Age of Heroes

Chapter 494: The war of two flowers (3)

The peace between Aetherland and the Empire is largely in part because of the relationship between Adriana and William.

William was never a fan of his father arrangement for him to become the next King so he was convinced of Adriana ideas that their children will rule Aetherland when they have children thus ensuring peace and sovereignty for Aetherland, and assurance from the empire.

'Will you fight?' he ask

'Do I have a choice? My niece must be stopped and my only allies in the imperial court right now seem to be the new noble faction' she said sighing.

Looking at the sky she sighed again.

If only my brother could be here now…he would certainly be disappointed. William did not say anything.

'But my niece is not the true enemy of the Empire.'

'Who then?' William said as he put down his cup of tea. The tea is long gone and he is no longer in the mood to sip tea.

'The factions. New Nobles. Old Nobles. They need to be abolished.' She said resolutely

'If the Lord Regent hears it…he might not be that inclined to side with you.' William said as he smiles bitterly

'Then it is fortunate there is only two of us in this garden right?' William smiles and nodded. He will support Adrianna whatever her choice is.

He has never met a more remarkable woman than her fiancé.

'So, you want to take him on too? He would not be an easy opponent' William advises.

'When have I ever face and easy opponent? The faction must no longer be allowed to breathe inside the Imperial Palace. It is because of this faction that the Imperial Palace is in such chaos these days. The Bonaparte even uses this opportunity to bait Lord Oliver helping them which has escalated into a full blown out war between Lord Silas and Lord Oliver.'

William did not know what to say just waiting for Adrianna to make up her mind. She sighed.

Then closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she said.

'Let's return home' she said. Then she added.

'Now it begins.' 

William just looks at his fiancé, and nodded, getting up from his seat and following her from behind.





She is sitting on the Dragon Throne. The Dragon Throne is one of the most delicately designed thrones in all of the Human Continent history. 

Blessed by the Pope, enchanted by the Elders of the Elven Forest, crafted by the dwarven smith in their taigns and was washed by the Elven Spring of Mana, the throne itself possesses certain charm that could not be explained. 

The throne is in itself magic.

Sitting on the throne she looked over down her subjects. She once asked her aunt about the throne when she was little. 

Her aunt Adriana was a scholarly woman but at the same time an approachable woman, beyond reproach and noble. 

She answers 'a throne is a jagged chair of thorns. Sitting on it, you can't help but get injured.'

The regency of the empire remains a debate in the imperial capital and the faction has cast their lot. 

She looks at her supporters. Lord Oliver Cromwell, the Bonaparte. The Bourgnon. The great high lords of the south.

It all started with Lord Silas action of exiling Lord Pierre Bonaparte. By the order of the Law of the Empire, he was exiled, stripped of his title and wealth. 

They then pleaded with her. 

She was at the time in the Imperial Palaces. The Bonaparte has slight relation with her mother, a kin of her mother on her father side. 

The Bonaparte speak of the old days, reminded her that her mother would never let her own blood to suffer in their own lands. 

To honour her mother, she decided to shield the Bonaparte and demand retrial from the Judiciary department. 

Lord Silas rejected her demands and instead showing disobedience towards the Imperial family even as so far went to her castle and forcing her to hand over the Bonaparte family.

Her resistance was backed by Lord Oliver who reminded Silas of his task to protect not only the Empire laws but also the Imperial family. 

Using the Imperial Army she defeated Silas order by force. Since she was the heir apparent, the Imperial Army and the Hall of War find no fault with her order. 

She is the daughter of the Emperor and his blood kin.

But now…. now, that her aunt is entering this conflict, the Hall of War has secluded themselves in their barracks trying not to get in the middle of the Imperial conflict between the two flowers of the Empire.

Now….now the matter has become more complicated. 

Before she could use the imperial Army because she styled herself as the heir of the Empire, and the Imperial Army serves the Empire and by extension serve the Imperial Family.

At the time, it was no problem or conflict of loyalty because she was the sole heir…but now? 

Now the situation is different. 

Adriana has claimed herself as the one worthy of the throne…and offers her service to become the Regent replacing her.

Now, the Imperial Army did not move because they have no leader to lead them. If they follow her, they are committing treason to the Imperial family. 

After all, her aunt is the Imperial Sister. That is one tier higher than her as the First Princess.

Whichever way they choose, they would be condemned. 

This is a civil that was about to start. But no battles have been fought yet, no blood has been shed…..but high lords have started drawing the lines, factions formed, and loyalty are call into question.

At the time of her disagreement with Silas, she exiled him from Eden using the Imperial Army forces which pick a side. 

And they pick her side. But that was then. Things have escalated and changed since then.

But did she have thought of fighting with her own aunt? With her father sister? Of course not. 

She did it for the Empire. 

For her father Empire, despite the headache she has experience this couple of weeks. With the dreams getting more vivid and the scenes become more lifelike, she feel her head is about to explode…but she endures all the same.

This is her Empire. 

Her father's empire. And while she might not show it…..she wanted to call her father papa again…just like when she was a child.

And in his absence she will protect the Empire from its enemies. That is what she believes. That is why she has taken such drastic measures.

The reason why she is taking seat on the throne and declare herself regent is because she was informed by Lord Oliver that Lord Silas is using his power as regent to let Adriana usurp power and replace her as the rightful heir of the empire. 

She could not let that happens. 

Of course they are the same family but Ariadne believes that Lord Silas is controlling her aunt and using her to bring his faction to the forefront and then usurp the power for himself.

These divisions of power and influence within the imperial family lead people to choose a side. 

She looking down the throne then asked at an old man with eyes full of wisdom and having both of his hand behind his back, standing calmly waiting for her orders.

'Lord Oliver…. which one has declared for me?'

'The South declares for you, Your grace. The church also throws her support behind you. The others could be persuaded.' 

'How about the serpent spies?'

'They have been captured but some…some are still in the Imperial City. They are hard to find and even harder to catch but I will identify them and capture them soon enough.'

Then she asked again.

'The Dragonguard? Did they make a decision?' She asked.

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