All Heavens Immortal Martial Arts

Vol 5 Chapter 90: chaos

Gong Shenjuan's face was particularly gloomy, and the murderous intent in his eyes staring at He Heng was extremely strong. No one dared to mention this in front of him—

until now!

There is no nonsense to talk about, but for those who provoke him, Gong Shenjuan gives them only destruction!



A deep demonic energy raged out, pitch black as ink, filled with a faint electric arc, tearing the void and slaughtering the people. This is the original Demon Sect's supernatural power of killing - the slaying purple electric knife!

The electric light was filled with the light of the knife, and the terrifying power that was indestructible was densely covered. In an instant, it spanned dozens of meters of space and hit He Heng's chest directly.

"I also want to know the strength of No. 2 on the Tianjiao list. You are the only person in the same generation..." He Heng's words were sneering, but his expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and the dark sword When the light slashed, a picture of Tai Chi appeared outside his body, and between the birth and death of yin and yang, it turned into a black and white sphere, covering the knife light.


A cracking sound resounded, the void exploded inch by inch, and a huge pothole appeared on the ground of the palace, with a depth of several tens of meters, and the power between the two was so terrifying.

"Hmph, there are indeed some ways, but this is not the reason why you can provoke my dignity." Gong Shenjuan roared, and a long black knife appeared in his hand. The suffocating suffocation caused the entire capital to cool down and enter the deep winter season.

He Heng took out the two-meter light sword, opened and closed Yin and Yang, and then spread the four images and gossip. The eight tribulations of the gods were derived from the sword body at the same time, and the ten strange forces between heaven and earth were solidified and blessed.


With a sudden collision, He Heng and Gong Shenjuan's silhouettes merged together. The deep light and the intertwined power of yin and yang collided more than a hundred times in an instant.

"Pick me up with a human essence demon!" Gong Shenjuan roared, the dark light on his body turned into a green demon body, and he opened his mouth to spit out a demonic light that smothered the sky and enveloped the front.

"The Seven Demons of Yang Evil?" He Heng shouted in a low voice, "I heard that the Primitive Demon Sect has a trick of swallowing the heavenly demon, which is divided into seven types, namely Renyuan, Earth Gang, Heavenly Law, Lingji, Shenshang, Xianzhu, and Dao. Kong, collectively known as the method of the seven demons, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and the poor way of the world, but today I am fortunate to see it."

The power of water, fire, and wind raged on his body, and He Heng slammed a punch, traversing the void, intertwined with the law, everything was silent, and the yin and yang qi turned into a wandering dragon, strangling the emerald green light.

"Earth Gang Demon!" Gong Shenjuan's expression did not change at all, his ten fingers pinched a mysterious fingerprint, and the whole earth rolled over, as if the land was falling apart. Fortunately, the palace had a special formation to suppress it, otherwise the destruction would be in an instant. Rao is so, at this moment, half of the palace collapsed, and tens of thousands of warring soldiers and masters were buried in the ground.

An earth dragon rose into the sky, roaring, and rushed towards He Heng.

"Heavenly Tribulation!" He Heng shouted in a low voice, and an oppressive force surged down from the sky.


A huge roar resounded, the sky was shaking, and the illusory earth dragon was shattered under the crack of the earth.

Gong Shenjuan's complexion changed, and when he was about to take another shot, he suddenly found that Ji Xikong and others had already hit the depths of the palace, and at this moment only he and He Heng were still entangled here.

"Hmph, if you want to continue fighting with me, He will accompany me to the end, but I'm afraid you and I won't get anything this time." He Heng sneered.

Gong Shenjuan's face sank, and after thinking for a while, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​entanglement with He Heng, turned around and rushed into the depths of the palace.

Looking at his back, He Heng sneered and followed.

At this time, a loud laughter came from the depths of the palace, and the root of myriad profound marrow had already entered the body of the old emperor. With a trembling, Liu Wu's pale complexion turned ruddy. Breath rises out.

"Haha, this Myriad Profound Marrow is worthy of the spirit of heaven and earth, but to rescue you, a dying person, is not a waste of my energy for so many days." The old figure laughed loudly, he was a member of the Daliang court. Forbidden powerhouse, Liu Wu's uncle, the Dinghaishenzhen of the great dynasty.

Looking at the awakened Liu Wu, the Second Prince and the Seventh Prince were terrified and hurriedly hid behind many demon masters, while Liu Fang and Liu Ding stepped forward and said excitedly, "My son, congratulations to the royal father. If I can wake up, I will rule the world again.”

"Well, Fang'er, Ding'er, you did a good job, and you didn't let me down." Liu Wu nodded lightly, looked to the other side with cold eyes, stared at the two princes and said, "You two rebels, you actually It is an unforgivable crime to join forces with aliens to be the leader of the dynasty, intending to kill the king and father, but now you know the crime?"

"Convicted? Hmph, since ancient times, they have been successful and defeated. It is still unclear who will die today. Old man, die!" The two princes were also quite courageous, and they were never scared by Liu Wu. Of course, they have no room to back down.

Liu Wu showed a hint of grief, and then coldly shouted: "Since you two beasts do not repent, then don't blame me for being ruthless! Where is the Shadow Killer? Take down their heads for me!"

With Liu Wu's order, dozens of men in black came out of the hall, all of them breathed above the tenth level of the Dao Embryo Realm, and the strong reached the level of the seventeenth level, belonging to the top masters. master.

There is no nonsense to say, when they appeared, they directly killed the rebels of the two princes.

"Hmph, just rely on these shrimp soldiers and crab generals to come and capture me?" The second prince sneered, and clasped his fists at the two demon masters beside him: "Also ask the two seniors to take action, as long as they kill them, the world is ours. That's right, Liu Hao will definitely not forget his promise when the time comes."

Glancing at him coldly, the two demon disciples didn't say much, and immediately stepped forward to kill the shadow guards.

These two Demon Sect masters are both at the peak of the Dao Embryo Realm. The arrogant figures from the Great Heaven World are far superior to the same level in combat power, and they are only a line behind the taboo powerhouses in this world. Yingyiwei is more than enough.

But the strength of Emperor Daliang is far from this. While entangled with the two princes, the forbidden powerhouse of the royal family, Liu Wu's uncle, Wu Huang Liu Gu made a bold move, directly suppressing Ji Xikong and others.

"You wait for an alien, **** it!"

The big hand covering the sky filled the sky, covering the universe, Miluo Tiandi, with the battle in the palace, Liu Gu's strength at this moment was close to the realm of law.

Ji Xikong did not change his face, but he muttered words in his mouth. Under Liu Gu's puzzled eyes, he suddenly raised his head and shouted in a low voice, "Liu Wu, do it!"

"What?" Before Liu Gu had time to react, he felt a chill in his vest, his primordial spirit slumped, and a terrifying force destroyed his muscles and veins.

"How is that possible, Wu'er?" Liu Gu turned around with difficulty, looking at Liu Wu in disbelief.

"Papa!" Ji Xikong clapped his palm lightly and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, didn't you think of it? That Wanxuan marrow root has already been touched by me. When you gave it to Liu Wu for healing, He was already under my control."

When he spoke, Liu Wu had already walked to Ji Xikong's side and stood respectfully.

"Imperial Father?" Liu Ding and the others roared in disbelief. Their eyes were extremely red, and they rushed forward with terrifying murderous intent, wanting to fight Ji Xikong for life and death.

"It's just the two of you, if you want to court death, I will fulfill you!" Ji Xikong sneered, and slapped it out with a palm, immediately beating Liu Ding and the two to the point of vomiting blood and staggering backwards.

"Ding'er, Fang'er, don't be impulsive, this person is not inferior to the old man, and he is definitely not an enemy of you!" Wu Huang Liu Gu did not know what secret method he used, forcibly used some of his skills, and blocked Ji for Liu Ding and the others. evening sky.

"Old man, you have some skills." Ji Xikong is not surprised, Liu Gu is also one of the world's famous taboo powerhouses, naturally it is impossible to lose all combat power under Liu Wu's sneak attack. It should be.

"However, you are still under my plot. Now you can play at most half of your strength. What can you fight with me?" Ji Xikong punched out, and the illusory immortals imprisoned Liu Gu. .

But at this time, Gong Shenjuan, who had been entangled with He Heng for a long time, had already arrived. With his wisdom, it only took a moment to understand the general situation, and he immediately killed Ji Xikong.

"Hand over this old emperor, this seat can consider spare your life!" Gong Shenjuan's tone is very domineering, indeed, in this world where the most exist in the world, he is not afraid of anyone. Except for a few people such as Wan Liuguang, even He Heng didn't really pay attention to it. It seemed that the battle just now was inconclusive, but he only used Qicheng power.

Of course He had no idea how much power He Heng had used.

But no matter what, in Gong Shenjuan's eyes, Ji Xikong is just a small character who is not in the mainstream. Although the breath is not weak, is it worthy of his attention?

Under the pressure of Sen Ran's aura, Gong Shenjuan stared at Ji Xikong with icy eyes. As long as he dared to say nothing, he was ready to take his life on the spot.

Will Ji Xikong succumb to Gong Shenjuan? The answer is naturally no.


Under the collision of huge forces, the entire palace was demolished in an instant, Ji Xikong and Gong Shenjuan fought, the pitch-black swallowing demons confronted the illusory Xiandu, and Cang Yaoju Fudao collided with the Emperor Zhizhi.

Regardless of skill or realm, Gong Shenjuan is above Ji Xikong, but Ji Xikong is helpless because of luck, and the trump card is endless.

He Heng looked at all this calmly and remained silent.

I saw that the fighting on the field was intensifying, and the three forces were constantly intertwined, fighting continuously, and it was inextricable.

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