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Chapter 125: Doing stupid things with good intentions (please subscribe for the third update!)

In the training ground, Zolanci, who had disappeared for more than half a month, was handing out signed photos.

"Everyone has one! I have plenty more here."

Suk held two signed photos in his hand.

One is Ronaldo and the other is Zidane.

The two even wrote blessing messages respectively.

Suk raised his head; "Have you been to Spain in the past two months?"

Zolanqi smiled and distributed all the signed photos, nodded and said, "Go out and do some things."

After that, Zolanci pointed to the middle-aged man in a suit next to him and said: "Let me introduce you to the famous nutritionist, Mike Lister! He has solved the problems of late development and slow development of many players. He can target the players' needs. Body Traits provides specific diet plans as well as health reports!”

Mike Lister smiled and stretched out his hand: "I heard about you from Zolanqi. As far as I know, your bones have not closed yet, and there is a high possibility of continued growth. The most important thing is to First, replenish the nutrients that were previously lacking."

Hearing this, Su Ke's eyes lit up, and he heard good news.

"I have a good appetite."

"Having a good appetite does not mean that you have supplemented your nutrition. Especially if you are suffering from nutritional deficiencies due to some problems before, you need a specific nutritional supplement plan."

Su Ke nodded immediately and asked: "This fee."

Mike Lister smiled; "The first trial is free, but of course there will be charges after that. If you think it's good, you can hire me as your personal nutritionist in the future, and I will give you the most professional health management advice!"

Su Ke immediately gave a thumbs up.

"When do we start?" Su Ke asked impatiently.

"I will contact you tomorrow. There is no professional equipment here."

Zolanci; "The equipment problem has been solved. I have contacted the professional hospital. We can just go there tomorrow."

Suk looked at Zolanqi again in surprise.

This guy is on track.

Zolanqi raised his eyebrows at Su Ke: "How are your recent training results?"

Su Ke grinned: "Just wait for the second half of the season and watch us kill everyone!"

"Then I'll congratulate you in advance." Zolanqi said with a smile.

At this time, someone shouted.


Suk turned to look over.

He found Davor Suk and Boban walking over together.

Dawo Suk's expression didn't seem to be particularly good.

"Wait for me." Suk said to Zolanqi.

Zolanqi also smiled and nodded.

Sure enough, investing more does have some effect!

His father, Mamic's words woke him up.

Do as you like!

Give Suker and Modric whatever they need most.

Zolanqi brought a professional nutritionist to Su Ke to solve developmental problems.

He brought Modric a piece of Zidane's playing experience, which also made Modric a treasure.

Dawo Suk and Boban called Suk over.

Zoranci kept staring.

He saw the expression on Suk's face turn to surprise, then to embarrassment, and finally to a frown.

Zolanqi didn't know what it was, but it didn't seem to be a good thing.

After a moment, Suk ran towards Zolanqi.

"You come too!"

"Me?" Zolanqi pointed at himself.

Suk nodded: "I want to hear your opinion."

Zolanqi's eyes lit up.

Here comes the work!

Zolanqi listened carefully to Boban's story, and his expression was like Suk's.

When he heard that Arsenal was interested in Suker, he had a surprised expression on his face.

Hearing again about the stupid things Dawo Suk had done, embarrassment appeared on his face.

In the end, Besic made an angry statement and felt worried after not letting him go.

Davo Suk did something stupid!

Mamic once made an evaluation of Davor Suker.

'He's not a bad guy, but he always does stupid things! ’

At the time, Zolanci didn't quite understand the meaning, but now he understands.

Su Ke and Modric also frowned.

Especially Su Ke.

It was originally a good opportunity to join Arsenal, but it turned into an embarrassing matter.

Suk turned to look at Zolanqi.

"What do you think?"

Zolanqi said without hesitation: "We must go!"

In response, Suk nodded.

Zolanqi touched his chin and said, "But the key to the problem is how to go and in what way!"

"Currently, Besic has been irritated, and there is almost no room for tact. To put it bluntly, this season," Zolanci sighed and shook his head.

Su Ke also understands the truth behind this.

Personally, he wants to leave.

That's Arsenal!

But the question comes back again, how to go?

Su Ke doesn't blame Dawo Su Ke. This guy really does his best for his own good, but he also does stupid things with good intentions.

After irritating Besic, the situation between Suker and Modric became awkward.

Besic is a hedgehog now.

It explodes when touched!

If it doesn't go well, it may cause chaos in the locker room.

At that time, conflicts between the head coach and core players broke out.

One wants to transfer, the other refuses to transfer!

Not only does it not look good, but it is also not good for Suker and Besic.


Suk couldn't help but sigh.

This is done!

"Want to hear my opinion?" Zolanci said.

Everyone turned to look over.

Zoranci organized the language and said; "Don't continue to anger Besic now and let things develop in a worse direction. Do two things well at the same time."

"First, hold on to Professor! The transfer will definitely happen. Suker joining Arsenal is very suitable in terms of style and other aspects, so hold off as much as possible!"

"Second, negotiate terms with Besic!"

"Besic wants nothing more than a reward, so let's give him one in return!"

Suk asked; "What reward?"

Zoranci pursed his lips: "Two Croatian league championships should be enough, right?"

Everyone was silent, and they understood from Zolanqi's uncertain tone.

Not enough!

Modric lowered his head.

He is the saddest!

On the one hand, he is his mentor, and on the other hand, he is his future.

How he chooses is a question.

He wanted to leave, but he couldn't.

Modric lowered his head and twirled his fingers, looking extremely uneasy.

Suk glanced at Modric.

He knew that this guy was the most uncomfortable person here.

Su Ke suddenly said: "Is the Champions League enough?"

"Champions League?"

Dawo Suk exclaimed.

"Are you really thinking about this?"

Su Ke was annoyed: "Then what are we practicing during the half winter break?"

"Enter the Champions League group stage! Create a new team history! Is this reward enough to let him go?" Su Ke said decisively.

Zolanci: "Enough!"

"If you really make it to the Champions League, then the initiative is in your hands."

"Exposure has increased, your ability has been recognized, teams from the five major leagues are vying to be optimistic about you, and fans in Croatia, including Dinamo Zagreb, also want to see you move to a higher stage. Besic will not do it unless you let him go!"

"Then it's settled!" Su Ke slapped his thigh and gritted his teeth; "One more reason to play in the Champions League!"

Davor Suker complained; "You haven't even qualified for the Champions League now."

"Kill them!"

Suk shouted.

Modric suddenly whispered: "I can't speak."

Everyone was silent again.

Modric's situation is different.

Besic discovered him and trained him.

Suker can speak without any burden, but Modric cannot.

Modric felt heartbroken when he thought of Besic's disappointed expression.

Facing Besic, he couldn't say this.

"I didn't let you speak." Suk patted Modric on the shoulder.

Modric raised his head and said in hope; "Can you tell it for me?"

"I can't say either." Suker grinned; "In a way, Besic took me out of the Bosnia and Herzegovina League, not only trained me, but also made me the core of the offense, and gave me the No. 10 jersey. You can’t speak in front of your face either!”

Modric was puzzled: "Who said that?"

Suk slapped Zolanci.

"He said! He is the most suitable!"

After saying that, Su Ke turned around and said with a smile, "Isn't that right? Agent, I'm sorry, I asked you to clean up a mess just after signing the contract. You shouldn't mind, right?"

Zolanqi looked at Suk blankly.

Should he be happy or cry?

Zoranci did not go to Besic.

This is not a good time to negotiate conditions at this stage. At least we have to wait until Besic calms down a little and smoothes his thoughts before talking.

Now Besic is so angry that he can do anything.

When the time comes, if Suker and Modric are tied to death at Dinamo Zagreb, the gain will outweigh the loss.

More than half a month has passed.

The winter break is also over.

During this period of time, Su Ke and others worked hard to improve their physical fitness. It cannot be said that they cannot run to death, but at least they can run very well.

Even Duimovic reached the running distance of 10 kilometers in the competition.

Others are also close to about 11 kilometers away.

With abundant physical fitness, the transition between offense and defense becomes extremely fast.

Pressing high up the pitch is also like a miracle.

In previous training matches, the pace was very slow and the running was not particularly active.

But after the winter break, everyone was running desperately.

Especially Suk and others, they almost vomited Shtimats and other veterans.

The relationship between head coach Besic and Davor Suker has become delicate.

The two of them ignored each other, but they clearly separated public and private matters.

During training, you should talk and talk.

When the training is over, pat your butt, turn left and right, and leave.

Suker and Modric know the inside story.

And others don't know.

For this reason, they always feel that the atmosphere is subtle, but they don't know exactly what is going on.

However, these are the matters of the big guys and they have nothing to do with them.

As for Zuolanqi's negotiation of conditions, Su Ke still suppressed it.

After they won a few games, Besic became a little happier and slowly followed up.

Now, Suker and Modric have officially signed an agency contract with Zoranci, and they are considered his players.

And Zolanqi also spared no effort to seek the interests of the two of them.

No, a Croatian Hope Star of the Year award just hit their heads.

Needless to say, these are all the results of Zolanqi's agency and connections.

Of course, Suker and Modric are also qualified enough to win this award.

Zolanci just decided on this award directly.

The third update is here!

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