Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite

Preparation for the stage

The battle between the Kingdom of Grande Fran and the Great Alexandros Empire has largely overturned the expectations of the parties, and has moved to the dominance of the kingdom.

The Wonderland Mercenaries have finally conquered the southern part of Band ド ゥ. It promotes effective control of the occupied territories and spreads public revolts to other cities.

There is no empire to hold it. The executive army is unable to move and stay in the base and cannot comply with the order to reconvene in the center. When they leave the base, they know they will be beaten by Ox and Hashiu troops.

The situation is similar for garrisons located on the border with the United Kingdom. If it were not possible to completely abandon the border fort, the troops heading to the center, leaving some strength, would be broken down and run away.

There is no doubt that the whole south will eventually be conquered.

On the other hand, the situation is slightly different in the north. The nobility of the Grand Flam kingdom never tried to push. While exploring places with no enemies, he advanced a little further and used to care for the surroundings.

But this passive approach will pay off in the end. Nobles from the Great Alexandros Empire, which had gained time due to the slow invasion of the Grand Frams, began to struggle with their departure.

Aristocrats are very concerned about the war situation and try to gather information. If you make a mistake, it will lead to the destruction of your home. The desperate gathering of information by the aristocracy caused confusion in the north.

Over time, the war, which had supposedly been a great advantage for the Great Alexandros Empire, began to go crazy. The reason that nobles are confused is that the details of the war are not well understood. Somehow, only information that the Grand Flam Kingdom is dominant comes in.

This is because the information was intentionally restricted, but at this point no one knows. In the north, espionage efforts have been intensifying to assess the situation, but fight-like battles have not occurred.

And in the western part, contrary to the northern part, a fierce battle has been fought since the attack on the deputy imperial capital Kiyot. Wonderland mercenaries attacked the executive army heading for the center. Moreover, if you form a base, you will leave, and if you start marching, it will attack you, in a way that is really bad for the Imperial side.

The Wonderland Mercenary's attack is truly a goddess of worship, despite the fact that the western three troops are simultaneously marching. The Tripartite Army was steadily reduced in its strength.

In response to this dominant situation, what the Grand Flam Kingdom did was just to spend every day building and training. The Grand Flam Kingdom does not know that self-power is so far ahead.

"After all, what's going on?"

Even before Arnold, Commander Marcus Knight is not irritated. For some reason, I'm just tired of building and training bases every day.

"I know quite a bit about the situation in the south."

Reported by Kent Gazil, head of the intelligence department of the Grand Flam Kingdom. At this time, how unlucky he is in charge of the intelligence department.

"Okay, let me explain."

"The Wonderland Mercenaries, as originally planned, have taken control of south of Bandu and are doing it."


"From the southern border of Bandhu to the Mikuli River. There is no more fighting in the area promised to the Wonderland Mercenaries."

"... Why didn't this report ever exist?"

Commander Marcus Knight's gaze is facing Eriel, sitting with a clear face. It was Aeriel who advised Arnold to stop and stay here.

"... maybe you're asking me?-Even so, I'm not a wonderland mercenary, so I have no obligation to report."

It's a really white way to fall in love.

"Aren't you leading a unit of the Wonderland Mercenary Corps?"

Airiel has arrived here with a thousand infantry units. Commander Knight Marcus speculated that the infantry was a Wonderland Mercenary.

"I've been led by Sol's Guard, not the Wonderland Mercenaries."

"I don't think so. Where were the thousand soldiers hiding?"

Commander Marcus Knight was also in Kamark. I know that there were no thousand units under the Sol.

"I bet you hired recently. Many people have lost their jobs in wars and wars.

Aeriel intends to cut white.

"... Where is that money?"

"Oh? Who do you think my father is? I'm richer than you think?"

This excuse is undeniable. Marshal Knight cannot tell how much money Cedric brought out when he left the House of Winheels.

"... continue to explain the South"

Eventually, Marcus Knights gave up pursuing Eriel. I realized it was a waste of time.

"Yes. However, the revolt of the people has not converged. In cities other than the occupied territories of the Wonderland Mercenaries, the controversy continues."

"... Why is the revolt still ongoing?"

"Whatever their purpose is, their purpose is the resurrection of the old state, that is, the resurrection of our country, so isn't it until then?"

"The southern people are for our country?"

Kent speaks for granted, but for Marcus Knights, it's a surprise to hear for the first time.

"... was not reported?"

Kate noticed her misunderstanding as the commander of the Marcus Knights.

"At least I heard it for the first time."

Commander Marcus Knight turns his gaze to the surroundings, but everyone nods and shows consent. By the way, Eriel nodded on purpose.

"Is that so? Here's a quick report. After the fall of the Fathiras kingdom, some instigated the people in the south."

"Do you know who?"

"Yes. The rumors are so widespread. There are some people, but the name of the mastermind is Dennis. He is a commoner, but he is said to be a former school student and a teacher of Vincent Woodville."

"What did you say!?"


Kate recalls the connection between Arnold and Vincent in response to the commander of the Mars Knights. The blood seen from that face is fading. However, this reaction is a bit rude to Arnold.

"... I'm not stupid enough to face the mistakes of the past. Keep reporting without worrying."

"Yes, yes."

In response to Arnold's words, Kate is relieved. Continuing, Dennis's claims, and what it calls Vincent theory. In addition, Lion and Eriel helped Dennis to be captured and executed. He said that the Vincent party was quickly gaining popularity and expanding its power.

"... Eriel?"

Commander Marcus Knight asks Aeriel.

"What is it?"

"Did you rescue Dennis?"

"Yes, Dennis is my brother's teacher. I can't kill him."

Regarding Dennis' rescue, Eriel confidently acknowledged the fact. It is not a problem to be known.

"... Why isn't there a report?"

"Why should I report?-His rescue is a personal matter of Vincent's brother, not a reporter."


"So what happens when you receive a report?"

"Whatever you say ..."

Nothing changes. The Grand Flam Kingdom has no power to reach the South. Neither can we cooperate with Vincent. Arnold killed Vincent. Vincent cannot accept it.

"Marcus, it's good. Proceed with the report."

Arnold is not so stupid to know it. He instructed him to proceed with the report, saying that nothing more was needed.

"... Huh. Please continue."

"There is evidence that the Ox and Hashiu troops are now operating in the south."


The movements of both countries did not grasp the Grand Flam Kingdom. However, as expected, this is too aggressive.

"If you don't think there's a sound, what is that?"

Arnold has no choice but to smile. Naturally, they are asking for reinforcements. The only thing that has failed to keep track of the movements of both countries is the neglect of the Grande Fram.

"What exactly is an activity doing?"

"It seems he fought with Alexandros's executive army, but he has no details."

"... I see. Other?"

"That is the southern part, followed by the northern part, but the situation of the aristocratic army remains the same, except that Alexandros's army has seen movement. It is likely that the center, probably the royal capital, is heading. "

"How many?"

Even so, the Great Alexandros have more troops. Reinforcement would be even more challenging for the Grand Flam Kingdom.

"Two 5,000 troops. Maybe north and northeast."

"All troops?"

The number of executive troops is 5,000. This level of information is also possessed by the Grand Flam Kingdom.

"Perhaps. Only the two governments would be fine, but bringing together the army of all the governments would add 35,000 reinforcements."

This alone is more than or equal to the Grand Fulham Royal Army. To the end, it's only if all the government forces come together.

"I won't come from the south"

Aeriel has been providing information on the southern part of the army, as bad news has darkened the army.

"... Is that so?"

Why are Ox and Hashiu both in the south? Arnold knew why.

"Shouldn't we start marching for the royal capital immediately?"

Commander Marcus Knight has called for an advance to the royal capital.

"Yes, but ..."

Commander Marcus Knight's idea that reinforcements should not arrive is evident to Arnold. But I don't know when reinforcements will arrive. The worst situation is when the enemy reinforcements arrive and attack the royal capital.

Above all, it was Aeriel who hesitated Arnold to advance. The meaning of telling them to stop marching. And the meaning that still remains in this place now. Arnold thinks about it.

"So, should we just meet our expectations?"

Aeriel is aware that Arnold is listening to her reaction. I need to be so. Aeriel is here to check on the movement of the Grand Flam Kingdom and to inform Rion as soon as it moves.

"What is it?"

"It's better to wait a little longer. There's a good chance of coming from the Great Alexandros Empire."

"A little more?"

"Is it possible to catch the movement of the northern enemy army soon?"

It is a signal that the situation in the north is known. So, who is stopping the information, Arnold has stopped touching it. I know it's useless to ask.

"... I see. Let's wait a little longer."

"Your Majesty !?"

Commander Knight Marcus has complained about Arnold's decision. But Arnold's decision never changes. There is no doubt that Aeriel's words were inspired by Lion.

In strategy and tactics, Arnold trusts Leon more than anyone.


More information came into the Great Alexandros Empire when the main army of Grand Flam was finally able to learn a bit of the current situation. Many are sad news, as opposed to the Grand Flam Kingdom.

"The southern executive army and border defense forces are stuck as they are now."

"So what do you say?"

Lancelot is tired of Bordeaux's whining. Lancelot is looking for ways to break through the situation.

"Shouldn't we send troops to the south?"

"... how much are you thinking?"

Executive forces and border defense forces nailed to bases. It is not bad to send reinforcements to break this situation. However, I'm worried about Lancelot whether it can really solve the situation.

"20,000. We will send twice as many enemy troops."

"... which 20,000?"

"Is there a problem with the military?"

Lancelot believes that the military wouldn't be able to tell which army they would call.

"Can the Army win 20,000?"

"Ox, the army of the Hashiu kingdom seems stronger than expected."

"No, I'm asking if Rion doesn't seem to expect reinforcements from the Imperial City."

Twenty thousand fighting from the Imperial City will fight in Wonderland Mercenaries. Lancelot thinks: It makes me think like this. That's why the Empire is being told by the Wonderland Mercenaries.

"But fearing that would make it impossible to use the southern army."

"Ox and Hashiu's troops can be considered good just to keep them in the south."

"The unit deployed in border defense is one of the strongmen in our country. Do you waste it?"

Waste is too much. The original role of preventing the invasion of the United Kingdom remains unchanged. But prior to the Kingdom of Merica, Bordeaux believes that winning the fight against the Grande Flam kingdom should be a priority.

"... did you know where the Wonderland Mercenaries are?"

The priority on fighting the Grand Flam Kingdom was originally a decision made by Lancelot. However, Lancelot's sentiment is slightly different. Fear of Leon, the Wonderland Mercenary Corps, was much higher than before.

"... I think I'm somewhere in the west and I'm continuing my search."

In other words, the whereabouts are not grasped.

"What is the Western executive army?"

"About half of us are heading to the Imperial City safely."

As we approached the Imperial City, the Wonderland Mercenaries stopped attacking the executive army. Still half the cost. The Imperial side is aware that it has been put in place.

"... Does the northern area add up to 20,000?"

That's less than half the planned number. Still, it may be a pleasure to reinforce for the decisive battle.

"I think I should fight in the Imperial City, too."

"Is the Grand Flam Kingdom coming again?"

The war is ahead of the Grand Flam Kingdom. Substantial control of the south is already in the Kingdom of Granfram, to be more precise in the Wonderland Mercenaries, but it can be said that it has moved, the West is almost empty, and it will fall out of the way when the Kingdom of Granfram advances its troops Would.

In the north, once the aristocracy learns of the situation, they will hit the avalanche and fall to the Grand Flam Kingdom.

If the current situation is left unchecked, the empire will surely lose. Lancelot thinks that Arnold wouldn't know this.

`` Use all your hands to attack the Grand Flam Kingdom ''

"... are you confident?"

"I can't say for sure, but there is a lot of potential."

Bordeaux has a trump card Lancelot does not know. Indeed, Lancelot knows that Maria has the trump card.

Can you believe in success? He never lost, but since Rion's appearance, every move he has taken is backfire. The fear that this would be the case this time spread to Lancelot's mind.

"... Lionel, are you confident you can win in the field?"

"Of course. However, I think it is necessary to find the location of the Wonderland Mercenary Corps. Whether the Mercenary Corps will or may not come. The response will change. "

Lionel Commander never says he will lose. I didn't say, but he admitted that the threat of the Wonderland Mercenaries was honest.

At least, it's already known enough that the armed forces wouldn't stand up to the Wonderland Mercenaries in the field. With its high mobility and phenomenal magical attack power, the Wonderland Mercenary was a natural enemy to armies relying on firearms.

If you want to fight the mercenary corps, seal off its features. If you want to seal mobility and magic, fighting in the imperial capital is the best.

"... to make the Grand Flam Kingdom kingdom an imperial capital"

The moment Lancelot tried to allow Bordeaux to take action-suddenly his feet were shaking.

"What is it !?"

"Wow, I don't know!"

"Is the castle okay?"

"What should I do?"

In this world, no earthquake occurs. Everyone is afraid of the first experience.

However, the shaking itself subsided immediately. The problem is what caused the shaking. Members of the conference room waited for the report with a nervous look.

"... I will report."

Eventually, a knight arrives and begins to report the situation with a pale blue face.

"It seems that a considerable part of the southern outer wall of the Imperial City has collapsed."

"What, what !?"

"Details are still under investigation, but even within the visible area of the castle, it looks as if the interior walls have collapsed considerably."

"... how much is that?"

"It's hard to explain, but you can see the outer wall collapsed."


One side of the wall protecting the imperial city has collapsed. This is a nightmare for the Imperial Army, who will fight the Imperial Defense Line. Obviously, the kingdom of Granfram will focus on the area and launch the offensive.

"... urgently look into the details, and quickly make a defense plan in the event that it takes a long time to repair. There is no time! 時間 Knowing this, the kingdom of Glanfram will advance tomorrow tomorrow It may start! "

A defense line in the imperial city where the wall has collapsed, or a field battle by sortie. The Empire was forced to make this choice. It will be within a few days.


From the outside of the Imperial City, you can clearly see not only the collapsed walls but also the ground being deeply sunk. Below the depression running straight to the south is the underpass that the demon would have used. The underpass is a space through which a large army of demons can pass. There is considerable width. By the collapse, the wall of the imperial city collapsed without being able to support it.

"Well, is this something good?"


In contrast to Rion, who speaks lightly, Charlotte has a pale blue face and is hardened.

"……What's wrong?"

Rion who notices such a Charlotte calls out.

"Whatever happens, it's like this."

"The underground space is quite large. If you break it down, it will be about this."

It is the Lions that collapsed the underpass. Rion, Alice, and Charlotte use the earth magic to sink the ground. Depressing several places led to a chain, so the effort was not so difficult. Of course, this is because the magic of the three Lions is extraordinary.

"... the inhabitants"

"It's a bit of a sacrifice. But think about it. Don't you think it's better than making the Imperial City a battlefield?"

Drag the empire into the field. This is why Lions did this. When the empire chooses a castle in the Imperial City, it chooses it, but only collapses the basement.

"... Yes, if this would be a field battle"

Charlotte's description of Rion's explanation is a bit convincing. In fact, if the imperial capital becomes a battlefield, many people will be involved in battle. There is no room for the Grand Fulham Kingdom to attack while considering the residents.

"I don't need to be depressed. The imperial capital, rather than the former royal city, was destined to collapse.

Alice is going to be comforting at first, but it doesn't make sense for Charlotte to understand. The city of the Grand Flam Kingdom, which had reached the bad ending, was supposed to collapse. This is not known to Charlotte.

Leon does not tell Charlotte about the world. I know Charlotte is going to be shocked.

"Now, the stage is set. All we have to do is wait for the show."

Rion calls it a start, but that's the beginning of the end. The ending of Rion's revenge play, not a game, is approaching.

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