All Heavens Immortal Martial Arts

Vol 6 Chapter 68: Yuan Qingxuan's weirdness

The so-called Great Red Realm is naturally not an ordinary place, but a special space similar to the Heavenly Paradise.

It can't be said that, for this world, the Great Red Realm is by no means an ordinary cave, but a existence that is almost like a heaven in mythology.

According to myths and legends, if you want to go to the sky, you need to build wood, and it is not so simple to enter the big red realm in this world. Otherwise, Ling Changzhen would not need to let Yuan Qingxuan come over to guide him. It is not that he does not know about the big red. the specific location of the environment.

It's just that sometimes even if you know the specific location, it's not enough without a specific method.

If you want to enter the Great Red Realm, you must have someone from the Supreme Palace to guide you.

Walking into the dark space passage, Ling Changzhen and Yuan Qingxuan walked in the front, He Heng was behind.

Yuan Qingxuan used a mysterious spell to open up a stable space channel, while chatting with Ling Changzhen.

Although the Taishang Palace is a treasured place for cultivation, Yuan Qingxuan is not an idle person, and he has been bored in it for all these years, which is naturally very boring.

In fact, Ling Changzhen and him have been friends for many years. They were born and died together, and the depth of their friendship is hard to be known by outsiders.

This time, when he heard that Ling Changzhen was here, he immediately volunteered to be the pick-up person, otherwise he would not have escaped because of his laziness.

Along the way, he and Ling Changzhen talked about a lot of things, about the memories of the past, about the Taishang Palace, as well as various recent events in the Great Heaven World, all of which were very sad.

"In a blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed. I still remember that three thousand years ago, when the Nine Provinces were discussing Taoism, you sent the superintendent to be seriously injured and his lifespan was exhausted. You hurriedly took the position, and the palace sent me, who had just been promoted to the real world, to assist you. At that time, when I was happy and grudged and fought against the demons and the demon clan, I still remember the blood boiling!" For some reason, Yuan Qingxuan sighed suddenly, his tone full of reminiscence.

Ling Changzhen's expression changed, and he hurriedly continued to chat with him.

He Heng frowned a little. Although Ling Changzhen and Yuan Qingxuan were having a good time talking, it was like an old friend meeting, but it was a little strange no matter how they looked at it.

"No!" Suddenly, he thought of something.

"Just now Yuan Qingxuan was obviously not like this." His cultivation reached the level of He Heng, his memory was extraordinary, and he immediately recalled the scene of seeing Yuan Qingxuan at the beginning.

At that time, Yuan Qingxuan was a little excited when he saw Ling Changzhen, but he was more indifferent and playful, and seemed cynical. The Yuan Qingxuan in front of him has turned into a sentimental literary youth, and his whole personality has changed a lot.

How could this be? When He Heng was in doubt, Ling Changzhen suddenly sent a voice transmission to him: "You must have seen it, Yuan Qingxuan's situation is not right. But you don't have to worry, this is a normal situation."

"Why?" He Heng asked in confusion.

Ling Changzhen once again transmitted his voice and said: "This starts with his practice. He practiced the "Tai Shang Hua Ling Jue", which is also one of the taboo exercises in the Taishang Palace, because It is a spiritual method based on all phenomena in the world and the change of people's hearts as the foundation. Those who practice this skill must experience the scorching and cold world, the rolling red dust, incarnate hundreds of thousands, and have infinite identities for generations, only then can they achieve forgetfulness. In the realm of materialization, the achievement is still above the tenth mysterious gate of the heavenly law, which is close to the unreachable 'dao'."

"It's just that the practice of this art is too difficult and dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose yourself, forget your original identity, and bring in one by one fictional identities, completely losing your true self. When I first took the throne and taught, it happened to be the Kyushu theory. After the Dao, the map of the last generation of the supreme war emperor of the demon gate died in the hands of Jun Ruzhi, the demons were headless, and there was chaos everywhere. The new king of Daxia ascended the throne and deliberately wanted to resist my Xuanmen. It is a secret coveting. Although my Xuanmen won the control of the Kyushu land for 3,000 years in the Kyushu Lun Dao, I was also besieged by the other side, and it was the time of crisis. At that time, Yuan Qingxuan had just broken through the real state of the cave, and because of the practice, if he wanted to continue to improve, he would have to go through the world and experience world events, so the master of the Taishang Palace at that time, Xuqiong Zhenjun, sent him to help me."

"But I'm afraid something happened later." He Heng sighed deeply. The so-called "Tai Shang Hua Ling Jue" should be somewhat similar to the immortality seal method. If it is not practiced well, it will lead to a split personality, but the immortality seal method is only the opposite of yin and yang. Therefore, Shi Zhixuan is only two personalities, while "Tai Shang Hua Ling Jue" has countless incarnations. After something goes wrong, how many personalities Yuan Qingxuan has, it makes one's scalp tingle just thinking about it.

He Heng also understood that Yuan Qingxuan's temperament would change. It turned out that his personality was changing.

Ling Changzhen sighed again, and said, "Originally, with Yuan Qingxuan's talent, he could have perfected the cultivation technique, but at the critical moment when his heart changed, a master of the Demon Sect attacked him, and he had to stay there. When I forcibly shot, although I killed the demon master together with me, it also made his heart difficult to achieve, and even had sequelae, often showing various personalities, and extremely dangerous. That's why I told you to stay away from him, Otherwise, it could easily happen.”

He Heng looked at Yuan Qingxuan, who was still feeling sentimental, and said, "Master, Uncle Yuan seems to be quite Shouldn't it be as exaggerated as you said?"

Ling Changzhen shook his head: "That's because for the past three thousand years, the masters of the Taishang Palace have suppressed most of the most harmful personalities for him with great magic power, and his own cultivation has become more advanced, and his self-control ability has become much stronger. Otherwise, he may violently kill anyone at any moment, and I was almost killed by him in a sneak attack at the beginning. As for now, although he is much better, he must be careful."

He Heng responded twice, and then said curiously, "This Supreme Spirit Transformation Art sounds very special. I wonder if you can ask Uncle Yuan to give me some pointers?"

"You..." Ling Changzhen choked, he explained for a long time, he just hoped that he would stay away from Yuan Qingxuan and be cautious, but he didn't want him to be interested in the practice that caused Yuan Qingxuan to become what he is now. I also want Yuan Qingxuan to teach him.

At this moment, Ling Changzhen had the urge to kill. Fortunately, his realm was high and he was not affected by this emotion. After taking a deep breath, he said through a voice transmission: "Tai Shang Hua Ling Jue is a taboo magic formula of the Tai Shang Palace. Even in this palace, there are not many people who can practice, so don't think about it."

"That's it." He Heng sighed helplessly. With his vision, he wouldn't care too much about ordinary magic formulas, even if he was a pure-yang series. This directly cultivated Taoism and incarnated infinite spiritual transformation formulas. It was rare to arouse his curiosity, but he didn't want to be directly rejected by Ling Changzhen.



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