Age of Heroes

Chapter 465: The six seals (2)

'Then the fifth seal is the Orb of Discord. It is the most troublesome of the Seals. It has the ability to control people minds. And last, the Stone of Time and Space. It is an unordinary gray stone that enables you to bend time and space.'

Hearing the bend time and space, Arial face lights up.

'Bend time and space!' Arial said looking at Amara and Amara nodded. 

Arial feel this is the connection between his travelling through time experience and Amara insistence that she is the one who have set him back through time.

'Yes, it is the relic I used to send your soul back through time. Twice' she said.

'Twice?' Arial didn't remember crossing the laws of time twice. He only remembered once, if there was such a thing.

'Anyway that is not important.' Amara said.

'Where is it?' Arial asked, clearly he wanted to know now.

Suddenly thunder boomed in the distance. Lightning flashed and the world shakes. The illusionary realm that Amara constructed is almost the same as his Imaginary Scape.

The Imaginary Scape exist inside Arial is because of his heart. The heart of a dragon. The Imaginary Scape is the way of dragons, the Son of Heaven.

It is the way they trains themselves in their deep and long slumbers. The thunder shook the world apart and the world shakes again.

Amara sighed. Amara closes her eyes and said.

'It seems my time is limited. They come again.'

'Let me show you something' Amara said as she put her hand on top of Arial head. 

And suddenly Arial is teleported somewhere, looking at a scene like a spectator.

There is one large fire where men are thrown inside of it and the fire become brighter and more powerful.

The fire initially was bright red when suddenly it became black, and smokes arise from the great flame, enveloping the skies, the white clouds turn blacks, and thunder roared and attacked the soils, creating a deep crater.

Then it rains and from the clouds it did not rain water, but black fire hurtling towards the earth.

The scene changes. Arial is transported to another place. 

A village in peace, the kids is running around the creek, playing with their playmates, some drenched themselves inside the creek, some are laughing and teasing each other near the creek.

Then he saw the flame from the skies and it falls into the creeks. 

The children all died, they left no trace. 

Black fire ravaged the village. No water, no magic, nothing could stop the black fire as it consumes everything. 

The land was scorched, nothing could grow.

People turns to ashes, bone turns to dust. People perish, humanity suffers. Then he is transported to another scene.

He could see stern angels with wing behind their back stand over a fiery land, their face was cold and terrifying.

'No' Arial said. 

It was not angels. It was demons. As Arial realized this, their white wing becomes charred black and their clean faces become full of scars and their unblemished faces become riddled with horns.

They look at Heaven scowling and unrepentant, the denizens of the fiery Hells, their hands hold a spear that is full with blood and thorns. 

Even though their flesh is penetrated by the spear, they keep holding it, black blood keep dripping from their hands.

It was tormenting for them, yet they keep holding the spear like it was their punishment.

Eternal damnation comes to Arial mind.

Then suddenly the scenery changed again. Arial begins feeling pain in his head, and dizziness starts to sink in.

What is Amara trying to show him?

Seeing all of these scenes, Arial could not help but feeling fear in his heart creeping, every time he sees a new scene.

This time Arial could see a deep cavernous pit, so long and wide that one could not see how far the width of the caverns. 

Then he look again, and he could see and endless abyss.

He tries to see but he could not find the end. He looks down and all he could see was the crushing blackness.

Then suddenly a most intense fear pervades inside Arial heart and he kneels to the ground, his hand on his chest, sweats formed on his back, his other hand trembles, and his heart beats like a war drum, only to discover the grounds were full with human meat, that covered the whole ground, behind him was a land of fire, burning fiery lands, that covered even the sea, and he could hear the screams and shrieks.

He could smell the charred corpse, the smell of roasted meat, the smell of death and hear the screams of despair.

Not far away he could see a bright red river, and looking farther away he could see, Demons wringing out blood from a children's body.

They twisted the boy bodies until he became a puddle of blood and the blood clot the river, rendering it unable to flow.

He then looks at the abyss, and he could see a red glint under it. 

He doesn't know who it is but the fear inside his heart was increased a thousand fold. The red eyes look at him, baleful and full of hatred, fierce and unrelenting.

He looks in front of him and he could see humans were herded to the edge of the abyss, some were thrown indiscriminately inside the long deep abyss. 

Woman, children, elderly, the young, the rich, the poor, the infirm, the incapable. 

Every human regardless of their race, religions or gender, was thrown inside the abyss all screaming in anger, in fear and they curse the unfairness of it all.

Arial could see a young daughter being separated from her father and thrown from the edge to the abyss while his father watched with pure grief in his eyes. 

The mother wailed and screams until she collapsed.

'This…what is this!' Arial said, no longer he could see this. 

Then suddenly he was in the plains again, with thundering booming on top of him and Amara floating gracefully as ever, looking at him.

'What…is that? What did I see?' Arial said after taking a few breaths, cold sweats dripped from his forehead.

'One of the many futures' she said gravely.

'If you fail, that is what in store for humanity. A thousand years of suffering and darkness. Humanity will enter a new Dark Age until the next Blood of Light is born to fulfill the Prophecy of the Ages.'

'This…what is…who is inside the abyss?' Arial finally managed to ask

Amara slightly smiles and she answer.

'Darkness. The source of every darkness.'

The thunder boomed again and Amara looked at the skies again. She then said. 

'Just follow Destiny' she said.

'What is that supposed to mean?' Arial said.

'You will understand later. For now, it is fine to follow the little girl. I wish you luck' Her voice slowly disappeared.

Then the air distorted and the plains disappeared. He was then thrown into his own consciousness.

He meditates inside his consciousness and he remember that eyes again and he, for the first time in a long time, feel such pervasive fear towards that dark thing inside the abyss.

It was pure hatred…a hatred that he had never seen before. 

It was soul piercing gaze filled with hatred towards the world. Arial could not help but shudder thinking what he has seems. 

Fiery lands with terrifying demons. The humans herded into death like animals, and lands that covered in human flesh. 

Rivers of blood and oppressive atmosphere.

Thinking about Amara words, he could not understand no matter how many conjecture he think of.

Let destiny guides him? Isn't that too arbitrary? Deciding he would understand when the time comes he close his eyes and fall into deep sleep.


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