Age of Heroes

Chapter 427: Asrana (1)

A man can be seen flipping through pages of books. He looks at the book with great concentration.

Then the man sighed. The man is none other than the Emperor of Eden, Emperor Arial Vermont. 

There is nothing in the Imperial studies about Asrana. 

He has searched and read every book for even a trace or some footnotes about Asrana but he found nothing.

He is tempted to call Paul but Paul is in the Holy Land trying to gain Papnoticon highest Seat, the Supreme Papnoticon.

And he also has his cold war with the Empress. The Empress by his mother approval has taken seat with her host at one of the castle in the Palace.

After all, the Vermont Palace is large and have many castles and villas. One might not believe if Arial say to them a few years ago, this place where he erected his palace was a desolate place.

Arial was in his studies sitting in his chair, doing nothing, when the messenger informed him of Mikael arrival.

Arial was overjoyed at this news and quickly he sprang into life.

'Bring him to the guest wing and treat him with anything he wants. Tell him when he is ready, to meet me in the Imperial Studies.' He orders the messenger while smiling with satisfaction.

Finally, his question will be answered. The dream has pointed to Mikael to know what the answer is. 

Divine Dream is rare and as such Arial is very interested in the Divining of his dream. In a way Arial doesn't realize…he has a purpose again.

The messengers without noticing the emperor excitement nodded and quickly relay this to Mikael.

Mikael then informed the messenger to relay he will bathe first and then after making himself presentable and relieving his fatigue he will absolutely rush to the Emperor side.

The messenger satisfied with this response informed the Emperor and Arial continues his reading.

After about one hour where Arial is informed that Mikael bring a guest with him, a knock can be heard in the outside of his studies.

'Permission to enter Your Imperial Majesty' the voice said

'Enter' Arial ordered. And the imperial throne room door was opens and Mikael entered. The imperial throne room is large and vast and one could see the design to be very intricate.

There are dragon relief screens on both side of the throne room, giving the room an imposing feeling

Mikael is wearing a purple robed, leather design and there is some decoration and accessories that Mikael wear, one was a ring of odd design but Arial pay no attention to it.

'Lord Arial' Mikael said in excitement

'It has been a long time.'

Arial smiles and nodded.

'I never thought you would call me again to the Human Continent. It was lucky that your envoy reaches me the day he arrived at Arakath. I was at sea for a while and journeying the other continents. I also even make a map. I would share it later with you. However, you did not summon me here to hear about my adventures are you, my friend?' Mikael said, no longer calling Arial lord.

Arial does not have many friends but Mikael, he considers a friend in terms of his knowledge and minds.

Arial chuckles a bit and said

'Your stories have to wait for later, friend. I need your expertise Mikael and your extensive knowledge. Roaming the Seas and the Continent, I could only imagine the knowledge you have acquired over the years. Most of the knowledge in Human Continent is new. And I think the answer I want will not be found in the New Studies but in the Ancient writing. And I know you to be a collector of sorts for all things ancient.'

Smiling Mikael nodded and said

'I'm not bragging but I do have to admit I have many of them'

'And? Did you find anything? Tell me and I will reward you.' Arial said his eyes have a glint of impatience.

'Between friends?' Mikael said. 

'Your gratitude is enough'

'I could not do that. You have traveled far and wide just following my summons. Some rewards are appropriate' Arial said shaking his head 

'It is fine, Arial. I have seen many beautiful types of scenery on my way here and enjoyed many new experiences on my way here. I must admit your Empire is thriving and cities sprouted like mushrooms after a hard rain. You have done well in governing. There is no need for rewards, friend. And the topic itself was very interesting and as you said…ancient…very ancient.' 

And at this he shows his knapsack. And then with a loud thud, the knapsack is put onto the table.

'Asrana, huh Arial? Interesting. Very interesting' he said with a glint of excitement in his eyes.

The smiling he look at Arial and said

'This is a long story. A very long and ancient story. Where myth often interweave with truth. Some truth melded with lies. Asrana stories…. there are many of them…but which version is right? That is the question. Sure you want to listen to it? It is a long story and you surely have better things to do���

'I have time.' Arial said knowing Mikael just wanted to add the tension. 

In a way, he is similar with Silas, only that Mikael and Silas passion is different. Silas is politics, Mikael is mostly scholarly pursuit.

Hearing Arial reply Mikael smiles.

'Truly? Then it would be a cruelty not to tell you the stories. Then please sit down first Arial.' Mikael said gesturing Arial to sit on one of the chairs near the many table around the throne room.

Arial quickly sit down.

'Hmm…Asrana huh? Before that Arial I need to ask you something. Why would you want to know about Asrana, my friend? Rarely people mention his name other than some people who knows of the story.'

'Call it personal curiosity.' Arial reply curtly. Arial has begun feeling impatient

'A quest for truth?' Mikael added

'Perhaps.' Arial reply

Mikael smiles. 

'It is fine if you do not want to tell. I will not force you. Alright I will tell you about Asrana. First, what is the meaning of Asrana.'

'Meanings?' Arial ask clearly not understanding what Mikael is talking about

'Yes, Asrana has its meaning. It comes from the language of the people of the Thirteen Tribes who once inhabit the Kingdom of Living Isle.'

'What does it means? I never even heard of Asrana meaning before.' And at this Mikael smirked.

'Asrana means Conqueror' Mikael ceremoniously said, puffing his chest and hearing this Arial heart trembled. 


And the words in his dream echoes again. Asrana you have awakened, the word echoes. Conqueror? He…is a conqueror. Is that really it? Simple as that?

'So? Does that mean Asrana is a title?'

'You really don't know anything about Asrana do you Arial?'

'What do you mean?'

'Asrana is one of the thirteen Gods of the thirteen Tribes. Asrana Mahava.' And Mikael open the book and blow the dust in one of the pages. 

And he coughed a little when the dust is inhale into his nose.

'Old book. Like I said, ancient.' Mikael said looking at Arial smiling apologetically as the dust spreads to Arial.

He then flipped the pages and after reaching his desired pages he stopped. 

'Here it is.' Then Mikael read the passage.

'Asrana Mahava. One of the Sky Lords and one of the most worshipped god for the Thirteen Tribes.'

'Asrana Mahava?'

'Yes, Asrana Mahava.' Mikael said nodding. 

'Maha in literal meaning means Great, Va is Dark, Asrana is Conqueror so his name…. is literally translated to the Conqueror of the Great Dark.' Mikael explained in detail

'Conqueror of the Dark?'

'Or Conqueror of the Great Darkness'

'There is a story about him' Mikael said

Smiling Arial said

'Of course there is always stories'

'What is his story?' Arial ask clearly curious of the story

Like he was waiting for the question Mikael said

'It is said that Asrana would protect the world from a great Evil that will come in dark clouds and great thunders. It is said that when the time of the Great Battle nears, the ice in the Icy Region would burn, killing the Beast that roams it surrounding, and fire would freeze like the cold winds of deadly winter, thunders and lightning would strike mountains and buildings, turning them to ashes. the world would shake and its shaking would destroy cities, as the Great Evil arise and Asrana, The Great God of Heroics Feat, Lord of the Sky will slay the Three Great Beast and vanquish the Great Evil and tip the scale to Harmony. Though in your belief tip the scale to Light I guess.'

'Sounds like a silly story' Arial said shaking his head. It is like the many stories of paganistic belief.

'Hmm, maybe. Maybe not.' Mikael said knowingly. Arial look at the book and there are some runic markings on the book that seems familiar.

Then he asks

'But how you were able to know this much. I have searched every library, employ many of the scholars in the University to search about Asrana in their libraries even before you arrived but no one could give me an appropriate answer.

'Cave paintings, a lot of travelling in the other continents and Laila book.' Mikael answers

'Laila book?' Arial said confused. What book is that? Arial mused. And at this Mikael smirked.

'Laila book!' Mikael exclaimed and he smiles as he answer

'Also called the Book of Prophecy. '

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