Age of Heroes

Chapter 417: The sorrows of a cold man (1)

The room was spacious decorated with Renasian designs, veils and colorful vibrant colors fill the interior of the room, the theme of Sun is reflected clearly in the design of the room.

The door to the room is suddenly open and two women come inside it, laughing.

'It was a delightful evening my lady' Isabelle said as soon as they enter their room, excitement on her face is hard to hide. 

As the handmaiden of the Empress and her most favourite one, Isabelle is given freedom unlike any other handmaiden and in private she addresses the Empress like equals.

'Of course you have a delightful evening, Belle, you were admired by a fine gentleman. Handsome and charming' 

'Oh, do not tease me my lady.' Isabelle said blushing in her cheeks.

'I am not. Lord Kyle thought you to be quite beautiful. He seemed quite struck with you, stars in his eyes.' And Rhyssa chuckles a bit

'You tease me my lady! He danced with the lady of Asturias, the Corazon's ladies and many others noble's daughter before he came to me. Maybe he thought me silly.'

'It is customary to dance with others in the Caelum tradition. But I assure you Belle, he did not dance with them thrice. That honor it seems reserved only for you.'


'Of course, Belle. Why would I lie to you?' she asked and she could see Isabelle is blushing again, her cheeks become rosy.

'Could it be you're jealous?'

'No, I'm not.' Isabelle said smiling sheepishly and Rhyssa just smile knowingly

'Your vehement denial is noted, Belle' Isabelle just shakes her head.

'But his family seems well off. It is very much different than the people that I have known before'

'Of course Belle. They are a noble family and not just a noble family, a distinguished one at that. You usually fall in love with Knights and bards, or the occasional storyteller that came to the palace '

Isabelle ignores Rhyssa and continues with her line of thoughts

'His sister especially.' Isabelle said remembering the Duchess.

'I know' Rhyssa said following along with Isabelle antics.

'A charming woman if I have to admit it to myself. Her dresses are elegant; her manners are impeccable.'

'Indeed, my lady, finery all around.' Rhyssa nodded

'But you seem to be too cautious in front of him. He might see it as you being indifferent to him.'

'He was just too handsome. He was sensible, good humored, and very lively. Such great manners too. He was perfect, different from my expectation of a military man.'

'You praise him too much Belle.'

'The praise is deserved my lady. I was flattered that he asked me to dance with him, not twice but thrice. I did not expect such compliments.'

'I did, for you. Compliments always take you by surprise and me never.' 

'That is because you are magnificent my lady, respected and loved. Your beauty is unrivaled and is titled the flower of the Human Continent.' Then she mentions a poem.

'Arianna possessed Kings and Emperors, Rhyssa shames the Yellow Sun'

'The Two Great beauties of the world as the people called you and Queen Arianna.'

It is known that Arianna of Arakath and Rhyssa of Renasia is hailed as two great beauties of the world. 

Arianna kidnapping almost started a war between Arakath and the Human Continent.

She was kidnapped by Emperor of Vern, possessed the King of Arakath to march his army crossing the Levitia Bridge thus the line 'possessed Kings and Emperors' as a tribute to her fatal beauty that could start a war.

Rhyssa is known to bewitch even the most cold of hearts, her beauty could be compared only to Arianna, her disposition is lively and full of passion, hot like the Sun and not to mention Rhyssa obsession with symbolically linking herself to the Sun, the Sun here refer to the Sun King, the God of Renasian people thus the line 'shames the Yellow Sun.' 

It is not that she shames the dignity of the Sun King. It is said that if the Sun King appears in front of Rhyssa, even he would feel shame to see such beauty to be in the mortal world and not in the heavenly kingdoms

Her beauty is told in song that even the Water Maiden beauty could not be compared to her beauty.

Rhyssa just smiles

'Ah, you sell yourself short, Belle. You are a beautiful woman, and have certain charms that only certain men can appreciate. He is certainly very agreeable and I will allow it as the Empress. You have liked many a stupider person.'

'My Lady!'

'Oh! Do not deny this about yourself Belle. You like to see the best in people, even when undeserved; you never see a fault in anybody. All the world are roses and rainbows in your eyes.'

'You make me sound like I am a silly girl my lady'

'You are silly. But I find no fault in that. You are so blind to the follies and nonsense of others, that I could not find another word to describe you other than to crown you a pure woman, innocent and kind. You are candid without ostentation or design. It is one of the qualities I like most about you Belle. Though your dislike to Lord Arial is…perplexing.'

'I…always speak what I think when I think it. And I'm thankful that my lady always understands. And my dislike of the emperor, I hope you notice. The lord shows you disrespect.'

'He treated me like his equal.'

'He should treat you better. You are a woman. He is a man. He should show some chivalry and manners. It is expected of such a man of such high birth'

'He treated me well enough.'

Isabelle sighed in frustration.

'But the emperor seems to be a proud man, above being pleased, rarely smiles, and scowl all the time. And his tone of voice is unpleasing and harsh to the ears. It was shocking to see someone so rude to you my lady. A horrid man, not worth at all for you to try to please.'

'That is enough Belle. Great men are always misunderstood.'

'He walked here, and he walked there, looking and observing, fancying himself so very great!' 

'He is, Isabelle' Rhyssa smiles.

'There is a reason why people call him Arial the Great. He is a Great Conqueror'

'I find no greatness in conquering people.' Isabelle said

'There lies the difference between people like you and people like him….and people like me. You could not understand his action much less he understands yours. Your starting point is different, his experience and yours could not be the same, the environment that shapes him, the countless moment you and he experienced is different. Of course he surely would hold a different world viewpoint than yours.'

'You disagree my lady? Then what do you think of him?'

'He is...hurt. He is…misunderstood. Too much bitterness, too much painful moments. Too many scars' 

'How do you know? You only had one dance with him, my lady.'

And at this Rhyssa smiles bitterly.

'He has all the scars that I have, his eyes were exactly like mine, his smile is forced and bitter. He has seen so much. He has hurt….so much. He is cold and hard; his heart is...frozen. And he grows colder. Until one day he might no longer be warmed by the Sun, by the companion of the people he loves, and slowly his ears will grow deaf to wise advice.'

'But you…did not, my lady.'

'That is because, I have Arturo. I have you. I have my parents. I have my people. They loved me and every day I strive to earn their love. He has….no one'

'And he loves no one' she muttered under her breath

'That is not true, my lady. He has his friend. He has his family.'

'You do not understand do you? He is alone. Alone even in his loneliness. Great men always are. Secret and lies is a part of him.'

'You are calling him a liar, my lady? I thought you admire him, even infatuated with him.' Hearing her lady said such critical words about Lord Arial, Isabelle began doubting her hearing.

'I admire him; this I do not deny. Infatuated, yes. But will I risk my empire to ruins with such childish passion?'

Chuckling, she said 

'I have grown, Belle from that little girl who would run around the palace and hide in the barracks. I'm no longer a child. I am a leader now and as such responsibilities lie heavy in my shoulder'

'But he is a liar…no… a keeper of secrets, is more apt. Though not the way you think. You do not understand it…. because you're not one of us. Life is not black and white, Isabelle. It's gray'

Sighing she said 

'You may not know this but other than his famed strength in battlefield he is also known as a shrewd politician. Such feats are not achieved by being honest. He is a man of the world. But for such a man…. secret that is kept is not good for marital relations, or any relations to be honest. And as long as he deluded himself, that by keeping secrets he could be with anyone…. he would never see the light. I know. Because I have to make that choice a long time ago. Whether to trust the people I love or not. It is a simple choice. But not easy to make. Especially not for someone so accustomed in keeping secrets close to their hearts.'

Isabelle listened in silence. Still she could not approve the man that her lady has taken fancy.

Proud and conceited, she mused remembering the way that the emperor present himself…. but full of power she reminded herself. 

He is charismatic and beautiful, not the kind of beautiful like in a painting of great artist full with vibrant colors or songs by storytellers and bards but like the beauty of a statue, cold and untouchable, and in every respect entitled to act proud and overbearing.

'Let us not talk about him anymore. His matter is my concerns Belle not yours. Let's hear what the Asturias lady got herself into. You know I always like to hear their stories. They are silly girls, all of them. Too ignorant of the world yet for some reason I could not bear it in my heart to feel malice for them.'

Isabelle smiles and began talking to the Empress about what happen at the ball when she was dancing, trading stories and enjoying each other laughter's.


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