Age of Mysticism

Chapter 56: rich

  Chapter 56 Rich

  The position of Viscount Iskran is in the back row of civil representatives.

   Surrounded by some private security companies and mercenary groups, his unique temperament perfectly interprets what it means to stand out among these people. There is no need to deliberately show his specialness, just standing casually makes him immediately become the focus of attention of the audience.

   And when Viscount Escoran said that the Brotherhood of Blades had sent a full-time assassin, Senator Virgil felt that he was as big as two heads.

   Even bigger than the inspector of the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District just now.

   That person is asking for money.

  This person probably wants "right".

  Rage City is already chaotic enough, and the Blade Brotherhood must not be allowed to join in again.

   "Viscount Iscoran!" Vergil said: "Assassins are illegal professions in Rage City, and the empire has ordered the Brotherhood of Blades to disband your assassin group many times.

   I'm not going to hand over city security to a bunch of assassins. "

  Viscount Iskran said with a smile: "It was just a mistake in my wording. After all, I said 'assassin' for so long, and I haven't corrected it for a while.

  The Brotherhood of Blades has disbanded the Assassins in accordance with the laws of the empire. This time, all the members of our Brotherhood's newly established "Assassins" are here. I guarantee that the 'Jason Blades' that came this time are all very powerful, and they are not afraid of death, and are willing to sacrifice their lives for the safety of Raging Waves City..."

  Vogil cursed in his heart, wouldn't he be a group of professional assassins if he changed his name?

   These old nobles are just unwilling to let go of the privileges given to them by the royal family at the beginning of the founding of the Golden Shield Empire.

   "Viscount Iscorran, I think our government office of Rough Waves City is capable of dealing with this crisis.

   Doesn't need the Brotherhood of Blades' help. "

"Hahaha...I respect you." After being repeatedly rejected, Viscount Iscoran still maintained his demeanor: "But Raging City is not just Raging City of the Government Affairs Department. As a civil society, we Brotherhood of Blades are also obliged to protect this city. city.

  The Blade Brotherhood's "Jason" will attack at any time when a disaster occurs, and it will also perform routine patrols at ordinary times...Please don't mistakenly attack us by the security personnel in various urban areas here. "

  The Brotherhood of Blades made it clear that they would take this opportunity to forcefully enter Raging City. Even if you can't get a formal establishment, you have to show your existence as a vigilante.

  Viscount Iskran sat down gracefully, but the tense atmosphere of the meeting was not at all relaxed.

  The Brotherhood of Blades came to add to the chaos, making Congressman Virgil unwilling to continue the meeting.

  He assigned the responsibility of forming an urban crisis response agency to the City Public Security Department, and ordered a few people to hold a small meeting, announcing the end of the city safety meeting.

  The officials left one by one, and Luke led Kailina to run inside the City Hall building.

   It wasn't until he got the 80 million Reichsmark special check book that he left the government affairs hall with satisfaction.

  Back in the car, Karina, who was sitting in the back row with Luke, couldn't help but tell Shelley and Pisco in front about the glorious moment of Inspector Meteor at the meeting.

  When he heard that Luke actually asked for 80 million Reichsmarks from the Government Affairs Office, Shelley turned his head and asked, "Inspector, how do you divide this money?"

   "What's the point!" Luke reprimanded: "Do you think the 80 million Reichsmark is easy to get? In the future, the city subsidy of 2 million per month may not be available to us.

  The money is for investment!

   If you want to live a better life in the future, none of you should pay attention to this money.

  Kelina...No one can use this money without my approval slip. "

   "Yes, Inspector!" Karina held the bag in her hand tightly.

   "Pisco, drive!"

   "Yes, Inspector!"

  Pisco started the car, and the convoy of the Cape Secret Service left the Government Affairs Building.

  In a carriage not far away, Viscount Iskran watched Luke's convoy go away.

Then he said to a person wearing a dark coat and a hood next to him: "Raging Waves City is full of people from the city council. It will be very difficult for us to really get in. This person from the Cape Secret Bureau Detective Meteorite has just taken office, and there is a little conflict with the city government affairs department, which is the goal we can strive for."

  The man in the hood responded in a deep voice: "Secret Bureau? They are our opponents in the Assassin's Tavern! The struggle between the imperial agents and our bladed assassins has never stopped."

   "The times have changed... We must accept the fact that the times have changed! The Blade Brotherhood was established to fight against the imperial power, but now the Brotherhood is no longer an equal existence in front of the imperial power.

  The Assassin Tavern is also unequal to the secret bureau.

  We should not continue to simply divide the Bureau of Secrets into the ranks of opponents. If we want to continue the glory of the nobility, the first thing to do is not to be eliminated by the times.

  The big shots of the Brotherhood should really come out of their manor, come to Rage City, and see the outside world. "

   "My lord, the Brotherhood needs to change, and it needs to be led by someone with wisdom and vision like you."

   Viscount Iskran looked at the people around him with sharp eyes.

   "I have no intention of fighting for power!"

   "I'm sorry, my lord...I said something wrong."

   "Well...send someone to investigate the Secret Information Bureau of Haijiao District. I heard that the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau has suffered from them in the past few days."

   "Yes, my lord."


  Luke didn't know that he had been noticed by the Brotherhood of Blades.

  Anyway, after this riot at the Government Affairs Office, there must be a lot of people who pay attention to him and the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau, and he doesn't care about one or two more.

  Backing to his office, Luke called all the heads of various departments to his office.

  In just such a short time, the top and bottom of the Bureau of Secrets learned from Pisco's big mouth that the inspector had received 80 million Reichsmark special funds from the Government Affairs Office.


  The Cape Secret Bureau has never been so generous.

  Everyone's face is beaming.

  Luke was also very generous and asked Karina to write the check on the spot.

  The heads of each department will each receive 100,000 yuan first, and ordinary detectives will receive a monthly salary plus 20,000 yuan in bonuses.

  Luke hand-delivered a check worth 100,000 face value to each supervisor, and then encouraged them to work hard.

  When everyone is happy to put away the check, we will start talking about business.

   The first is the expansion.

  Currently, at the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau, there are only about 400 permanent workers plus temporary workers who are not on the staff.

   Minus the latent spies, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and civilian staff, there are dozens of people in the Rangers who can be pulled out to fight.

  When something happens, all must be dispatched to set up the situation and hold the battle.

   In the future, we will spread out the stalls to engage in potion production and smuggling, which is obviously not enough people.

   In addition, we have to hunt down the elf Qingkong, and come to a city-wide raid.

  It also needs more manpower to pretend.

  First increase to 2,000 temporary workers.

   It just so happens that there is such a group of people at the headquarters of the Furious Ax Party, and they have all experienced actual combat tests.

   It's reliable, and they are all members of the Yanyang smuggling group.

   Come to Secret Affairs Bureau.

  (end of this chapter)

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