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Chapter 175 Christmas Eve (please subscribe for the third update!)

Three days later, Suk and Mandzukic returned to the dormitory.

With the wood heating system, the entire house becomes warm.

Suk doesn't have to wrap himself in a quilt and suffer from the cold.

News also came from the orphanage. The old director was very pleased and even asked the church to send a letter of thanks to Su Ke. Su Ke quickly stopped.

Suk grew up in a church welfare home, but he has no religious beliefs. However, he also knows that once he is entangled by the church, and given his current popularity in Zagreb, it will definitely be very troublesome.

For this reason, it was immediately stopped.

After returning to the dormitory, Su Ke immediately threw himself into training.

The three black cards still need to be absorbed.

Especially [Lautaro's header], this is Suker's current shortcoming.

Su Ke has good footwork, but his header ability is very poor, which is recognized.

Although it is not to the extent of a head deflection, I am not familiar with how to effectively header the ball and how to move in a confrontation.

For this reason, he directly pulled Mandzukic and passed the ball to himself.

Mandzukic is very attentive to this kind of training, or in other words, he is very attentive to any training.

This guy is a fool!

He knows he is stupid, so he always works harder than others.

The two of them practiced for just two days, and Christmas came.

As a major European holiday, this day is very lively.

Suker and Mandzukic's dormitories are also very lively.

"It's off! It's off!"

"Hang this star up!"

Duimovich stood on the ladder decorating the Christmas tree, while Srna directed from below.

Modric, Vukojevic and others carried large and small bags of food into the house.

After a while, the room was filled with more than ten people.

In addition to the main small group such as Suker, Rakitic, Strinic, Jelavic, Subasic and others also gathered together.

There were so many people that there was no room at the table.

To do this, lay a plastic sheet directly on the floor of the living room and place the food directly on the floor.

“Minus a Chinese meal!”

Duimovich pointed to the rich Chinese food in the middle and said to Suk.

Su Ke smiled and said: "There are four more meals!"

Duimovich immediately held his head.

"Here comes the wine!!"

Vukojevich walked in from outside, and this guy just pushed the cart.

There are several cases of beer, red wine, vodka, drinks, etc. placed on it.

Players are prohibited from drinking during the league period, but it is a holiday and it is also Christmas, so they naturally have to relax.

"Bring me a box of German beer!" Rakitic looked heroic.

Suk slapped him on the head.

"What should I drink when I am 17 years old?"

After saying that, Suk handed him a bottle of Coke, and finally put a straw into him kindly.

Rakitic looked at the Coke in his hand blankly, and suddenly shouted dissatisfied: "I want to drink, you can drink it, why can't I drink it, I will drink it!"

"I'll drink it when you grow up!" Modric said.

Rakitic: "I have three months left to grow up, let me drink, please!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Srna smiled and waved his hand, "Let him drink."

Su Ke shrugged: "The captain has spoken, drink."

yeah! ! !

Rakitic immediately cheered.

Delicious food was spread out on the floor, and there was beer in hand.

Su Ke picked up the bottle and shouted, "Captain, say something."

Srna scratched his head; "Come on, I'm not good at this."

Su Ke nodded immediately.

Under the gaze of everyone, Su Ke said loudly:

"From July to now, in six months, we have experienced game after game. We have experienced wins and draws, and these have made us continue to grow."

"It's better to say some things directly to avoid being pretentious later!"

"At the end of this season, everyone may have to go their separate ways. I don't know when the next time we can get together."

Su Ke said loudly; "This cup celebrates the glorious season we are about to create, and also celebrates our future, each of us will be wonderful!"


Everyone raised their glasses and said loudly:



"Merry Christmas!"

"Cheers to our future!"

"Come on guys!"

"Spin it!" Suk's eyes widened: "Let me see who is the coward!"

Everyone raised their heads and started drinking guzzlingly.

With a glass of wine in his stomach, the atmosphere became more and more lively under the influence of alcohol.

Everyone chatted and drank.

Srna and Duimovich started playing with the broken game console again.

Suker sat with Modric.

"The next Champions League knockout match will be difficult to play."

Modric said.

Su Ke nodded: "Manchester United is not easy to play, but it is not without a chance."

Manchester United's current lineup is also seriously aging, and it depends entirely on Ferguson's success.

After establishing Ronaldo's offensive core position in the future, they began to recover rapidly.

At this stage, Ferguson has no intention of cleaning up the locker room.

Therefore, Su Ke didn't think there was any chance.

Modric nodded and said, "Did Zolanci talk to you about the transfer?"

Suk nodded.

Modric; "I don't plan to go to Milan."

Suk turned to look at Modric.

Modric explained; "It's not that I don't want to play with you, but I don't think I can always rely on you, so I can't really grow."

"Besides, Milan has Pirlo in their lineup. They won't really need me. This is not suitable for me."

Suk nodded, Modric had the right idea.

It is really too much to ask the current Modric to compete with Pirlo.

"Your thoughts?"

Suk asked.

"The Premier League or La Liga are fine. I want to go somewhere where I can really train myself."

"You want to be the core?"

"Yes, the position of a wealthy club is certainly desirable, but now I need more game opportunities and support, and I need room to grow."

Suker is different from Modric.

Suk's system-based existence allows him to grow even while sitting on the bench.

And Modric needs to play.

For this reason, this is also the reason why Modric excludes wealthy clubs.

After all, in a wealthy club, competition is one thing, and whether you can get enough playing opportunities is another.

"What if a wealthy club is willing to train you and regard you as the core of the future?"

Suk asked.

Modric smiled; "That's the best!"

Suker patted Modric on the shoulder.

"Next game, do well and give that old Scotsman something awesome."

Modric was stunned for a moment.

Suker: "Now Manchester United's midfield is aging. Giggs and Keane, how long can they play? Ferguson is also looking for a suitable midfield successor."

Suk clasped his fingers.

"Wealthy! Core! Ferguson! It's all here."

"This" Modric blinked.

Su Ke exhaled: "You always think too much. You are not rejecting wealthy clubs, but you are afraid that you will fail. You have to fight for opportunities. Your abilities have met these conditions, why should you go to ordinary football clubs?" Team, a wealthy family is your destination."

"Think about it!"

Modric became silent, obviously thinking.

At this time, Duimovich and Srna also returned to the wine table.

"Come on, come on! Drink!"

Duimovic lost the game and was full of resentment and wanted to vent his anger.

"That guy opposite, I'm going to drink you down today!"

Duimovich looked at Suk and shouted.

Suk raised his eyebrows and threw a piece of cashew nut into his mouth.

I'm so brave!

Others also started to boo.




Duimovich became more and more arrogant amidst the cheers.

"Let you see what Bacchus is. When I was playing for the Croatians at the age of 18, I drank up the entire first team!"


The crowd booed again.

Amid the cheers, Duimovich began to lose himself.

Suk picked up a bottle of beer lightly.

"How to drink?"

"Do it bottle after bottle until one party can't stand it anymore?" Duimovich raised his eyebrows: "Do you dare?"

Faced with this drinking provocation, Su Ke knew very well that once he gave in, this guy would make further progress.

Su Ke shouted: "Bring your horses over here!"

Wow~~~! ! ! !

The melon-eating crowd suddenly became excited.

The two began to drink cup after cup.

Su Ke became furious.

A lesson must be learned this time.

As long as he can't drink himself down within 45 minutes, he will teach the other person how to behave.

Bottles of wine fell down.

At about 20 minutes, Suk gave up.

Too bloated.

"Change the wine!"

Su Ke waved his hand.

Duimovich also agreed boldly.

45 minutes later, Su Ke's status was refreshed.

Suk's eyes were clear and shining.

On the other hand, Duimovich's eyes became cloudy and confused.

Sook raised a bottle of vodka again.


The next day, Duimovich woke up with a splitting headache.

My stomach was even more turbulent.

The whole room smelled of alcohol.

He stood up with his heavy body, walked to the bathroom and vomited all the wine in his stomach.

His eyes were a little dazed.

He didn't know how much he drank last night.

He remembered that he and Suk had been drinking together.

But in the end, he almost passed out from drinking, but Su Ke seemed to be fine.

He couldn't remember what happened next.

When he came out of the bathroom, he saw someone walking in from the door.

"you're awake?"

Suk was wearing a set of sportswear and was sweating slightly. He had obviously just finished his morning run.

"You, you... went for a morning jog?"

Duimovich couldn't believe it.

He drinks well.

I had a hangover yesterday, and Su Ke shouldn't be much better.

But this guy went for a morning run! !

"Is there any problem?" Su Ke shrugged, then took out his mobile phone and said, "By the way, you don't have to order so many Chinese meals in the future. You won't be able to finish them all, and you still owe me nine meals."

"Nine meals?" Duimovich shouted; "There are obviously four meals left."

Suk took out his phone from his pocket and clicked on a video.

In the blurry pixel video, Duimovich is holding a wine bottle while shaking his head and talking nonsense.

"If I can't defeat Su Ke after drinking, I owe him five more lunches!"

Duimovich's mouth grew larger and larger.


Suk closed the flip phone.


Duimovich was on the verge of tears.

Why isn't it over yet?

The third update is here!

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