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This man, known as Mr. Liao, was the scientist who invented shift-leap technology 30 years ago.

His crazy blackmail 9 aristocracy wanted to become the tenth aristocracy, but was cracked by Fair Goddess and then assassinated by the aristocracy.

But it was only his clone that was killed, but he himself had lived in outer space for 30 years.

In the previous life, until Apocalypse came, he began to actively attack Federation-hitting the Giant Monster with a super-large Shift-Leap Device, and at the same time triggering a jump, coordinate positioning Freedom Federation.

This crazy act was the revenge he planned to complete with nearly 30 years, which eventually led to his trace exposure.

After Gu Qingshan finished speaking, he was silent for a while.

After a while, the voice rang again: “If I don’t agree, what will you do?”

Gu Qingshan shrugged, said: “I know you have placed many transition traps, you can transmit the attack to other places.”

“But have you ever thought that your poor arrangement, in front of the entire Federation, is not enough to see.”

“Can you represent Federation?” The voice laughed at said with a smile.

“He can represent Federation.” Fair Goddess said.

“Fair Goddess? Wait, are you president?” The voice surprisedly said, “No, with such a young voice, Federation will not have a president of this age, but according to the logic of Fair Goddess, to represent Federation, only the president.”

“This is a paradox.”

The voice stopped, obviously thinking.

“So, you are not the president, but you have the highest authority of Federation?”

He inferred the correct answer.

“Wonderful!” The voice was excited: “I tried it back then, but my time was very urgent, and the chase was too fierce, too late to complete the cracking of Fair Goddess 30 firewalls.”

“What a beautiful job, how did you do it?” His tone was familiar and close.

“You don’t have to worry about this, we are talking about business now.” Gu Qingshan say.

“Okay, you want my shift-leap technology, you want to deal with those damn Murdering Ghost and Sea Beast?”


“Hot weapons don’t work?”

“It seems that you often read the news.”

“I have to ask one more time, are you not from the 9 houses?”

“What do you think.”

“No, well, certainly not.”

“So, Mr. Liao, what is your answer?”

“I want to see your sincerity first.”

“My sincerity?” Gu Qingshan laughed, saying: “I could have used biochemical weapons to empty all life on your small spaceship, and then go up to find your scientific research results.”

“But I didn’t do that, but talked to you first.”

“Fortunately, you didn’t do that,” the opposite voice said. “I placed a biosignal transmitter near the heart of oneself. Once I died, the entire spaceship would explode.”

“Another sincerity,” Gu Qingshan said again, “I know you are ready to intercept the passing universe monster, and use the interstellar shift-leap technology to put them into the Federation.”

“Damn! How do you know.” The voice exclaimed.

“The news that you are alive is published with this incident, you can guess how long oneself can live.”

“Okay, okay, damn, for you and I are so frank, I can promise you, but I have a condition.”

“You said.”

“I want to come back.”

Gu Qingshan listened, stunned.

This maniac, actually want to come back?

Once 9 houses found him, he had no chance to run away.

The voice stopped for a while, without waiting for Gu Qingshan’s answer, and suddenly became anxious.

“You have the highest authority, you must help me.”

“It’s inconvenient to do anything in this damn outer space. I don’t have any contraceptive measures anymore. You have to help me go back-my population is under too much pressure, and the circulating supply system will be out of supply.”

Once the words are spoken, the voice pour out words in a steady flow.

“Your hairless brat certainly doesn’t know how severe the pressure is on my recharge and energy reserves when there is a large population.”

“Damn, you have to let me go back, and then give me a sum of money. I want to soak, drink well, and talk to the young girl!”

Gu Qingshan was stunned for a long time, Mu Ran said: “Hand over all shift-leap technology, you can come back.”

“Okay, you send an unmanned warship-small warships can’t, at least medium-sized, I have many people.”

“Mr. Liao, I will arrange it now, please be patient.”

Gu Qingshan hung up.

“A question.” He said.

“Your Excellency, please.” Fair Goddess’s voice seemed to have a smile on his face.

“It’s a technical maniac, and until now it was still a fantasy to rule the world and dominate all women.”

“Even 9 houses are afraid of his skill and madness.”

“Don’t let him touch any core technology. When he comes back, he will implant the nanobomb immediately and make another deep change in appearance at the genetic level.”

“Give him a new identity, in the future he will only be able to follow me. His women and children are not allowed to contact anyone who has known him before, but they can give them an excellent living environment.”

“Recorded, sir.”

Gu Qingshan sighed, said: “This is a time bomb. If it is not to ease the current situation, I don’t want to find him at all.”

He went out again and gave the officer and professional a day’s monster corpse collection mission.

Professionals naturally echoed.

After Gu Qingshan left, Wang Yan looked at Zhao Youbang.

Zhao Youbang said bitterly: “I am really a dog shit, I thought oneself could win him.”

“Sun Ming is also a dog shit. He picked up a life without knowing it and is still indignant in the confinement room. I will kick Sun Ming’s ass and tell him what happened recently.”

Several professional and soldiers glanced at each other.

Wang Yan shook his head, muttered: “I also learned recently that Federation scientists are so powerful.”

Gu Qingshan return to house.

Fair Goddess suddenly said: “The combat between Martial Saint and the first Murdering Ghost has already started. Will you use satellites to watch the battle?”

“No, we have more important things to do now.”

Gu Qingshan pondered for a moment and said, “Call up the Murdering Ghost information collected so far, according to the threat level.”

“Understood, according to the danger level, the Murdering Ghost is currently at the highest level.”

“According to the analysis of collected intelligence, second only to his dangerous Murdering Ghost, there are 3 heads in total.”

The picture is displayed on the light curtain.

A giant meat mountain moves slowly in the city.

Gu Qingshan frowned looking towards the giant Roshan.

I saw on the Roshan, all human corpses, stacked together tightly, showing spiral upward steps.

The steps formed by human corpses have been leading to the top of Roshan.

A fat Murdering Ghost is sitting at the top of Roshan, feeding two Man-Eating Ghosts with corpses.

——Two-head black Man-Eating Ghost belongs to high elite in Man-Eating Ghost.

This is an obese Murdering Ghost pet.

On the whole Roshan, such pets are everywhere.

“Your Excellency, the individual differences of Man-Eating Ghost are also quite obvious. Do you think Man-Eating Ghost will evolve?” Fair Goddess asked.

“No,” Gu Qingshan say, “Man-Eating Ghost will not evolve from the level of life, but it will also become stronger, just like humans transition from childhood to adulthood-the better the nutrition, the stronger the growth.”


“I already have the consciousness of keeping dogs…” Gu Qingshan muttered, “Change one.”

The light curtain flashed and the picture changed into another scene.

This is a city.

I saw the hustle and bustle of the city, and the streets were full of people.

They stood there indifferently, waiting for something simultaneously.

Not a while.

Ten-headed Man-Eating Ghost dragged the heavy carriage slowly. When the carriage passed by, the Murdering Ghosts hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

In the carriage is a huge piece of meat.

This piece of meat does not have 4 limbs and 5 members, but it can reach out a sharp meat knife, string Murdering Ghost bowing outside, and then retract it.

Those Murdering Ghosts that were dragged into the carriage were all submerged in the meat and disappeared.

Throughout the process, no Murdering Ghost screamed and rebelled.

The screen ends here.

“Highly mutated Murdering Ghost,” Gu Qingshan say, “This is very dangerous, if grown up, it will be more difficult to deal with than other Murdering Ghost.”

“Do you still want to watch the third Murdering Ghost?” Fair Goddess asked.

“Look.” Gu Qingshan sighed then said.

In the previous life, when Murdering Ghost appeared, there was no warning. No one knew. Under the caught off guard, human losses were heavy.

Murdering Ghost has evolved too fast and too powerful.

If it were not for human beings to enter the game and quickly increase oneself, this would be able to keep up with the evolution of Murdering Ghost and not be extinct by Murdering Ghost.

And this life, with oneself immediately warning Fair Goddess, Apocalypse’s beginning is relatively better.

——But this life, game has not yet appeared, the situation is still dangerous, and it will be more dangerous next.

Where is the destiny of the whole human wind and rain?

Gu Qingshan thought in silence.

The light curtain opens again.

It was a skeleton with chopped flesh all over it, stumbling forward in the deserted desert.

Its body exudes a faint haze, turning all the places it walks into barren waste.

“This is the side where the injured fled after fighting Murdering Ghost in Ranked 1st.” Fair Goddess said.

Gu Qingshan looked at the yellow mist of the monster body and whispered: “This is Plague.”

“Yes, the virus in its body is constantly evolving. As of 7:38 yesterday evening, human medicine has been powerless against the virus in its body.”

“The dispatched professional cannot be approached at all, and will be infected to death within 30 meters.”

“Has General been dispatched?”

“Because 10000 missed and could not be rescued, I have not dispatched the 3rd Army General.”

“White Sand County is the county that suffered the most losses in the Freedom Federation, because the two most powerful Murdering Ghosts are here.”

“Among them, 77.91825% of humans in White Sand County died from Plague made by Murdering Ghost.”

“Supplementary note: In the recorded combat, only the first Murdering Ghost is not afraid of its virus.”

Gu Qingshan heard it and asked again: “Except where the three Murdering Ghosts are, what is the situation in the other counties?”

“The situation is good, Mecha is in place, more and more people are being rescued, and the military and professional are taking over post-disaster work one after another.”

“What about other countries?”

“Due to your early warning, I notified countries immediately that the countries are in full strength control and there is no sign of complete Lost Control yet.”

“By the way, they unanimously request Federation, let me assist in the corresponding strategic analysis.”

Gu Qingshan rubbed his temples, said with a bitter smile: “I finally heard a good news.”

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