Age of Heroes

Chapter 514: The twelve great generals v

'You will endanger Prince William.' She reminded Silas and also serves as a warning to him. 

'Then ask him not to enter the battle and the problem is solved.' He said nonchalantly

'That could not do' she said standing up but this time Silas is no longer intimidated as he move closer to Adriana and look straight at her eyes and Adriana felt like a snake is coiling around her body, trying to choke her to death. 

His gaze contains a very imposing pressure and he looks like a towering giant in front of her eyes.

'You are the Imperial Sister. The Empire is now facing an internal problem. Could it be you want to destroy this Empire by following your personal feelings? If you are too worried about your prince then ask him to stand down and let other nobles of Aetherland to take on the battlefield. You're not thinking that you could stay out of this forever, do you? Whether you willingly come to the center stage or forced into it, in the end, I will be waiting for you there. The only question is….when' 

Silas said smiling wickedly then he turned around and his previous worries dissipated like something is clear inside his mind.

Then he said

'Dismiss your spies.' And then, turning back to look at Adriana he said 

'Or I'll devour them.' Then he walked away with the wind blowing east. Adriana looks at that thin back of Silas and she mused.

So, this is the pressure that is emitted by the man standing on the peak of the empire. Matching stares, Adriana felt suffocated. 

What is the extent of this man? She mused and then she walks away.

In her head she was thinking…..has the time come for her to enter the center stage? 

The moment she returned she dismiss her spies on the ports and the Regent residence but she leaves some of her spies in some places that the Regent might not have yet discovered.

'The die has been cast' she said as she begins convening a meeting that night with the Arrandian lords.


In the weeks that followed, the Lord Regent announces the Imperial Edict after there are some rumors that the Emperor is not present in the empire.

Rome was divided into three regions. 

Sicilia, Capua and Domitius in the name of the generals that once fought in those regions and the regions will be oversee by the officers of the empire. 

Venicia was divided into two regions Montague and Capulet. Southern Eden was divided into two named Eterno and Celestis which will be governed by the Imperial Family.

The conquered regions of Zettel were divided into three regions. Brond, Rothall and Rhacotis. 

The name of the country is also changed. Zettel is now known as Arialindia to honor the Emperor.

At the same time the edict was announced, some lords began to think again thinking that the emperor is hiding and waiting to kill those he saw have rebellious intention and stop their schemes for a while as they try to verify whether the Emperor is really present or not.

With one move, Silas have managed to pacify the disgruntled and rebellious noble into taking more consideration. 

At the same time, Silas have managed to buy time as other plans he put in place could be enacted.

On Aetherland, the Court of Aetherland has agreed to halt the advance of the barbarian from Xenos as their alliance stated with the Empire.

Southern Tai who has remained quiet all of this time is starting to bare its fang again. The Three Territory Solution that was proposed by the Emperor is now beginning to show its effectiveness.

The emperor did not attack Aetherland and is not afraid of Southern Tai because of this solution. 

Many would think that Silas was the one who concocted the plan but it was the emperor that concocted the plan. 

They restrain each other and by restraining each other, The Empire remains safe from the threats of the North. 

Aetherland is on the south of Southern Tai. On the north of Tai, is Chu. If Chu attack Tai and Aetherland wanted to join, then the empire will move to keep the balance. 

If Tai attack Chu, Aetherland will attack Tai because Aetherland could not afford to have enemies on all side. 

Aetherland is already surrounded by the Empire on their South, East, and West. Even though Tai and Chu is a vassal of the Empire, they have still a degree of freedom and are allowed to train soldiers.

If Aetherland attack Tai, then Chu will help Tai because Chu will not let Tai be invaded and for Aetherland to have lands that could then be used as points of invasion.

But what if Aetherland attack the Empire? It would not happen. First, because they are related by blood. 

Prince William of Aetherland is the fiancé of the Imperial Sister and the House of Vermont and House of Alan will be bonded in marriage and can be considered as family. 

Second, if they really dare to attack the Empire, then the army of the Empire from all side will smash Aetherland to bits. 

The only reason that Arial did not take full control of the former region of Vern was because he believes the solution will keep the peace. 

But if they began truly showing some form of threats or showing rebellious attitude, the Twelve Great Generals will be dispatched.

If not because of his desire to stop the war and that the Emperor did not want to level the entire Tai and Chu, and not to repeat the massacre of Zettel, the empire have enough military power to destroy them.

But then why Tai is is suddenly brave now? 

Because they know that the Emperor is not in the Capital right now and the Court is divided.

It is the perfect time to rebel. But even so, they did not declare their intention to rebel. To declare such a thing would be tantamount to truly starting a war with the empire.

But the reason Silas is worried about Tai now, is because the Chu and Tai is now bonded by marriage.

If it was before, they are rivals and enemies now they are families. And that worries Silas.

Not to mention the movement in Eden. 

Seren has sworn fealty to the Empire. For what reason, Silas don't know. For what reason, the proud Serenians would bow their head to the Empire? 

Not to mention, the Emperor never shows any kind of intention to annex Seren or any intention to accept Seren fealty before. 

This was not the first time Seren tries to swore fealty. 

But the last time they did, in a secret meeting, the Emperor rejected and is very content on Seren having their kingdom independence.

But Silas knows the true reason why the Emperor did not accept Seren offer. Because he needs Seren to act as a buffer state between Eden and Great Renasia.

But now, with the First Princess accepting the fealty, Silas is worried that they might get dragged into a foreign war.

And his worries are not unfounded. 

After hearing that Seren is now a part of the Empire, Great Renasia began moving their army to their border and stand guard over it, not moving an inch.

He only hopes that trusting Mikael words and that person, that his gambit will work. Smiling in his villa, looking at his wife sewing, he smiles.

'Well…..either way, I'm not yet out of all cards. For now….I hope no one does anything stupid.' He said, barely a whisper

He got up from his lazy chair and walked to his wife while thinking

But people no matter what era they're in, they always do stupid thing. But then he shakes this thought from his mind,

At the same time, in the border of Aetherland, what Silas feared the most has started to happen

The Nur Aci soldiers clashed with the Aetherland army and Nur Aci achieved complete victory.

Bloods of the Aetherland washed the river of Drum near the WhiteHill. The first bloodied conflict mark the intensification of the War of the Two Flowers


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