Age of Heroes

Chapter 477: Conquer all; rule all, birth of the greatest technique (2)


Arial is sitting cross legged on the floor. His body is now covered with his usual black red aura but now there is also something else appearing on his aura. 

A golden crackling aura appears creating a very powerful but malevolent aura.

Arial chooses the last room which is on the corner of the second floor. His body is crackling with this combination of colors.

Red, black and golden yellow. 

His Imaginary Scape is once again reconstructed using his massive internal energy, and the lightning inside his body even help with the recovery.

Outside the inn, however a peculiar phenomenon is happening. The night sky was clear just a moment ago but suddenly clouds are formed and it became dark.

A few look at the sky and wonders why the weather changed suddenly. Some closed their stall as and quickly go home.

Others rushing to find shelters in taverns or inn.

Beggars on the poor districts quickly find more things to cover themselves if the rain began pouring down.

Then a thunder crashed down outside the city, its lights make the whole city for a moment illuminated like it was the day and then came the sound of the thunder, almost like the world was ripped apart.

Some people tremble in their homes, children snuggle up to their parents, while the adults looked at the sky in trepidation.

In the Cloud District, one young martial artist look at the sky and he quickly creased his eyebrow, feeling the high concentration of Qi, the fluctuation of energy and he could not help but slightly feel fear. 

He could feel a very powerful chaotic energy and embedded in those energy was a very harmful essence of lightning.

On the huge plains outside the city, some weak beast quickly hide in their nest or holes as they could sense this chaotic energy and they do not dare to find food tonight.

Far away from the city in a large cave, a sickly dragon is roaring in pain, golden blood pouring out from his heart, and curses in Dragontongue, each curse, created changes in the weather, the Voice created fluctuation of energy.

On a large tree, brimming with power and vitality, under it was a most beautiful woman the world could ever see, shackles and bind onto the tree and even though she was far away from Ragran, she could feel the abnormality in the universe, she could the strand of energy and she smiles.

In Asteros a young boy was playing with his playmate when he suddenly feel a tugging in his heart and he look on the sky as he felt something faintly, something he felt familiar with but that moment was but a second. 

Not far away from the boy, was a High Elven woman, standing as graceful as a celestial fairy. 

She looked at the skies and she could see the stars hidden by the sunlight, but her eyes pierces through the light and look upon the stars and she could see a purple star, Star of the Conqueror shining brightly and she did not know whether to rejoice or feel worried.

All of this happens in a second when Arial merge with the lightning essence. A God is being born.

This kind of phenomenon has never happened since the Age of Gods.

Arial on the other hand did not notice this occurrence outside the tavern as the blood he absorb before is pooling at his dantian and enter his dantian, dyeing it red but also give Arial more power.

He then enters His Sea of Consciousness and look at the huge sea in front of him. This is the manifestation of his internal energy.

A vast ocean that even he could not see the end of it. The sea was vast and still, calm and serene.

The sky on his Sea of consciousness however is full of the rumblings of thunder and sometimes there is lightning striking down the sea which leaves a huge wave blast affecting all four directions. 

He sits on the sandy beach of the island, overlooking the huge sea and the thundering skies.

He then got up and walked around the island and he could see a small stream but the stream was not fresh clear water, but dark red blood. 

It was blood streaming entering the sea, and the moment the blood enter the sea it was purify and the red blood turns to the color of the sea.

Then he enters his Imaginary Scape. Now that his internal energy is replenished and his injury has also healed he began practicing again.

He conjured up mountainous area on the Imaginary Scape. 

While the Sea of Consciousness reflects his internal energy and his power, Imaginary Scape is to manifest everything, imagination is the limits.

Using the Imaginary Scape he could conjure up almost anything his mind could imagine and has no restriction. 

Standing on the bottom of a large stone mountain he began practicing. First, he uses Dragon roar. 

As his internal energy concentrated on his throats he releases it and the mountains shakes and the sound echoes like a dragon in wrath, shaking everything

'Thoughts unswerving' he said as he strengthen his mind. Concentration is important. Looking at the effect of his technique he is stronger than before.

Then he jump and he uses Dragon Palm and he pushed his palm into the stone mountain, reinforces by his lightning energy and the area in which he uses his palm attack disintegrated.

Not melted but disintegrated like its own energy was vaporized. He smiles. 

'Do not disobey' he said as he conjure up a sword in his hand. The sword was thin and easy to use.

'Thought unswerving, concentrate the Qi on the body. Do not disobey, The world bows, the Heaven looks by, not daring to interfere. One strike to destroy all, one strike to rule all'

He began executing his Heaven Punishment Style.

'When use, it is not filled up. Deep as the darkest sea, source of all things. Blunts the sharpness, unravels the knots, dims the glares, and mixes the dust.'

As he said this he was flying around the mountain and his sword is attacking left and right and from the tip of the sword, lightning shot out, slamming to the stone mountain , each strikes leaves a deep hole inside the stone mountains.

Then as he combined the Heaven Punishments style with his lightness technique, his sword was flying and dances in the air.

His sword is crackling with lightning, each strikes produces a thunderous roar, each cleave take a peak head, each slash created deep gash, each slices cuts the stones like leaves, all the while, the movement was graceful without ostentations, elegance without pride, the sword dance was like immortal fairy dancing in Heaven.

And then when he reached one of the peak he destroyed, he stand there with one feet standing on the destroyed peak while another feet is on the crane formation. 

Then he jumped and he pointed his finger to one of the peak and it exploded, the stones vaporized.

Then he pointed to another peak and lightning shot out from his finger reinforced by his already malevolent internal energy and this time the explosion is bigger. 

The power output and the damage is too high and it was not what Arial intended. 

The All-Conquering Finger technique is supposed to be precise and accurate, an invisible sword that could cut anything with a perfect accuracy.

'Sword that pierce the strongest steel, energy that pierces anything. Cutting steel like mud, one finger crumbles city wall, one finger destroy a nation, one finger to kill all!' he resolutely claimed

This is the essence of All Conquering Finger technique he said as he was enlightened suddenly, looking at the mountains like a wall of people fighting him and he gain enlightenment of his own technique.

'One slash to conquer all, one step to chase all, one finger to destroy all, one technique to rule all. All Conquering technique conquers all, the world number one technique, unsurpassed and unbeatable, invincible and peerless. This is the All-Conquering Technique essence. A unified theory of all technique in the vast world.'

Then using his finger, he slashes towards the mountains and from his finger a thunder shaped like saber slashes shoot out from his finger and cut all the head peak.

His feet jump and he landed on one of the destroyed peak, jumping away the pressure from his jump flattened the surface as it bore down upon itself.

Then as he is now on top of the mountain and in midair, as he falls, he uses his palm attack and shoots it towards the stone mountain.

From his palm came a large sized palm behind him, an illusionary palm that possesses energy that could cover the whole mountain and as it reached the stone mountains, the mountain cracked and then explode in every direction, soil mixed with stones flies away hundreds of kilometers from their initial positions while the peak all were vaporized.

A large sized palm shaped figures was stamped on the ground, like a giant has come and stamped their palm onto the ground.

Then as he looked at the destruction he did he gains enlightenment, the perfect formula of understanding the intricacies of his technique if he decide to impart this technique one day.

The foundation must be firm before learning the other technique and now he gains enlightenment as his heart becomes more calm and the Dragon Heart influence to him is lessened.

'Nurture the darkness in the soul until becoming whole. Focus your life breath until you become pure. Cleanse you inner vision and judge good and evil. Love people and lead them without forcing your will onto them. Heaven gives and takes fortune and misfortune, whatever the outcome be content. Understanding all things, there are times to step back. Making without possessing, expecting nothing in return. Achieving without arrogance, Raising without domination. To grow, yet not to control. Calm the heart and everything is possible.'

As he gained this enlightenment his internal energy become more pure like a lustrous light filling his whole body and at this time Arial could feel there is something…..hidden.

Hidden in his body. 

He could feel its presence. A light that covers everything, and keep the darkness at bay. He could feel of something otherworldly in his body but he could feel it only for a moment.

Then as he gains this massive surge of energy, he did not realize that the light he discovered earlier transform his body entirely.

His meridian widened, the color of his blood changes to resemble gold colored liquid. Each breath he takes fills him with energy.

And then he slowly come out of his meditation. 

Exhaling and inhaling he smiles. Today he gains enlightenment and he could only smile because of this fortuitous event.

Outside, the dark clouds receded and the thunder stopped.

Not knowing the consequences of merging his dantian with a divine essence, he then went to sleep, to rest his body.

Ana return on midnight after she watch the thunder storm that erupts earlier when she was at the tavern. 

Some say it is a freak weather since the thunder came but then suddenly disappear. 

Without knowing the cause of the thunder is the man she brought along with her she went asleep.


That night a man named Sanaa enters the city. In his hand was parchment. It was a sketched portrait of a woman. 

Underneath it was the name of the target. It was written in Creilic, an old language.

Looking at the portrait he sighed and then put the sketch back inside his sleeve and he said to himself.

'I just need to find the older sister and she will come running back. I'm sorry, Nia. You force the organization to move.'

He does not like doing this since the older sister… his former childhood friend but….he has a mission.

And once the Mark of Death is issued by the Elders, he had to obey. He and Nia both are talented. 

And since no one else is better at the job, they send him to finish the job.

Smiling bitterly, he enter the city


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