All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 283: Who wants to kill me

"Am I so scary?"

Yang Xuming stood up, very helpless.

He threw away the mirror in his hand, looked at the girl in front of him, and said, "I think I am quite ordinary, not to mention how handsome, at least not ugly, it scares you."

Yang Xuming shook the blade and put out the pale ghost fire on it.

Then he looked at the girl sitting on the ground in front of him, "Also, isn't the floor cold? Why sit stupidly? Isn't it good to sit on a chair?"

The girl looked at him in shock and hesitated for a few seconds, " you like plums the most?"

"Well, you are the brother-controlled little fairy, right?" Yang Xuming glanced at the other person and said.

While talking, he put Frostmourne back into the wooden box and carried the box on his back.

Then Yang Xuming began to walk around the office, helping the unconscious police officers one by one and placing them on different chairs.

They were all placed in a sleeping position lying on the table.

Lin Qiu stared at his series of behaviors blankly, a little dazed.

"You...what are you doing?"

"Clean up the mess," Yang Xuming said, "Otherwise, what do these policemen say when they wake up? Say you hit a ghost, and report to the country as soon as possible?"

My wife is still a ghost, how can the country **** my wife from me?

Of course, it is impossible for Yang Xuming to say this sentence.

However, Lin Qiu nodded without understanding.

Yang Xuming squinted at the girl and said, "Okay, now you are almost calm, can you tell me the specifics? What happened? What happened to that pale ghost? It is protecting you? And, you How did you get into a ghost? What kind of ghost?"

"Attention, to make a long story short, it's better to finish it before these policemen wake up."

Yang Xuming said as he moved the unconscious policeman.

Fortunately, the girl speaks quickly and her thinking logic is very clear.

Even after undergoing such a huge change, he can still use the most concise language to tell what happened to himself.

After Yang Xuming finished moving the police, he also posed the **** who were lying on the corner of the wall, and put them into a posture of sitting on the floor and sleeping against the wall.

When he listened to the girl's narration, he just finished the work at hand.

Yang Xuming nodded and expressed his appreciation for the girl's behavior.

"Yes, not bad. Although the behavior of ringing the bell was a bit brain-dead at first, it is still forgiven."

"The subsequent series of self-help behaviors were very beautiful, with very clear thinking. If it is in a horror movie, people like you can generally live to midfield."

Lin Qiu was taken aback for a moment, "You can only live to midfield?"

Yang Xu understood her and said, "Horror movies like to kill someone with IQ like you to create a sense of horror...Of course, if you are the protagonist, you might be able to survive until the end of the play."

"If the popularity is high, you might be able to hold several copies."

"But if you change the protagonist in the next one, it is estimated that you will send it out at the beginning of the second one."

"Of course, these are not the key points. If we go far, we will return to the topic."

Yang Xuming hugged his shoulders, sat on the desks of the policemen, looked up and down at the girl in front of him, and said.

"Let's confess to the counterpart, such as what happened in this police station and why the police were unconscious."

"Also, who on earth wants to kill you."

"Although your method of finding someone for help is very witty, it is a little troublesome to clean up the mess now."

"For a while, I really can't think of how I know someone is going to kill you, and who wants to kill you."

The girl thought for a while and said, "I was threatened with death a few days ago. You can push this to that guy."

Yang Xuming was stunned for a moment, "Who gave you death threats?"

"I don't know, someone who I don't know started arguing on the Internet. She sent a private message to scold me and said she was going to kill my whole family," Lin Qiu said.

Yang Xuming is very curious, "What's the reason?"

"Uh... That person posted a lot of brain-dead remarks on the Internet, do you know Mi Meng? This person is a fan of Mi Meng."

“She posted a lot of Chinese men’s **** on the Internet. Chinese men are all cancers. When cancers squeeze women, women should have their own freedom. If a woman wants to talk to, she can talk to whoever. 】’S power and so on."

"I was really disgusting, so I stunned her for a few words, and in the end, she was crazy threatening by sending a private message."

Lin Qiu said, "We can push this pot onto her head."

Yang Xuming nodded again and again, "Good idea, you tell me that guy's ID, I'll pay attention."

"When the police asked, I said that I saw this guy's remarks on the Internet that he wanted human flesh to cut you off, so I reminded you."

The two confessed quickly again, and after waiting for a while, the policemen in the police station woke up one after another.

All the police officers were a little panicked the moment they woke up, but then they found out about their situation.

In the house, everything is normal.

As for the monitoring of the office, it was broken from the least it was broken when Yang Xuming came in.

In other words, when he came in, the entire office was dark and all the electrical appliances were turned off.

The lights were all turned on by Yang Xuming again.

The red dot on the surveillance camera, which represents the working status of the monitor, has also been extinguished.

That's why Yang Xuming was so unscrupulous. Anyway, the camera didn't catch it, and no one knew what he did during the coma of the police.

As for who turned off these appliances, it is clear at a glance, it must be the blood-clothed butcher.

But why did the blood-clothed butcher switch off all the electrical appliances? Does it not want to leave evidence of murder?

Or is it that when the blood-clothed butcher's ability is activated, all people in the area will be unconscious, and all electrical appliances will be paralyzed?

Yang Xuming felt that this question could only be figured out the next time he personally dealt with the other party.

The next thing waiting for Yang Xuming and Lin Qiu was the interrogation and investigation from the police.

And the captain who led the team to the bar to investigate also came back, but unfortunately the bar’s surveillance video did not capture pale ghosts, and only witnesses were present.

However, this made the police pay more attention to it and felt that it was not a simple murder or threat.

Coupled with the "intelligence clues" provided by Lin Qiu and Yang Xuming, the police even more suspected that a certain cyber violent group organized hackers to attack the hotel's surveillance video and erase the criminal traces of their accomplices.

The police began to trace the female online boxer following the clues given by Lin Qiu and Yang Xuming.

But what was the result... The police said that Yang Xuming and Lin Qiu would be notified of the result.

After six o'clock in the morning, the two people who had been delayed all night at the police station finally walked out of the police station.

But as soon as the two of them left the gate, they saw Lin Qiu's parents who were waiting outside...

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