Age of Heroes

Chapter 451: Stories in the starry skies

The wind howls and the sails has been sail down. The sailors watch the seas, now dark with only whale oil lighting their presence in the ship.

The wind howling only lends more ominous feeling in the night.

It was a dark night at the Dragon Head, the ship of the Emperor. And every sailor are fearful of what lies ahead.

They all pray to their own gods, praying for a safe journey.

Rhyssa was in her cabin alone. 

No one dare disturbs her since morning. 

It has been a few weeks since they sail and according to her knowledge she will reach the Port in a few days or maybe even tomorrows depending on the wind.

She was just polishing her spear when a knock to her door startled her. She was not to be disturbed she mused.

Who dares disobey her orders? 

'Who is there?' she said coldly.

'It is I, Mikael, Your Grace.'

Rhyssa eyebrows ceased hard. Mikael huh she mused. 

That man has always been a mysterious person even when Rhyssa know about his true identity.

'Enter' she said and the door is open and a man enters with dignified and noble posture. He was calm and the way he carries himself shows that he is quite charismatic. 

In front of her was a demon kind, Lord Mikael Devonhurst of the House of Devonhurst, one of the scions of the noble houses of the four heavenly noble protectors, the brother in law of the King of Arakath, the Protector of Anvali, and the King of the Great Eight Race.

In his land, Mikael is a great lord of great influence coming from an ancient bloodline, revered and worshiped by the Eight Races.

She was shocked when she first knew. She did not join the Treaty with the Dark Lands for at that time, she was occupied with the war with Dostov.

But her spies' network informed him of those who participated, the key people and it was then she found out of the Devonhurst family and of Mikael.

'My lady Queen' Mikael said bowing slightly.

'It seems we meet again.' Rhyssa smiles.

'A scholar in the wood, if my memory serves me right' Rhyssa said sarcastically.

'A lady in the woods, if I'm not mistaken. With a knight, searching for a powerful martial artist. How we have grown, don't you agree my lady? Me, a renowned scholar, while Your Grace become an unearthly beauty.' he replies smiling.

She smirked.

'Please take a seat, Lord Mikael.'

'Call me Mikael your grace. The lord part is merely a title of honour. I am a scholar at heart as you would already probably know.'

'Mikael, then' Rhyssa nodded, dispensing with the formalities. Mikael took his seat in that cabin.

'To what do I owe this pleasure?' Rhyssa asked

'Forgive me for interrupting your night. But I am only curios my lady.'

'Of what?'

'Of your goals' 

'My goals.'


'To save Arial Vermont of course.' She said as a matter of fact

'For what?' Mikael said looking intently at Rhyssa

'For what?' Rhyssa asked not understanding Mikael words

'Yes, for what reason would you risk your life, braving the Triangle Seas, harrowing untold dangers only to save Lord Arial? Is he not a rival ruler of your continent? As I have been made to understand, there are only two forces that are left after the Great War. All of those Kingdoms, fall either to you or to Arial. What possible reason, what possible benefits that you would gain by saving him?' Rhyssa face turned hard.

'Careful with your words, Mikael.' Rhyssa said, her voice was cold and full with killing intent.

'It almost seems to me like you do not even care about the Emperor.' She said looking at Mikael with a hideous expression. 

Even though it was hideous expression Mikael must admit, even her hideous expression matched those of a normal beauty. 

In another face, her expression would look very hideous indeed, but on hers, she looks charismatic.

Truly deserving the title as the Flower of the Human Continent. Beauty unsurpassed only by High Elves perhaps?

Then Mikael explained himself.

'That is where you are wrong my lady. I care about him immensely. I care him like a brother. However, the question is why do you? Why care about him so much, the way you do?'

'I am his fiancé? Is that not enough?'

'Yes, you are his fiancé. But I doubt love had anything to do with it.'

'Who are you to speak about love, implying anything about me! You dare question me! I am the Empress of the Great Desert, The Sun of Renasia!' Rhyssa said, her hand gripped her white spear and flaming aura appears behind her, like a fire enveloping her, an internal energy so thick, that Mikael could see it with his own bare eyes. 

Mikael just smiles calmly. Nervousness fills his heart but his curiosity won out.

'I am merely curious my lady. If not for benefit and not for your own gain, hmm, could it be that?'

'Be what?' this time it was Rhyssa turns to be curious.

This time Mikael look at Rhyssa with a new understanding, and he remember her behavior and her anxiety about Arial and it finally dawn on him. 

How simple! And then he chuckles at his own ignorance. 

'I see, so it is like that after all. How silly of me! I must have been blind! So that what it means!' Mikael said muttering to himself ignoring the puzzlement in Rhyssa face. 

To think the Sun mean that kind of Sun. Ah, it was figurative and literative. Then suddenly Mikael get up from his seat and said

'It is fine now, my lady'

'What is fine?' Rhyssa said clearly not understanding anything about Mikael behavior right now.

'I understand your reason for doing this. However' he said and his tone become serious

'You must understand that doing this; if you are determine to save the Emperor then this path you choose will not be easy. Monstrous beast, monsters from old tales is upon us. The Land of Shadows is fill with untold dangers, of powerful tribes from legends and the traces of the Old Gods is strong there. The tree stands strong, the fire burns hot, the winters are cruel and harsh. Ancient magic, dark magic rules strongly there. If you are determined, prepare yourself before you sail the Triangle Sea. This is my only advice.' 

Then he exited the room leaving Rhyssa dumbstruck. First she was dumbstruck then she became angry.

What is he going on about! Saying nothing, implying everything and then he dares walk of on her! The nerve!

She put her spear behind her back and then she exited her room incensed at the unanswered question she have. 

The wind blows on her long hair and the crew that was on the deck notices the Empress. They all bowed, daring not to look into her eyes. 

There are some young sailors who peeks a glance and admire her beauty from afar but they do not dare to look to long. 

Who have not heard the Empress launches a war just because the Dostov King tried to become familiar with her? 

Such beauty is dangerous. Such beauty ruins kingdoms and Empires. The Two Great Beauty of the World.

Arianna almost crumbles an Empire and started the next Great War between Demonkind and humankind because of her beauty. 

Rhyssa on the other hand, combined with her beauty and prowess conquers the nation by her own abilities. 

Both are praised, admired, revered and blessed by the people. She looks around and even in the darkness her eyes could see clearly. 

Someone who practices martial art at her level would find no difficulty to see in the dark. 

She quickly spotted Mikael standing on the helm of the ship with his hand behind his back, looking at the expanse of darkness in front of the ship.

She jump and in almost a few second she landed a few feet away from Mikael in the helm of the ship. 

To other she looked like she was flying. Her lightness skills have developed, to be faster and lighter. 

Her movement was graceful, her landing was dignified.

'Mikael!' her voice was slightly raised and clearly she is angry.

'Oh my lady' Mikael turned around smiling without a care in the world.


'Would you join me?' Suddenly Rhyssa was cut off.

'Join you? Doing what?' Rhyssa said suddenly

'Watching the stars. Or if not that, watching the waves.'

Rhyssa look at Mikael strangely. What is this man going on about? Stars? Seas?

'You can call it love you know. Why hide it? Life is short. Ask of life everything that is good. Dare to love. At least that is what some people said to me in my journeys'

'You!' this time Rhyssa cheeks were red. Did her ruse failed? Have she ben found out?

'You love him don't you? It is shocking really. Though thinking back, why wouldn't you fall in love with him? A great hero, strong and powerful and it helps that he is handsome….but a little prideful if I have to say one defect.'

Rhyssa come closer to the helm and approaches Mikael with an angry expression. First she wanted him to explain himself to her. 

Now she wanted him to stop talking.

But he did not. But he did not raise his voice either, saying in a whispered voice. He did not dare incense the Empress anger any more than he needs to.

Mikael knew that the Empress is slightly embarrassed.

'I first thought as many the nobles do, that the marriage was to secure the peace of the Continent. Scholars like us, of course does not want to engage in the war. Oh, the lives and souls sacrificed to the Dark God deep beneath, what waste! What a waste of the intellect blessed by the Divine for the act called war. But then I look at you and I knew. I see it in your face, hears it in your voice.'

Rhyssa is showing a very complicated expression. Was it anger? Was it embarrassment of getting caught by her own feelings?

'You blush like a shy maiden hearing his name, protective of him even when he is not here, speak his name in the most loveliest voice. Is this not worthy to call love?'

'I…' Rhyssa said stuttering. She has been caught. Her face was red, and it is clear she is very embarrassed. 

Mikael understand about the Empress. She is as prideful as Arial. He smiles. A match made in heaven he mused.

Then he said.

'Will you advertise this?' The Empress said, in an icy tone. Mikael shakes his head.

'I do not have any reason to advertise it, my lady. Why would I incur the wrath of such powerful person such as you? But I am slightly jealous of the Emperor.' Mikael said and Rhyssa ask, forgetting her embarrassment

'Why is that?' And this time Mikael smiles. 

'To have such beauty fall in love with him, is it not enviable?' Rhyssa gaze becomes cold. Yet, Mikael was calm as always. 

Then Rhyssa snorted in derision

'You will speak of this to no one. Not to anyone you hear me! Especially not to the Emperor.'

'Of course. My lips are sealed. Now will you join me?' 

'Watching stars? With you? For whatever reason would I do that?' And Rhyssa move away

'It is a pity' Mikael said, turning back looking at the stars.

Rhyssa was curious as she turns her face and look at Mikael again. 

'Pity? For what?'

'Lord Arial always look at the stars. He said there are stories stretched across the heavenly skies, telling stories of great heroes fighting in a great war, a perpetual battle of good and evil, stories of demons and gods, all lined up in the skies for everyone to see.'

This time Rhyssa stop and turned back.

'You are a Starsayer?'

'No, I'm not' he chuckles. 

'I'm just a man with so many questions, and so little answers. I'm curious, and I am ignorant. I know that I know very little, and therein lies my honor. I know that I know so little, so I search answers, yet I find only more questions. I am just curious my lady. What did the Emperor glimpse looking at the stars above? Did he really see the battle waged in the skies above? Or is he like me? Looking at Above, searching for a glimpse, for answers. Aren't you curious?' 

Mikael said without turning back, his eyes just look at the skies above.

Rhyssa look at Mikael back, and she is convinced that this Mikael is very strange indeed. 

Rhyssa without saying anything jump to the entrance of her room and enter her rooms. She opens her cabin windows, and leaning on the windows she look at the stars above.

Trying to catch a glimpse…..searching.


Author Notes

And does anyone could guess who is Vasir? And there is this one thing people never understand about the Vermont's or sees the connections.

Vermont…..Montblanc. Mont. 

If anyone was paying attention, the last time brothers fight brother, Cain and Abel style, it was between Levitia Vermont and Alexander Montblanc. 

Like Carolingian and Salingian lines, they were both branches of the same family. 

Not only Levitia and Alexander were sworn brothers, but by blood, they are both of the same bloodline. 

Brothers. The Mont in Vermont and Mont in Montblanc do any of you think it was a coincidence?


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