Mo Lu was stunned.

He possesses the talent of a rising star in diplomacy and possesses master-level diplomacy skills.

In this case, it will be easier for him to conquer wild monsters if he has the same type of troops.

But he had never seen anything like this.

Sitting in the city, there are wild monsters coming to seek refuge!

This is even more outrageous than diplomacy!

"Ash, you clearly have no talent for diplomacy, how come a wild monster comes to seek refuge?"

"Diplomacy doesn’t have such a heaven-defying effect!"

The wild monsters came to the door automatically.

Doesn't that mean that even if you hang up, the wild monsters will come to the door.

This is so outrageous!

Mo Lu just couldn't figure it out.

Ye Xiu deliberately didn't tell him the truth.

"I don’t pretend anymore, I show my cards! In fact, I am the real diplomatic boss! I have super divine diplomatic talent!"

"My diplomacy has also reached the divine level. This is the effect of divine diplomacy.……"

Ye Xiu boasted for a while.

Mo Lu was stunned for a moment.

If he hadn't known that Ye Xiu liked to take him with him when he went to harvest wild monsters, treating him as a tool.

Maybe Mo Lu will believe it.

"I believe you! You bad old man is so bad!"

"Every time I am treated as a tool by you, how could you suddenly possess god-level diplomacy skills!"

Mo Lu complained for a while.

Ye Xiu couldn't help laughing.

"You are quite clever. My ability is useful for elemental troops. It can make them automatically defect to me."

"The better the diplomacy effect, the higher the chance!"

Ye Xiu still knew that this was related to diplomacy.

So Ye Xiu spent the skill points very decisively and upgraded the diplomacy to the Grand Master level!

A total of 32 skill points and 1 gold skill point.

This wave of Ye Xiu is better than Molu. Upgrade quickly!

Grand master-level diplomacy: Before the battle, the basic chance of surrendering to an enemy without a hero is 25%. The more troops there are than the enemy, the higher the chance of surrender. When your own army has the same type of troops as the enemy, the chance increases..

The grand master-level diplomacy technique allows elemental troops to have a greater chance of defecting.

As for the range of influence, it is related to the field of vision and troop strength.

Ye Xiu feels that he also needs to use the more advanced Eagle Eye technique.

In general.Ye

Xiu has enough skill points, which allows him to use a lot of advanced skills.

This is what a perfect commander needs.

It is impossible for Ye Xiu to be a pure shooter or knight hero.

He will eventually become a super commander.

Command an army to sweep away all enemies.

Therefore, it is necessary to upgrade each skill to the highest level.

If there were no corresponding talents,

Ye Xiu might have upgraded his diplomacy to the god level.

"Elemental shooters can fuse, let me see the effect……"

To a certain extent, the Heart of Elements is the first regular method that Ye Xiu has obtained that can stably obtain the king's arms.

150 ordinary elemental creatures. can be merged into a king soldier.

If this falls into the hands of ordinary players.

It must be crazy with excitement.

There are many types of kings under Ye Xiu's command.

Ye Xiu also looked down upon units with too low quality.

These fire element shooters and thunder element shooters are too numerous and of too low quality.

Ye Xiu naturally wanted to integrate.

By the way, let’s also see the effect of element fusion.

Ye Xiu immediately tried it.

3 ordinary soldiers are merged into 1 elite soldier.

5 elite units are merged into 1 heroic unit.

10 heroic soldiers are merged into 1 king soldier.

That’s how the elemental arms can be integrated.

Their core is actually the core of elements.

The fusion is actually the fusion of cores.

Unlike other arms.

Each troop is an individual.

If you fuse it, all you get is a piece of rotten meat.

The more integrated the elemental arms are, the purer the core and the higher the quality.


Ye Xiu fused 150 elemental shooters.

He got the fifth-level king's arm, the Fire Elf!

The fusion of similar elements has amazing effects!

Fire Elf: the fifth-level king's arm

Attack: 40

Defense: 20

Damage: 270-350 (range 120, Big Fire Ball)

HP: 1200

Occupation: Shooter/Mage


Hot Shot: The fire elemental elf launches a hot fireball, attacking the enemy continuously (attacks 5 times), causing range damage.

Flame coverage: releases a wide range of flames, causing 1200 points of fire damage, plus burning damage.

Elemental body: can reduce 50% of physical damage, and reduce 80% of fire damage.

Flame burning: after killing certain enemies with headshots, its own damage, range and headshots will be increased. Probability.

Halo of the King: Increases the basic damage of elemental troops among teammates by 60% (cannot be superimposed). The more elemental troops there are, the higher the basic damage of oneself (current increase: 400%)

Fire elves belong to the fifth-level king class.

The combat power is much stronger than the fire element shooter.

This is exactly the powerful marksman unit that Ye Xiu needs.

It has both the marksman and mage professions.

Can gain Ye Xiu's god-level archery bonus.

At the same time, its basic attacks are all accompanied by elemental damage, which is higher and more diverse than the damage of ordinary shooters.

150 fire elemental shooters are exchanged for 1 flame elf.

This is definitely worth it!

"In the future, I can really achieve a lineup of all kings’ arms!"

The fire element shooters and thunder element shooters who took the initiative to defect to Ye Xiu were all merged into the king's arms by Ye Xiu.

Although the number was reduced by hundreds of times, the quality was improved.

Ye Xiu suddenly had 12 more flame elves and 12 more thunders. Elves.

He can also use elemental essences to upgrade the levels of these units in the future.

Elemental essences are very precious. Naturally, they must be used on high-quality units.

Ye Xiu has prepared to integrate all elemental units in the future.

To maintain a high-quality!

Ye Xiu thought, there are new elemental troops appearing.

The same elemental shooters.

This wave has more numbers!

"We are willing to join the great heroes and be driven by you!"

Ye Xiu was stunned.

This should be the effect of upgrading the Grand Master Diplomacy.

The level of diplomacy is upgraded, and the probability of elemental creatures defecting is greatly increased.

Even the number of defections is also increased!

Ye Xiu looked at Mo Lu:" Did you see that my domineering spirit is still stronger than yours?"

"Another wave of younger brothers is coming, I can’t refuse even if I want to!"

Ye Xiu's words made Mo Lu envious.

Ye Xiu's ability is too strong!

There are actually elemental soldiers coming to join him in succession.

This is much better than actively subduing wild monsters.

This is the same as that.

Passive and The feeling of moving by yourself is completely different!

These elemental troops actively defect to Ye Xiu without doing anything, and sometimes he can harvest powerful troops!

However, the elemental troops in an area are limited, and the influence of the elemental heart is also limited.

If you want to have More elemental creatures defect.

More places need to be visited.

Ye Xiu can visit more in the future.

Maybe he can harvest elemental troops.

"Fusion in the same way, this wave is so cool!"

Ye Xiu continued to integrate new elemental weapons.

He was excited.

Hou Yi Sheyue suddenly reminded Ye Xiu:"Lord Shura, it's bad, there is something strange happening at the Gate of Hell!"

"The void demons seem to be causing trouble again!"

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