Age of Heroes

Chapter 453: Smile at the opening horizons (2)

Titania enters the room. The room was luxurious creating a dissonance comparing it to the state of the tavern. 

'You look surprised, Nia.'

'Didn't know pleasure ladies could afford such luxury' Titania said as she sits down on one of the chairs. 

'Leave us alone' Zara said as she gestured her guards to leave her alone with her friends. The guards just nodded and went outside.

'Thank you for meeting me, Zara' Titania said, holding Zara hands as a sign of gratitude. Zara just smiles.

'The least I could do for you. You have helped me before; this is my time to repay the debt from before.'

'Hmm, still.'

Then Zara ask.

'Are you still with the Order?' She said, her expression is still calm but Zara could only think one thing when Titania called her. 

This relates to the Order.

'I quit' hearing this Zara faced turned hard. 

'People don't quit the Order' she said more like a fact instead of a question.

'I know. They have set their Dark Shadows to chase after me.' Hearing this Zara face turned pale. 

'Nia, I am but a pleasure girl. A pricey one, true, but still a pleasure girl. I know of your identity and still meddle in your affairs because of what I have owed you. But I do not have the power to hold back the wrath of the organization you incurred. This is not something I could charm my way out.'

'I know.' Titania reply

'Then why ask me?'

'I'm not asking you to help me. It is my problem I'll handle it by myself.' Titania said with determination.

'Admirable but foolish. No one has escaped their grasp….but still admirable.' Titania smiles bitterly. 

She truly learns from what happens before what her job has cause people. A great extermination of people, beginning from her single action. 

Like the domino that started the falling of all the others

How could she have known that by killing the Emperor wife, she has set the Human Continent into fire? 

She was the ember that spark the fire of war in human continent. She was the catalyst of the tragedy that happened.

She was there to see it all. 

The people burned in their cities, castle falls and destroyed, the suffering and pain…and she knows that she also bears some fault to this. 

If she did not include Zettel in her plans, if she kills the Empress by herself then maybe Massacre of Zettel won't happen.

Or maybe if she didn't kill the Empress, or maybe if she did not join the Order, if she did not take the offer, if….and if. 

All of this she has time to contemplate in these past few years. Blood on her hands.

But there is no use crying over spilt milk. But she wanted redemption. She wanted to be forgiven

'I want you to help my sister.' 

'Is she the same as you?' Zara asked and Titania understand what she is implying.

'No, she is normal. She came from Ragora.' 

'The walled city?' 


'Then she must not know anything about the tribes.' Titania nodded.

'Help her when she comes here. Aid her as best as you can' 

'And how can I do that?' Titania asked. 

'I will send a tracking wolf to her. When she comes here she will try to find you.'

'You have gold?' Zara asked.


'You must have bought it already then.' Zara said. Titania nodded

'Meet some Saranites traders. They sell me one of their best tracking wolves. They breed the largest collection of beast that rides the prairie. Combined that with loyalty magic by the Eradites, the wolf will act as a protection for my sister.'

'Where is she?' Zara asked.

'Somewhere in the coast near this city.' Titania answers.

Then there is that look on Titania face that Zara recognize. It was an expression of regrets and the feeling that of a woman…..lost.

And Zara knows she is leaving. She knows….because she have seen that face before. When she leaves her.

'Where will you go?' 

'Somewhere else. I need to know who is chasing me. Is it old friends or is it someone I don't know.' Titania said

'What are you hoping?' Zara asked

'Hoping it's not old friends.' She said, and she smiled bitterly

'Why?' Zara asked curios.

'Because it's harder for me to kill a friend' she said her tone was cold. Zara shivered in fear, hearing her words. 

Even though Zara knows the underground organization of the Order of Death it is still shrouded in mystery.

It is said that the members of that Order is very powerful and have all killed many people. Zara just nodded in silence.

'I don't know how to help her without arousing attention.' 

'She does not have anyone to lean on other than me. If gold is the problem, I-'

'No, don't say that. You have saved my life before. Let me repay you. What is a few golds anyway? You do what you need to do. And I will try to help your sister to the best of my abilities. I promise you this.'

'Thank you. I could trust her with you Zara. I know your heart. People say you are cold but I know since you were a child. Pity that you will not let me save you from that House.' 

'It is fine. It is not that bad. Compared to the Slave House it is paradise. And the owner really does attach an importance to me.'

'As long as you are young and have value' Titania said coldly. 

'I have seen the world, Zara. From Asteros to Vorthy, to Ariundus, to the Human Continent. Human hearts are dark. Prepare yourself.'

'You are scaring me.'

'The truth is scary. I know you like your fame now, your wealth now, but that will not be long. Xander owns you. Your gold is his gold. Better think of a way to free yourself. Find some wealthy patron, some powerful expert and seduce them to support you. You are not going to be young forever.' Zara just smiles bitterly listening to Titania.

'I know that. But this is Ragran. How many experts would come here to this city? How many wealthy patrons would stay in a land dangerous as ours?'

Titania nodded. 

'Even so.' Then Titania gets up and kiss Zara on her lips and Zara responded, lips smacking lips and there is a smile of satisfaction on Zara face when they broke their kiss. 

Titania also smiles….but her smiles was a smile fill with sadness.

'My goodbye kisses.' She said.

'Will you not be coming here anymore?' Zara asked…hoping.

'I will come here again. Once I settled everything.'

'I wish you luck with your endeavors. May the Gods and Asrana favor you.' Zara said as she hugged her friend.

'Likewise' she said as she releases herself from Zara and exited the door and went outside. She looks from the outside to the third floor and smiles. 

And she walked away, smiling.


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