped to the bottom of the queen, which is the location of the queen’s delivery room.

The queen ant can also be attacked here.

After the trio cleaned up the surrounding eggs that had not yet hatched.

Look at the huge, immovable boss ant queen.

“What do you say, do we want to attack or not?” , obviously the “Bone Cavalry” who has been going around in it for half a day is still very interested in killing the boss, “This is the first kill, and the reward is absolutely rich.” ”

And as the daughter of the richest man in Lancheng, of course, the “Spirit Summoner” does not care much about the reward of the first kill, “But there is no white night, we can’t enter at all, so robbing his boss like this will make him angry?” ”

The eldest lady thought for a moment, and was just about to take the two of them to evacuate.

Right now,

The huge body of the queen ant boss began to twist wildly.

Apparently someone is attacking the boss.

The eldest lady stopped preparing to leave and said directly, “Let’s attack too, finish fighting early, let’s go out early.” ”

“Attack together? So what if the boss is robbed by us? The “Spirit Messenger” voiced his doubts.

And the eldest lady nodded her forehead at this time, “Stupid you, do you think we can rob him?” ”

“That’s right, he’s such a powerful undead here, how can we possibly grab it, since that’s the case, then let’s start.”

So the three also began to attack the queen ant boss.

And the “bone cavalry” who has been thinking of snatching the boss of White Night is even more hard.

The “Skeleton Cavalry” attacked hard

While thinking, I don’t believe it, the three of us will not be hurt as much as one person?

As we all know,

The settlement of the boss’s death is judged based on the damage caused to the boss.

The “Skeleton Cavalry” also hoped that Bai Ye would not be able to win the three of them.

Because according to his conjecture,

It’s so small, and this queen ant boss hasn’t moved from beginning to end.

It proves that there will not be a lot of space here.

It was simply not enough space for white nights to summon that huge undead.

Come to think of this,

The “Skeleton Cavalry” also deliberately did not say anything, anyway, it was not his own decision.

And he guessed correctly.

White Night has no way to summon the undead.

But the spiritual power of more than 600 in the white night is not a decoration.

What’s more, the “Bone Spear” skill, in the past three days, has been upgraded to LV26 by White Night.

“LV11 characteristics: penetration +100%.”

“LV16 Feature: 50% reduction in skill consumption.”

“LV21 Feature: 50% reduction in casting time.”

“LV26 Features: Increase the number to 5.”

At this time, the white night, although there is only such a means of active attack.

But it has also been because of the breaking of the upper limit of skills, and has advanced to an existence comparable to a machine gun.

The consumption is reduced by 50%, and the number becomes 5, which can be directly understood as a 10-fold increase in damage from White Night on an immobile target such as attacking the queen ant.

Coupled with the reduction in casting time, as long as the amount of blue is sufficient, White Night’s “Bone Spear” skill is even worth the firepower of a small mage group.

The “Bone Spear” skill, which is proportional to spiritual power, is matched with more than 600 spiritual power.

In a short period of time, Bai Ye’s own output is not even worse than 10 butchers.


Row after row of bone spears, stabbing at the queen ant boss.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The double penetrating power directly made the bone spear disappear into the queen’s body.

Only rows of wounds are left as the queen ant twists, constantly flowing out thick mucus.

And the outside world of the dungeon at this time.

Uncle Luo Hu received the notice from his subordinates and came here, and along with him, there was a blonde young man Mo Shao.

Before kindly reminding Bai Ye to bring the guard of the “Repatriation Scroll”, he quickly said to Uncle Luo Hu, “This bounty squad is becoming more and more arrogant, and they are clearly going to go in and kill people.” ”

In fact, the reason why this guard took care of Bai Ye so much was because his neighbor’s children were persecuted by these three scumbags.

He didn’t want to see anyone like his neighbors who spent all day washing their faces in tears.

When the blond youth heard the name of the bounty squad, he immediately guessed that it was the team he hired to kill Bai Ye.

It seems that the other party has already entered, so isn’t the white night dead?

This squad was carefully selected by itself, and it was not comparable to the waste of Stinger.

Under the combination of the three, it can be said that it is a nightmare for novices, and under a series of controls, the professional of the second turn may also be cut under the horse.

It’s just that he was too arrogant a few months ago, and after being warned by Uncle Luohu, he relented a little.

So hearing the guard’s words, Mo Shao hurriedly said with a straight face, “It is already difficult for professionals to fight in the outside world, if the backlog of contradictions is nowhere to be released, it will definitely cause greater harm, and the fight in the dungeon cannot be avoided.” You have to contact the boss about this kind of thing, are you very idle with us? ”

Hear this,

The guard subconsciously snorted, but still said to Uncle Hu, “You better quickly send someone in to take a look, compared with those three scumbags, it’s a pity that this young man died.” ”

Uncle Luo Hu continued as usual, picked up the list of people who entered and began to browse.

This place is known as the ‘Endless Ant Plague’, and few people come.

When he saw the names of the eldest lady and others, he was not too surprised, because the first boss reward here was still there.

Every year, there are the best of the newcomers who think they can break the record and complete the first raid.

This is also a good opportunity to make a name for yourself.

After all, this dungeon has existed for decades, and no one has succeeded in attacking it so far.

But when he saw Bai Ye’s name, he secretly said in his heart, it’s not good!!!

You know,

Now in the white night, there is still the existence of curses, and the weakness of the necromancer’s fragile body can be said to be magnified several times.

PS. Everyone evaluates a lot, I try to draw suggestions!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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