Age of Heroes

Chapter 487: The king to rule them all (3)

And she was allowed to See and as permission were given, her eyes could move again and she slowly closes her eyes

The moment she closes her eyes, she saw in front of her, a huge open area with millions of people in each side, divided by a spear stuck into the ground.

She looked to her left side and she could see a huge army led by a human. 

The man looked ferocious with armour of a tiger, shining like the yellow sun; his army all looked like a wolf ready to rampage. 

Dust rose behind the army, and thousand more come upon marching with sounds like a thundering storm, hard and resilient was this army, that each steps was like the steps of the Titans of Old.

On their faces were an expression of fearlessness, full with dignity and imposing presence, killing intent billowing to sky.

Then he looked at her right side and she was shocked. 

An elven army. 

Thousands of them, with cavalry, riding great warhorses, thousand more held a spear, and a thousand more hold a sword.

The Dark Elves riding warhorses with a whip on one hand and curved saber on the other, while the White Elves is preparing their magic, their hands glowed with light and in their eyes was hope and pride. 

And in front of these great army of elves was a man with armour crest of a dragon, hair white as snow, eyes as blue as the skies and sitting on horseback, his eyes is sharp and fierce, his features is stunning and he looked more human than elven.

His body was lean yet Velamina could sense the raging power of that man…and she realized to her shock, that it was her son. 

Sitting on horseback, like an overlord…. a Great Conqueror….and as the sun shined, his shadow elongated that seems to cover everything, a hint that seems to portend to some great destiny.

To his army, he looks divine and mighty.

Then as Velamina blinks the scenery changed again.

This time he could see a battlefield full of corpses and blood and this time unlike before the scenery interweaves with each other, splitting from one scene to another.

She sees a huge city burned down, a marble city turns to ashes. 

She sees corpses that if piled up could create a mountain of corpse. 

She could see a river that was unable to flow because of the blood that was spilled on to the river and sees thousands of corpses float on the river. 

Then she sees a land of red where all the blood seeped into the grounds and body part laying everywhere and all she could hear was the war cries, the scream, howling, begging and killing intent that billows up to the sky.

She could see Arial in the Lands of Asteros with a woman, as replescendent as the sun, she could see her son encountering countless hardships.

She blinks again and the scene changed again

She then sees her son again, standing high on top of a Golden Throne, behind him is a fire that seems never to be extinguished and she sees from an aerial view, like she was on the sky, looking down on the world, a great vast of land, wealthy and magnificent.

She saw an undiminished magnitude of glory that seems to spans centuries, bore upon it was the crest of a Dragon that seems to bring fire and blood wherever it goes.

It almost seems like the whole world revolve around this particular bloodline, like everything from the beginning till the end was related to this. 

And then scenery changes as fast as light as it crowded her mind.

Like she could see through everything. 

One long chain of events that started from the day life begins on this planet, feeling like she could see everything that has happened and what is going to happen.

It was like a story, a grand scheme of plan that started from the beginning and everyone is connected, all are a part of this great story.

She also sees an Eye that was as red as blood, looking at her from an Abyss that seems to be the foulest place in existence

Velamina seem to be grasping at something, a profound truth, a divine revelation only to slip away from that brief glimpse of truth.

She focuses her mind. Remembering her son.

Then she sees her son again, on horseback, which is conspicuously held up to the admiration of the world, and he rode so gracefully and gallantly on the lofty crest that mankind has given him the credit of raising and sustaining the magnificent billow on which he was borne. 

She sees humans, elves and other races bowed to her son, like a God descended to the mortal world.

She then was seeing another vision of her son, young, but was very energetic and accomplished character, and of unbounded ambition. 

She then looks on as she sees her son led an army of thirteen thousand men, his men were courageous, disciplined and possess indomitable tenacity that their march could strike the fear in every grown man.

She then saw that the enemy was the King of Atheniss, Theseus. 

He assembled the force of his Leagues on the plains of Avreilon, an immense army, consisting, of over a million of men. 

Such vast forces occupy, necessarily, a wide extent of country, even when drawn up in battle array. 

It looked hopeless but her son look at the vast army and he smiles and he said

'Today I will bathe in the Blood of Men. Let them see that the Children of the Great Forest will not die out in these Lands of Asteros where we made our home. Let us forge a new Kingdom, where there is equality between Men and Elves. Let us…..war…so we might have peace, at last!'

Then the vision dimmed and she was bombarded with thousands of images and visions all at the same time

She could see everything and at the same time nothing.

And then she opens her eyes again and she realizes she was kneeling, and both of her eyes were producing blood tears, her knees trembling.

Slowly, something was carved behind her back and she gritted her teeth to endure the pain, her wrist suddenly bleed out, she spouted black blood from her mouth and her thighs was suddenly suffering from paralysis and her veins exploded out.

Magic has a price. 

And the price of looking at the future is a terrible price to pay. Her beautiful eyes were clouded and she became blind instantly.

She knew this yet she still asks the Veil to be opened to her, so that she could See.

And she makes a decision. She need to protect her son…and guided him as she was guided by the Stars.

She sees that her son….would rule the lands of Asteros. But the future…is complicated. It is a gift and a curse.

The future is something resembling a broken mirror. 

You can't see everything, only pieces of it and most of it is not what you think it is, and most of it distorted and any changes to try change the story sometime created a worse outcome.

Everything that happens, happens for a reason. Forces greater than of a mortal conspire to make certain events happen.

But she formulated her plan, even as the blood flows from her eyes, even though she could no longer see, she has gained the enlightenment of the future. 

Even as pain washes over her, she gritted her teeth, got up from the ground, bowed to the tree and she offer prayers to the Stars as she could feel the Star of the Sovereign shines brightly, like it was being awakened.

That night, the pair of mother and son, left the city of Atheniss with her flock. 

Orpheus took up hiding with his wife Eurydice as he offers himself to Velamina to redeem himself by protecting the young elven child and at the same time run away from the King since the King would know that he has failed in his endeavor

The Great Forest in Atheniss wilted in one day, the Great Tree that supports life rotted and turns into a pile of dust. 

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, it was like the Great Forests never even existed in Atheniss. 

The King of Atheniss hearing the news of Orpheus failure and subsequent betrayal woke up with great alarm and waited as he could no longer do any action other than sending his secret assassins and hoping for the best as the promise of the future seems bleak.

In the heart of Velamina, there is no doubt that one day, they will return again to Atheniss and they will return with glory. 

And she was known henceforth known as the Blind Witch Velamina to the people of Asteros as she sees fate and destiny of all those who seeks her counsel….and yet she could not see her own future. 

And as they walked on the plains of Asteros, the young child is slowly awakened to become a King….to rule them all.


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