Age of Heroes

Chapter 511: The twelve great generals (2)

Lastly there is the youngest general. Zhu Ming. Zhu was born into a peasant farmer in the Kura River. 

He has seven siblings in his young days. They all die in a plaque during the war after the Vern Empire crumble and the Blood Brotherhood take charge.

Poor and destitute, Zhu buried his family by wrapping them in white clothes. 

It was said that he look silently on his family grave for three days and three nights until a monk chance upon him and share some bread with him in which the monks invites him to join the monkhood.

He then becomes a monk in local temple.

He did not remain there for long as the monastery ran short of funds and he was forced to leave. 

For the next few years, Zhu led the life of a wandering beggar and personally experienced and saw the hardships of the common people.

After about three years, he returned to the monastery and stayed there until he was around eighteen years old. 

He learned to read and write during the time he spent with the monks. It was then the temple was destroyed when the battle between the Northern Chu and Southern Tai intensified.

He then joined the Eden army when Tai and Chu swore fealty to the Empire. 

He then wins over the Emperor by performing successive military brilliance that eases the burden on the Southern Front of the Empire and he was appointed to the last position of the twelve great generals.

When the Southern Tai has intention in seceding from the Empire, Zhu rides his horse to the Shanhai Pass and challenges the warriors of the Austen family, defeating them all and reminds them that the Empire is unforgiving towards its enemies.

This record of personal prowess is adapted by many troupes of performers called The Humble General Challenge the Wolves Son.

The Austen has always associated themselves with the Great Wolf of Vorthy as they share the same bloods with the royalty of Vorthy.

Zhu Ming was called Zhu the Humble. He is unassuming compared to his contemporaries but is actually very talented in creating traps and is overall a good general.

His prowess in martial art is acknowledged by the Emperor so much so that the Emperor said these words regarding Zhu Ming.

'If I did not exist and the Immortals did not exist, Zhu Ming would be undefeated in Jianghu. To be humble and maintain patience when mocked, to endure things others could not endure, in this alone, Zhu Ming is better than me. Zhu Ming should be an example to the nobles of the Empire. To be humble even when at the peak, winning the praise of all." 

The emperor did not only praise Zhu Ming martial arts but also his character which wins praises from the emperor.

This is the Twelve Great Generals. 

Having high position in the Empire, respected and feared by all, since the war ended they lay down their armors, thrown their weapons away and sit tight on their home.

They do not move and do any actions that could be misconstrued as defying the Imperial Edict.

And the Generals were content with their lives and the glory they have achieved.

But now, in the Imperial Court, sitting on the Dragon Throne, a girl, is trying to revive the lions that are slumbering to claim the Empire.

The girl grip the throne handle and her eyebrows is creased.

In front of her, under the throne, her minister is all kneeling and keeps saying the same thing.

'Your Grace, please send an army to Arrandy and force the Imperial Sister to relinquish her claims'

'Your Grace, please send an army to Arrandy and force the Imperial Sister to relinquish her claims'

They all say this while kneeling and crying. This is practically forcing her!! These ministers are really too much.

Ariadne wanted to handle the matter between her and her Aunt as peaceful as possible but after what happened a few weeks ago...can it still be achieved?

They keep saying the same thing until Ariadne could stand it no longer. 

'Enough!' She said and the minister stop saying it but they look at her with expectation.

She sighed.

Oliver Cromwell still kneeling then said.

'Your Grace. Lord Regent Silas has uses the Imperial Edict to send two of the twelve great generals in a secret mission. Since the war with Zettel ended, the twelve generals did not interfere in military matters of the empire and has been busy managing their territories. But now, Silas has managed to mobilize two of the twelve generals. These generals are not ordinary people. When the Emperor begins his conquest, these twelve people rages and run amok in the Continent. They walk unhindered, unbeatable and each one of them possess prowess to turn a kingdom upside down. The Emperor once said 'If he dies, and the twelve Generals rebels, even one of them could shake the empire very foundation. Which is why the Emperor take away their military powers and keep watch over them during the reign. Trust but verify. That has always been the policy of the emperor. But now, two of the generals are missing, doing something we do not know. This matter….Your Grace should be alarmed.'

'I know, Lord Oliver. This matter I too understand its severity. I don't have to always be reminded by you' she said her tone of voice was cold.

Oliver put his head down and said.

'This Lord does not dare. Hoping Your Grace does not take offense.' She on the other hand grips the throne tighter.

Stronger she said in her heart. Be stronger.

She knows that if the generals decide to move, this power struggle could no longer remain as bloodless as it has been this past few months.

She once heard her Imperial Father once said Zhu Ming possesses the strength of a thousand men, riding in battlefield like a starving wolf. 

The Three Lions rip apart anyone who dares hurt them. 

Santiago is a mad general, always coming up with unconventional method to win the war. He could lose a thousand battles but he will always win the war. 

Seeing the big picture, Santiago always survives. 

Giovanni heart is as cold as the winter of Vorthy, cruel and inspires fear. With fear he conquered people, with fear he controlled people, and with fear he manipulated the battlefield. 

If Santiago reminded people what is evil is, then in front of Giovanni, Santiago is a cute cat. Alberth and James could decide a victory even before the battles starts. 

Knowing their enemies, fighting a hundred battles, a hundred battles won. 

Bonfereile and Leander were known to inspire loyalty and the very definition of great leaders. Once they march, thousands of men would do anything to follow them.

Wang Mu even though he is not looked upon fondly by the other generals, his strength and bravery is acknowledged and his soldiers are all loyal to him, and would sail a sea of fire or climb mountains of knives following him.

Each one of them possesses qualities that enable them to stand on the top over the masses. 

Thinking that if her aunt really wanted to wage war and using these generals to fight her...then this will not be so simple anymore.

'Your Grace?' Oliver asks again as he sees that the Princess is not saying anything. The Princess finally decided.

Strengthen your heart she mused. Be cold. Be calculative. Survive. Keep the Throne. And wait.

Then she gave her order

'Try to contact the Generals. Ask them if they would claim for me. Tell them, I do not intend to wage war against the Imperial Sister only to unite back the Imperial Court and to safeguard the throne for my father. I swore it by the Light.'

The other minister hearing them has a shine in their eyes and said

'Your Grace is wise.' 

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