Age of Heroes

Chapter 444: Snake slithers (3)

'The new empire is stable but that is because of the Emperor reputation. I never approved of the massacre of the Zettelian people, but if there is one good thing that came out of that, is that it kept everyone in line. They do not dare rebel. The Venician people, the Vanguan people, the Chu and Tai. They fear, respect the Emperor because of his personal prowess and his brutality he inflicts upon his enemies and foes. The problem with having such a strong pillar and power in one man is that if that pillars crumbles…..the roof on top will be going down, and it will go down fast, unless we have other pillars. And we are under that roof my lords. And if the pillar falls, we will… crushed to death under it.'

Some of the lord began understanding and sit back on their seat. 

Most of them wanted to show solidarity by supporting Leander but now they began understand the situation at hand.

No wonder people call him a genius politician one of the lords mused.

��So what do you suggest?' Lord Fenwick who was only listening also began asking Silas

'Like you already know my lord, this regent council is a temporary solution. When the Emperor returns, the full power of the Imperial Office will be returned back to the Emperor. I am suggesting a counter measure if the emperor does not come back.'

'Countermeasures' the other lords said in agreement. The other lords nodded.

'From my knowledge of the quest our Emperor has taken, it will take him about two years to settle whatever it is he wanted to do.'

The other lord nodded. Most of them already know about this.

But the other lords outside the Chamber don't know this. They all know what they are told. That the emperor is resting in one of his villas.

'True' others said.

'Now, this present a problem for us, the Council' Silas said as he began standing from his seat as he address the chamber lords.

'How so?' Aleph ask. Aleph is Silas cousin and is always in support of Silas. 

Aleph is a Judge of Twelve ranks in the Empire. 

His acceptance inside the Council is because of Silas trust towards him landing him this opportunity to mingle with the powers of the Empire

'Imagine if we really hold on to the administration power for two years without any indication that the Emperor is there. What would be the first thoughts that the other lords would think? Anyone?'

A look of understanding dawn the lords. Even Leander began to understand where Silas is going with this.

'That the Emperor is sick.' Leander said unconsciously.

They all know what happens then. The conquered lords might even feel that they have an opportunity to reclaim back their influence.

By Imperial Law, the military power of lords were reduced so much so, that they could not be called armies anymore.

And many lords are not fond of having their private soldiers taken away by the Imperial offers of salary and career in the army.

Even free brigands and mercenary joins the army nowadays.

Before the Imperial Order was established lords could field armies. Nowadays to do that without the Imperial Permission would be akin to treason towards the Imperial Family.

'Or worse' Silas said.

'They might even think we are usurping the Throne.' Hearing this many of the lords in the chamber gasped.

'Usurping the throne? We?' Silas nodded

'Yes. This lends anyone with great enough resources and strength to raise a just cause against us, claiming that they are doing this for empire'

'They would rebel?' Lord Charles said. Silas shakes his head and then said 

'You think people would rebel? Why would they? The Empire influence reached from the south to the north, from the east to the west. It is better to usurp the throne then reclaim independence for a kingdom.'

Fenwick, Derwin and the other lords also agree with Silas statement

'Don't you see what a delicate situation we are in right now? Two years without the Emperor. Two years of time for something to go wrong. We could not appear to be using the Seal of the Imperial Office excessively, else we be accused of usurping the Imperial Throne. Neither could we stop making orders, lest we be suspected of hiding a sick Emperor.'

'Then what do you suggest?' Fenwick asked

'The reason why the succession must be discussed is precisely for this reason. So that nobody could usurp the Imperial Throne. By naming a successor if anything happens, or if anyone is accusing us as usurpers we could produce the succession order and return the power to the next in line for the throne, thus absolving us from being accused as usurpers.'

The other nodded.

'Then you have made a list?'

'I have' and Silas give a parchment of paper to all the lords.

They all look at the paper and saw the name. 

'Lady Adriana?' Leander ask with puzzlement in his face.

'Yes, the Imperial sister.' Silas said, sitting back on his seat drinking back his tea

'Why not the Emperor daughter?' Fenwick asked.

'She is of his blood, and her claim to the throne is stronger. Why Lady Adriana?' Silas then explains

'First, Princess Ariadne is young and but a child. She might even be fooled by other factions if she is unprepared. Lady Adriana is the Emperor sister. Her claim to the throne is not stronger than Princess Ariadne but she is an ideal candidate. She is smart and cunning, and dare I say bravery, equal to that of his brother. She is also gentle in her conduct and wise in her actions. She knows the court, in all of its filthy glory. She has been to many places in the Continent due to her constant traveling with her Order of Knights. Not to mention her amicable relations with Aetherland and the surrounding noble sons and daughters. She is skilled in diplomacy, wise and mature enough for the throne. I could not find any other eligible candidate from the Imperial Family' Silas explains reasonably

The other nodded.

'So, it's decided then?' Lord Charles said.

'Well, we still need the person in question to agree to it. Under her, would be Princess Ariadne. The princess would be supervised by the Empress Dowager as the regent until she reaches fifteen years of age. If the Chamber agrees with my proposition, I will proceed with this.' 

'Do we need to decide now?' Lord Fenwick asked scratching his chin, the way he always did, when he is nervous, while the other lords near Fenwick all look towards Silas

'Of course not, my lords! Good god! We still have time. Do not worry too much. We could at least maintain the first six months without any problems. I would expect all present here would give me an answer by next week. Would that be acceptable my lords?

'Hmm, it is acceptable lord Regent.' One of the lords said.

'Then that is settled. What else in the agenda?' Silas joyfully said

'Lord Robert' Leander said reading from a parchment

'Ah, Lord Robert. That is a name I have long not heard. How is he? Healthy I suppose? I hope his journey to the capital is not too burdensome on his family. I know the Emperor wishes him well. We all know his slight disagreement with the Emperor. The Emperor has found it in his grace to forgive his past transgression. This is certainly good news'

The other just smiles bitterly. Slight disagreement? More like a civil war almost erupted! The realm was divided at the time to support the Emperor or Robert ideas.

Though Lord Robert prophetic word now make some senses. 

Like he said, Arial who has so much power right now has curb the power of the nobles and increase power to the Imperial Family.

Their realms prospered but their power decreased. But it also has certain perks and advantages.

Many of the lords now are rich. 

They might not have the power or influence they have before but they surely live more comfortably then before. 

While other lords of other kingdoms were stripped of their nobility, Arrandian lords who followed Arial to the thickest of battle were rewarded handsomely. 

But they also feel awkward with Silas right now. They exchanged glances and look at Silas expression.

There are some here in the chamber that once supported Lord Robert during the first expedition against Vangua.

They did not forget how Silas subtly manipulated them all to fall for his ruse and support the Emperor. 

Though the expedition was successful they still have bitter feelings being deceived.

'He is healthy, Lord Regent.' Lord Derwin said. 

'So what is the agenda? I thought it was made perfectly clear he would be returned to his former position.'

Then Lord Derwin explains

'His former position is now being held by Lord Guy, Lord Robert cousin from his mother side. Lord Guy does not want to give the land back to Lord Robert.' 

'Hmm.' Silas ponder. 

'Why would that be?' he asked Lord Derwin.

'Under Lord Guy the land has become prosperous and one of the village near the land could be categorized as a small city. He would be dissatisfied to part with his hard work these past few years. His family has settled in, and made their home there.'

'Is that so? Of course!' Silas said. 

'It would be cruel of me to force Lord Guy to return the land without compensation. But he has made a home there, and I doubt monetary value holds any meaning. I've met Lord Guy once in a banquet. Nice man, but quite fat. Bulky, a more apt description. He boasted he could strangle a bison with one hand. Even till today, I do not know if it's true or not. A family man through and through. He absolutely adored his first son, Rufus. A great man' Silas said nodding remembering his meeting with Lord Guy years ago.

'That is the problem lord Regent. To take the land would surely dishearten the subject of the Empire' Lord Leander said. 

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