Age of Heroes

Chapter 437: Once upon a dream (2)

There is a reason of course why he accepted the woman. It is not simply because of her abilities that made him recruit the woman into the ship

She is capable enough and powerful enough…and because she reminded him of one of the cave paintings. 

For some reason, a symbol is etched prominently on his mind and memories, when he saw her determination to follow Arial on his journey.

But that was not the reason he accepted her. 

It was because her position is much higher than Mikael and everyone in the land except Arial and one heard of the stories of her temper from the desert of Renasia to the coldness of North of Chu.

It is bad luck for a woman to aboard a ship. But she is skillful, and she was-

'Mikael!' the yell bring him back.

'You startle me Brother Orval. What?' Orval pointed out of the cabin. 

A silhouette of a man is nearing towards their cabin. 

'The captain asks you to join him on the deck.'

Mikael stood up from his seat and reply

'I will come.'

The silhouette retreated.

'Brother Orval I will meet Arial for a while. If there is anything you need just ask one of the sailors to help you.'

'I am a Knight. Whatever I need I will get it myself.'

'Sulking? It is unbecoming of you' Mikael smiles. And Orval grumbles. It is clear he is sick being at sea.

'Anyway, I'm going now.' Mikael said as he went out.



The wind whips his snow white hair, looking majestic with his glaive gripped tightly on his hand

The glaive is also known as the Dragon Crescent Blade and is known to be very heavy. Arial however could with it with agility with just one hand

It is said in battle, to bring the glaive to him, ten men is required to carry it to him.

Nobody could stand one strike from the slash of that glaive. He brought the glaive that was given to him by the Orc King during the Clan War of the Orcs.

On his hand, the glaive look like a light weapon, but with one swing of the glaive, the air ripples and thunderous sound is produced.

Many of the sailors who have seen Arial practices would encounter the scene. Air rippling and the sound of thunder with each strike.

But right now he is just enjoying the view. Arial look toward the vast ocean with no land in sight, smelling the fresh ocean air.

He stands there looking at the blue sea and a face of contentment can be seen in his face. He smiles.

The huge opening horizons, the smell of the sea, the wind that caresses his skin and the excitement of adventure.

He feels his heart is beating with excitement, like looking at the opening seas… a beginning of a new adventure. He couldn't help but feel like that.

Slowly from behind footsteps can be heard.

'Mikael' he said without looking back.

'Arial, why summon me?' Mikael said standing behind Arial.

Arial just look at the blue ocean and ask.

'How much longer before we reach the Land of Shadow?'

Mikael approached Arial and said 

'Months maybe. Or maybe a year.'

'That long?'

'We need to stop at the Pirate Port, the Triangle Islands to restock our supplies and make any repairs to the ship should we encounter any mishap during this long journey.'

'Hmm' Arial said.

Mikael just nodded and smiles a little looking the expression on Arial face. His face show he was at peace.

'How does it feel?' Mikael ask.

'What does what feel?' Arial asked

'Being in the open sea.'

'Nothing feels quite like it.' Arial reply nonchalantly. At this Mikael smiles.

'Yes, I guess you are right' Mikael said as he look in front of him with the sea bird flying just beside their ship. He lets the wind caress his long hair.

'You have sailed before haven't you, Mikael?' Arial asked suddenly

'Yes' he answer

'The land of Shadows, you've sailed it? What was it like? ' Arial asked. 

Mikael just chuckled

'I never sail that far. I went as far as the Triangle. But not far enough'

'Far enough' Arial reply.

Mikael smiles bitterly.

'Not far enough.' He replies. Arial only smiles and then he ask

'What do you think we have to do once we reach there?' Arial said changing the subject

'We better sail to Ragora after we passed the Triangle.'

Ragora as Arial has been informed by Mikael is one of the cities in the land of shadows. There is some other city. 

Ragora is multi tribe city compared to the other city in the Green Plains. At least that is what Mikael has told him.


'Then we search for information. I don't bring only one sailor as you noticed, Arial. I have fighters, scholars, charters, healer and others.' 

'I noticed.' Arial said and his eyes look to one of the people on the deck. Mikael follow Arial gaze.

'There is that slender man. He looks to be adept in weapons and judging from his internal energy he is quite an expert.' Arial said making an estimate of the slender man.

'Yes' Mikael nodded before trying to say something but he just shakes his head.

'Then there are spies from your intelligence department.' Mikael added

Arial nodded. He handpicked them himself. They are also given their own cabin. Same goes for the thin masked men.

'That is good.' Arial nodded in satisfaction. And for a while they stand in silence. Then Arial asked.

'What do you think of this expedition Mikael? Is it worth it?'

'The Order of Death has been wreaking havoc all around the world and they have headquarters everywhere around the world. But it is known that their headquarters is situated in the land of Shadow. Destroy the base, and their operation crumbles.'

Arial nodded and he looks at the vast expanse of water in front of him and he said in reminisce.

'Novus Gaia huh' Arial said.

Mikael nodded. Most people call the unknown land of the Thirteen Tribes the land of shadow but it has another name.

Novus Gaia. 

The New World or the New Earth. The First Family terms it as such. They built their dynasty and most of the time they rule the world from Novus Gaia.

Until they fall of course. 

Kingdoms fall and fail according to the times. 

Most scholars knew of the land called Novus Gaia but not many of them dare sails the treacherous open sea fill with mythical monsters, supernatural occurrence and the dangers of the sea. 

The storms, the hurricane that form suddenly, the horror stories of the sailors, the pirate raids and so many other life threatening threats fill the sea route leading to the Land of Shadows. 

When you enter the Triangle this is where all the bets are off. The law of the strongest applies.

Magic and dark ancient monster lies in the depth of the oceans. If you have certain methods or luck on your side you will obviously be able to sail the treacherous sea. 

If not you will end up like the rest of the ship that tries to sail the Triangle.

Broken and forgotten under the deep sea.

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