[Sunflower of Sunflower]: Diamond-grade material, the flower of the plant spirit beast Lava Sunflower, because it resembles a sunflower and grows in magma, it is named Sunflower.

This is an introduction to the flower of the sunflower.

Because of its sunward characteristics, it has the ability to collect sunlight energy, and condense into a beam of light and use it directly.

And now, the mutant red-winged jay uses the sunflower flower as an evolutionary material, after evolving into the red-winged sun-striped jay.

This characteristic of the sunflower directly turned into a sun fire pattern and appeared at the eyebrows of the red gold-winged sunflower jay.

This is the origin of the [Sun Pattern] talent.

To be honest, this talent is very important to the Red Golden-winged Sun Raven.

Because this is a connection point between the sun and the red gold-winged sunjay.

It can allow the red gold-winged sun crow to continuously absorb the energy of the sun’s light and subtly transform its body.

Over time, the body of the red gold-winged sun-striped jay will fade its red feathers and completely transform into golden feathers.

When the red gold-winged sun-striped jay completely changed into the gold-winged sun-striped jay.

It is the moment when the mutant red-winged jay completes the first stage of evolution.

You know, although the mutant red-winged jay has six evolutions, it is divided into two stages.

From crow, two-legged three.

From an ordinary crow-like spirit beast to a golden crow spirit beast with partial divinity, this is the first stage of change.

When the first three evolutions are completed.

The mutant Red Winged Raven will completely recede the crow bloodline and transform into a golden crow bloodline flowing with the power of the sun.

After that, the second stage is when the two-legged golden crow evolves into a three-legged golden crow.

This is the evolutionary chain of mutant red-winged jays.

And now, the mutant red-winged jay has finally embarked on the road of evolution and began to evolve in the direction of the Sun God Bird.

It can be said that the talent of [Sun Pattern] is the starting point for the evolution of the mutant red-winged crow to the three-legged golden crow.

That’s why the mutant red-winged jay needs to acquire this talent.

But then again, the mutant red-winged raven evolved this time, and although it only gained a new talent, it gained two purple skills.

Condensing sun lines and beams to the sun.

In fact, these two skills can be regarded as the natural skills of the [Sun Pattern] talent.

One is the skill of absorbing the power of the sun and condensing the power of the sun.

One is an attack skill that releases the power of the sun in the form of a beam.

This is equivalent to absorption and release.

This is a little interesting, this is the first time he has seen talent skills interpret talent in this way.

However, Bai Zi’an is not disgusted, because using it separately is sometimes not a bad thing.

After a while, Bai Zi’an put down this matter and looked at the qualification column.

After this evolution, the qualification of the red gold-winged sun jay has finally returned to the epic level.

However, the problem of the origin loss of the red gold-winged sun crow has not been solved.

The Origin Loss problem has not yet been completely resolved, but it has an epic qualification, which may seem contradictory.

However, this is a normal thing.

The reason why this is so is because the upper limit of the qualification of the red gold-winged sun crow has been raised again.

Just look at the introduction of the red gold-winged sun-striped jay.

Before, the introduction of the mutant red-winged jay only said that after its origin is restored, it may reach an epic height.

According to Bai Zi’an’s guess, the original talent of the mutant red-winged crow should be the intermediate epic level or the advanced epic level.

However, after evolving into the Red Golden-winged Sun-striped Raven, its introduction became “If it can make up for the loss of the origin, it is possible to grow to the top epic level.” ”

In other words, the upper limit of the qualification of the red gold-winged sun jay has become higher.

For this reason, this situation has arisen.

However, this is not a bad thing for the red gold-winged sun-striped jay.

After all, the higher the upper limit of qualifications, the higher the height of growth in the future.

This is the change in the evolution of the mutant red-winged jay into the red-winged sun-striped jay.

Overall, this evolution is perfect, giving the Red Golden-winged Raven a sea change.

On the other hand, when the Red Golden-winged Sun Raven completed its evolution, Bai Zi’an also had some changes in his body.

An amazing imperial beast power emerged from Bai Zi’an’s body, rushing towards Bai Zi’an’s limbs and remains, constantly transforming Bai Zi’an’s body.

Bai Zi’an could feel that his physical fitness had ushered in earth-shaking changes and became even more amazing.

On the other hand, Bai Zi’an could feel that his imperial beast contract had become looser, and it seemed that there was a new imperial beast position, and he could contract a new pet beast.

All of these situations have a common reason.

That is, Bai Zi’an advanced.

From the bronze-level Royal Beast Master, he broke through to become a Silver-level Royal Beast Master.

Yes, Bai Zi’an has successfully stepped into the silver level.

“This is the silver level, it seems to be a little fast.”

Bai Zi’an let out a sigh of emotion.

To be honest, he had a feeling of unreality.

Because the process of bronze to silver is too fast.

At the beginning, it took Bai Zi’an more than a month to break through from the realm of not entering the stream to the black iron level.

And the promotion from the black iron level to the bronze level also took more than two months.

But now, in just over half a month, Bai Zi’an has successfully crossed the bronze level and directly promoted to the silver level.

The speed of this promotion far exceeded Bai Zi’an’s expectations.

For this reason, Bai Zi’an will have such feelings.

However, the reason for this situation is also a matter of chance.

If it weren’t for this time, Bai Zi’an followed Bai Jingchong’s actions, and by chance, he picked up the leaks of two diamond-level imperial beast masters and gained a lot of experience.

Bai Zi’an will not be so fast this time.

It can only be said that his breakthrough this time can be regarded as an accident.

You know, at the beginning, Bai Zi’an had no intention of letting the mutant red-winged crow evolve in the Wind Roaring Mountain Range.

After all, this is the territory of wild spirit beasts, which can be said to be full of dangers, and it is not a good place to evolve at all.

It’s just that the speed of the mutant red-winged jay’s increase came too suddenly.

There is no way, this is the evolution this time.

“But then again, evolution is too fast, and sometimes it’s not a good thing.”

“Because the speed of evolution is too fast, the foundation of the mutant red-winged jay is unstable, but it will affect the growth of the mutant red-winged jay.”

Bai Zi muttered in reassurance, thinking about this matter.

To be honest, although Bai Zi’an planned to grow his spirit beast to the gold level in three years.

But now, in less than a semester, he has already stepped into the silver level.

If this continues, I am afraid that he will be able to step into the gold level at the end of his freshman year of high school.

In one year, he started from a trainee Royal Beast Master and was directly promoted to a gold-level Royal Beast Master.

Although it sounds quite bluffing.

However, this is of no use at all.

Because you have only improved in level, and have not improved in other aspects, what is the effect.

If nothing else, skill proficiency and combat experience, etc., may not be able to keep up.

If you face a real battle, you may suffer.

Of course, Bai Zi’an’s pet beasts have qualifications beyond the imagination of ordinary imperial beast masters, and there is no need to worry about their strength.

However, this is only the case in the face of ordinary imperial beast masters.

With the improvement of strength, Bai Zi’an’s advantage will also increase.

If nothing else, let’s take the king level as an example.

Existences that can grow to the level of kings, whether it is talent or resources, are all first-class.

It can be said that those king-level imperial beast masters were also called genius existences when they were young.

At that time, Bai Zi’an’s advantages would not be as obvious as they are now.

Now, Bai Zi’an may be able to cross two great realms to kill the enemy.

However, when it comes to the king level, even if he can defeat the enemy, it is estimated that it will not be as easy as it is now.

This is still the case of kings, if you grow to a higher height.

Epic, legendary, or even god-level, this situation will be more obvious.

It can be said that this effect is not visible now, but it will gradually manifest itself over time.

Therefore, it is necessary to let pet beasts such as the White Shadow Golden Scale Whale and the Red Gold Winged Sun Raven temper themselves well and create an extremely solid foundation.

This is one of the reasons.

On the other hand, Bai Zi’an was also worried that other pet beasts would not be able to keep up.

It’s like Bai Zi’an’s third pet beast, the rubber ape cub.

The current rubber ape cubs are still in a state of influx.

Compared with the silver-level red gold-winged sun-patterned crow, it is directly different from four realms.

Such a gap in strength is too big.

That’s not a good thing.

Bai Zi’an has long said that he wants to become an all-round imperial beast master and let all pet beasts grow.

If it’s just the white shadow golden scale whale and the red gold-winged sun jay growing up, what is the use.

If the enemy’s hands have spirit beasts that restrain the water and fire systems, they will restrain the White Shadow Golden Scale Whale and the Red Gold Winged Sun Crow to death.

In this way, Bai Zi’an is finished playing.

This is something that Bai Zi’an does not allow.

So next, Bai Zi’an will focus on cultivating rubber ape cubs.

As for the White Shadow Golden Scale Whale and the Red Gold Winged Sun Jay, Bai Zi’an will focus on honing their foundations.

This is Bai Zi’an’s next plan.

“By the way, I’ve now been promoted to the silver level, it’s time to consider the fourth pet beast.”

Bai Zi’an muttered, thinking of something else.

With the promotion of the Red Gold Winged Sun Crow to the silver level, Bai Zi’an also broke through to the silver level and obtained a new imperial beast position.

In this way, Bai Zi’an can contract the fourth pet beast.

This is no small issue and needs to be carefully considered.

That’s what Bai Zi’an needs to do next.

“There’s still a lot to do.”

“But the most important thing at the moment is to return to Bailin City first.”

“It’s a day later than expected, and I don’t know what the situation is outside.”

“Has a new world arrived? If so, what kind of world will it be? ”

Bai Zi’an muttered and said something else.

To be honest, the affairs of the new world are what Bai Zi’an is most concerned about.

According to his initial plan, he had two days to explore the situation of the cave, and then returned directly to Bailin City and waited for the arrival of the new world.

The result was not expected, because the sudden evolution of the mutant red-winged jay directly took more than three days.

This is more than a day slower than the scheduled time.

Therefore, Bai Zian did not know what had become of the outside world and whether a new world had come.

“Wait, it seems that I can use the [Eye of Apocalypse] to probe the arrival of the new world.”

Bai Zi’an’s spirit flashed and thought of a good way.

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