Alien Lord

Chapter 469: Surveillance at the city gate (Happy January 11!)

After the morning exercise ended, when the room made up of some women and old and weak men in the logistics unit of the Thousands of Houses delivered meals, the almost collapsed sergeants who had been trained on the field only smiled. Eight? One? Chinese website? W≥W≠W≈. ≥ 8 = 1 ≤ Z = W ≈. COM

Looking at the teaching ground, the big bucket of rice, the big bucket of broth, and the big bucket of delicious mutton and pork, and the glittering light on them, these soldiers instantly forgot the fatigue on the body, They slobbered at the sumptuous lunch in front of them.

Where are these things that they can usually eat, that is, the guards who originally belonged to Jinyuan, so that the good meat is not often eaten, and it can be eaten once a week, even if it is good, However, now these meals can be eaten every day.

Before the drill this morning, everyone was rice with miscellaneous grains and big oily buns for you to eat. Such a meal has already made the soldiers very happy. I didn't expect there was meat at noon, and it was still such a big piece. Large pieces of fat, many soldiers' mouths are already full of saliva.

Lin Ze knew very well what the soldiers most wanted in his heart right now, so he didn’t say much and just shouted, "Let's eat!"

In an instant, the teaching ground was filled with the laughter and laughter of the soldiers, as well as the gratitude to Lin Ze. They had long forgotten the hardships of the previous exercises and queued up for dinner with excitement.

Waiting in line to receive food was also a change in Lin Ze, which was also one of the regulations in the military, even the officers were no exception. .

In the thousands of households in Mozhen, where was there such a thing as queuing up for a meal? Everyone was rushing to grab a meal, fighting for meals. If they came later, they would even be hungry.

Lin Ze was very disgusted with this kind of bad habit, so he queued up for dinner.

Of course, when the queuing and receiving of food was just started, it was not that simple. Lin Ze still had a solution. He directly took the lead in queuing and receiving food. There were hundreds of households in the former thousand towns in the former Mozhen, the general flag, and some others. Their guards still wanted to cut in line, but when they saw Lin Ze, Xu Sheng, and Xu Qiang, they were all queuing for the same meal. Where did they dare to cut in line, they had to obediently queue up for the meal with everyone while still gulp The saliva probe probes the brain, hoping that it will be your turn early.

Seeing this, Lin Ze smiled inwardly, and he understood that no one would dare to jump in line when he waited in line for dinner.

After receiving a sumptuous lunch, the soldiers sat together in groups of three and five, eating together while teasing each other how many military sticks the other party had received, but they suffered less, and there was a lot of laughter in the teaching field. Shouting.

Lin Ze sat down with Xu Sheng, Xu Qiang, Tie Ying, Cheng Huaian, Zhou Linhai and others. Finally, Jin Yuan ran over with a rice bowl and sat down with a smile.

Everyone sat together and ate very sweetly. Before Jinyuan was a deputy thousand households, he was usually sick of eating meat. However, at this time, he felt that the fat in the rice bowl seemed to taste very good, which was directly swallowed. After getting up, Lin Ze on one side nodded in his heart, and the impression of Jin Yuan was even better.

After eating half of it, Jin Yuan raised his head and asked: "Adult, every day is a big fish and meat, is it too much consumption?"

"Hehe........." Lin Ze smiled. He understood that Jin Yuan said this for his own good.

"Jin Qianhu, don't worry, as long as you can train the army and invest heavily, I don't care."

The amount of money in Lin Ze's hands is uncountable, and some of the meat investment is really nothing.

Merely the sergeant Lin Ze got in Baizhangyan can let the sergeants of the thousand households in Mozhen eat for decades.

"Adults can rest assured that we will not live up to your expectations, and they will be trained." Jin Yuan replied formally.

"That's good, Jin Qianhu, I can remember your words, ha ha ha..."


This sumptuous lunch lasted for an hour.

In the afternoon, Lin Ze was not prepared to practice, but I still knew this idiom. Lin Ze still knew that the physical qualities of these soldiers were actually very weak. If they had been intensive training all day, they could not bear it. Only when their physical qualities are strengthened will Lin Ze let Xu Sheng increase the training time.

However, training is not needed in the afternoon, but this does not mean that these soldiers can rest.

Lin Ze directly organized the sergeants to study military discipline regulations, as well as literacy.

Lin Ze’s decision made the new army of the thousands of households in Mozhen grieved. The people on their ninth floor were illiterate, so that they could read and read. It would be better to let them practice the beaten military sticks.

However, this is Lin Ze’s hard and fast rule. They can only frown and listen to the boring military discipline regulations. At the same time, under the guidance of those children and talents, they shake their heads and read their words.

In this way, Mozhen Qianhu Office started to get on track............


Lin Ze is busy training his army here, and Shaman on the other side has already returned to Stormwind City.

Looking at the gates of Stormwind City in the close proximity, Shaman finally lifted the heart she had put down, and when she arrived here, she was safe.

At the thought of the fire fruit carried on his body, Shaman's mouth showed a smile.

"With these fire spirits, you can get enough obstacle-breaking pill, when the threat of Black Sand City can be contacted, and his father can also become a congenital strong man." Shaman's heart is full of ease a feeling of.

"Lixuan, I will come back to find you soon!" Thinking of Lin Lixuan, Shaman's heart was full of sweetness.

At this time, Xu Huanming's voice suddenly came from one side.

"Miss, someone is watching us." Xu Huanming came to Shaman's side and whispered.

"Oh, Uncle Xu, you mean, someone is watching us here, at the gate of Stormwind City?" Sharman said a little weirdly.

Then she carefully looked around, and soon a few dark eyes appeared. Suddenly, Shaman's complexion dripped out of water.

This is Stormwind City, her Shaman’s territory. For a long time, this is the world of their Sha family. No one has ever dared to monitor themselves here, because once the other party does this, it is looking for their own way, but now, When such a thing really happened, Sharman immediately understood that the situation in Stormwind was extremely dangerous. Otherwise, how could anyone dare to monitor themselves at the gate of Stormwind.

"It shouldn't be wrong. I checked. Those people are all raw faces, and they monitor our movements, and there is nothing to hide. Miss, it seems that Stormwind City is in great crisis."

"Humph...!" Sharman sneered, looking at the dark spots around him with a frost on his face.

"It seems that some people are a bit impatient, otherwise, how could there be these people here at the gate, hum, but this is not a big deal, I will let those people know immediately that Stormwind City will always be us Sha's, hum!" Shaman's words were full of confidence.

When she came back this time, she carried a lot of fire spirits on her body. Each of these fire spirits can be changed to an obstacle-breaking pill, and even the obstacle-breaking pill, even a congenital strong man, is greedy. good stuff.

Xiao Quan of the Black Sand City is now advanced to the innate period, but as long as Shaman takes out one or two fire spirits, it is still a simple matter to invite several innate strong men to protect Stormwind City.

After stabilizing the situation in Stormwind City, Sha Ding can take Breaking Pills and advance to the congenital stage. As long as Sha Ding advances to the congenital stage, it will be Xiao Quan, which is really nothing.

Therefore, even if the situation in Stormwind City is very tense now, Shaman is not in a hurry, she has absolute self-confidence.

"Miss, I think we'd better be vigilant in the future to avoid accidents!" Xu Huanming said worriedly.

"Well, Uncle Xu, I understand, you can rest assured, I will pay attention to this!" Shaman accepted Xu Huanming's suggestion humbly. Before Shading did not advance to the innate period, Shaman would be careful.

Eyes glanced at Xu Huanming, who looked sad next to him, and Shaman smiled faintly.

In fact, the matter is not as serious as Xu Huanming imagined. If he did not bring back the Huolinguo, the matter is indeed very serious. However, now that he has brought back so many Huolinguo, then the matter is very simple.

The Huolingguo matter is of great importance, so Shaman did not tell Xu Huanming.

It was not that Shaman did not believe Xu Huanming, but that Shaman did not want to cause any fluctuations.

Once Xu Huanming learned that Shaman had many fire fruits on his, he would definitely be more careful in his actions and be more strict with Shaman's guardianship. The idea is that good things become bad things.

"Fortunately, these fire spirits are here!" Shaman's right hand gently touched a pocket on the right, and his heart was firm for a while.

Of course, Shaman also felt a pressure in his heart. It is uncomfortable to be monitored on the side all the time.

"Uncle Xu, let's go home!" Shaman ignored the surveillance personnel at the gate and took the lead to walk into Stormwind City.

These people are just the most peripheral people. They don't know anything important, so even if Sharman caught them, it's useless. Instead, they might get entangled. This is not what Sharman wants to see.

Now for Shaman, the ultimate thing is to safely give the fire spirit to his father, everything else is virtual.

"Huh, let you be arrogant first, wait, and soon you will know the consequences, Huh...!" Sharman snorted coldly, and followed Xu Huanming into Stormwind City.

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