Age of Heroes

Chapter 460: Lightning thundered as the dragon roars (2)

And he felt it….that strand of energy inside him, roaring to be touched again. But then he remembers his pathetic state from before and his angers surge again.

Having a dragon heart, he is prone to bouts of uncontrollable anger. When that happens, even the most rational judgment would elude him.

But to compensate the Dragon Wrath as he called this uncontrollable state of mind, it gifted Arial with powers beyond that of a mortal.

Dragons after all, were Old Gods, worshiped during the Age of Gods. And its heart, on a mortal, of course it comes with a side effect.

Bloodlust. Anger. All these negatives emotion could bring about the destruction of lives. But Arial has endured this long, having this heart.

What is frustrating is that he was backed into a corner by a beast.

Remembering it, make his blood boil. How long must he endure this weak body? Something needs to be done. 

Now his body has begun improving and he could utilize small amount of Qi. 

Even though the lightning essence could not be assimilated through normal methods, Arial has thought of another way to force the lightning essence to heed his bidding.

If not how could he call himself Arial the Conqueror?

Nowadays, his senses are getting better and his body, even though it is slow, began recovering even under the pressure of the lightning.

This is a bet. He feels that the lightning could be found in his Imaginary Scape. It is a bet. But still, closing his eyes, he enters his imaginary scape.

The usually black atmosphere is no longer there. 

Instead he could see and orb of lightning, crackling with power, levitating inside his Imaginary Scape. 

He smiles. Like expected. It has been a long time since he felt a disturbance in his consciousness. Truly, this is the cause.

Arial try to grab it and the orb flies away. Arial is furious. This Imaginary Scape is his sea of consciousness, everything inside it is under his control. 

Here, he controls everything. 

He then wills it and the surrounding changes to grassy plains, with nothing in sight other than grass as far as the eyes could see. 

The wind breezes by and the grass sways. 

The orb is still there levitating up in the sky. Arial wills a mountain to appear and a mountain erupted to being under his feet and Arial is high on the sky, standing among the clouds.

He jumps to the orb but the orb itself was the essence of lightning. How could it let itself be captured? 

Like lightning it went, disappeared like a flash of light.

Arial coughed up blood. 

In the real world, he could be seen sitting cross legged, as his vein becomes blue, and the pebbles near him begun levitating as his body is emitting a black red aura.

If Ana was here, she would be choked by the tyrannical energy swirling in the cave. 

Every single insect in the cave suddenly shivered, wriggling, and then they die, blood seeping from their husk and shot out from their bodies.

The blood then congealed itself and flew to Arial real body, orbiting it, like a star system.

The poisonous centipede, the mosquitoes, the scorpions, all around the cave, insect dies, and their blood congealed.

As Arial coughed up blood, the congealed blood shot into Arial chest and seeped inside him, and his previous hard expression loosen. 

This is the power of the Third Stage of Blood Heavenly Technique. In his Imaginary Scape he is still trying to catch the lightning essence.

He falls high from the mountain and he wills himself to fly. And he stands there on the air, laws of the world under his commands. 

For, this is his sea of consciousness and nothing is outside his control. 

But twice the essence avoided him. Even though everything should be under his terms, for some reason the essence could break this restriction. 

He flies as he chased for the essence again. Then suddenly a tree sprouted from the ground, trying to pierce Arial consciousness. 

Arial quickly swerved to the left and barely avoided it, when suddenly from the skies, flaming fire balls is heading towards him. 

He wills his mind and a tornado appears and created a vortex of fierce winds that blows the flaming balls away from him. 

Each of the flaming fire balls drop to the plains with great impact, creating a 500 meter depth craters. 

Arial sea of consciousness shakes and trembles and Arial feel his heart constricted, and he coughed up blood and his consciousness become weaker. 

In the real world, the cave is caving down because of Arial internal energy pressure. The top of the cave cracked, the land caved in around the stone bed Arial is meditating.

The land turns black, its mana is converted into pure energy as its shot out into Arial heart. The land then becomes infertile, a dead land with no energy.

Arial energy was corrosive and tyrannical, a cold energy of the highest degree. It is not an exaggeration to say it is the pinnacle of cold energy.

In his imaginary scape, Arial become more and more furious at the lightning essence for evading capture.


And as he screams this, thunder boomed on top of him, his white hair flail wildly because of the wind, the thunder light illuminate a crazed expression from Arial, frustrated to the point of despair. 

How could he not despair? He is the strongest existence in his continent! He is the Celestial Emperor, having no match in martial arts; even Kings have to bow toward him! 

He is the ultimate ruler of a vast empire, the most revered grandmaster in martial Arts, Hearing his name alone, would make the junior generation kowtowed to him! 

And now, because of this damned lightning essence, his body is constricted, his power restrained.

It is like a dragon chained down, its power neutralized. Then he remembers his own helplessness a moment ago.

It is fortunate that the wolf that came inside the cave is not a hostile, but if it is, Ana would have lost her life and his too.

'Either you surrender or I surrender!' he yelled his voice reverberate inside his sea of consciousness. 

And this time behind him, a dozen tornados formed, the ground cracked, the mud was absorbed inside the vortex of pulsating winds, thunders boomed and strikes the ground, cracking and exploding the ground, leaving a huge crater, while Arial stand there on the air, his hair is still swaying wildly, like a wounded dragon.

His consciousness shakes and trembles. Even though if he has to burn his spirit, he will grab this damn lightning essence and make it his.

He then using his senses quickly determines the lightning position. 

He tries to teleport but there is something that is preventing it. He gritted his teeth. Even inside his sea of consciousness he could not do as he pleases. 

This lightning is stubborn he mused angrily.

He then flies with his fastest speed, creating a pulsating vortex of wind under his feet, as tornadoes formed behind him. 

From a dozen, to hundreds of pulsating tornadoes. 

And then as it followed Arial the tornadoes move to other directions to his left and right, as Arial keep chasing. 

The lightning essence is fast but then it got caught by one of the tornadoes. 

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