Age of Heroes

Chapter 413: The return of the dragon (2)


Emperor- inherited

Crown Prince/Crown Princess- reserved for the imperial Family

Prince/princess- reserved for the imperial Family

Vassal Kings- for Kings that surrendered or great generals that rendered great service or even great man that has merited enough for the Empire

Archduke-reserved for the imperial Family

Duke- reserved for the imperial Family and friends or benefactor of the Imperial Family.

Count- reserved for the imperial Family and whoever that pleases the Emperor and from a nobility stock.

Baron- From nobility stock or could even be from some great landowner or anyone that has rendered great merit in the peace of the Empire

Governor (12 ranks)- Appointed t rule of a certain territory of the Emperor. Given salary. The governor has no power to call the Imperial army unless under duress and by the power vested on them. 

Prefect – a Mayor who climbs the rank can be prefect or when have merited a great achievement to the empire. Responsible in governing the many cities of the Empire. A higher rank from Mayor

Judges (10 ranks)- Judges the people by the Imperial Law.

Mayor (23 ranks) - an officer who climbs the rank can be prefect or when have merited a great achievement to the empire. Responsible in governing the many cities of the Empire.

Officer (40 ranks) – officer is bureaucrats, kind of like an enforcer of the Imperial Laws, bookkeepers, and all subservient to the Empire laws and always belong to one of the Departments.


HALL OF GREAT PEOPLE: The officers of the Empire will be in charge of appointments, and merit ratings of the lesser ranks while great appointment of other Hall is under the authority of the Emperor.

HALL OF GOLD: Officer of Treasury will be in charge of gathering census data, collecting taxes, and handling state revenues. The Intel can be viewed by the Emperor, and Hall of War.

HALL OF LIGHT: Prince Articon of the Empire is in charge of state ceremonies, rituals, and Great Mass; it also oversaw registers for the Church positions and even the reception of envoys from other states and churches and regulate the other faith in a benevolent manner as instructed by the faith. 

HALL OF WAR: Supreme Commander elected by the Emperor to lead is in charge of the appointments, promotions, and demotions of military officers, the maintenance of military installations, equipment, and weapons, as well as the courier system. Only apply in war. In peace times, the power rested on the Emperor. Of course the authority can be wrestle back by the Emperor if he wishes it to be so. The Hall of Gold pays the salary of the soldiers.

HALL OF JUSTICE: Judges, Emperor, and anyone under the existing law had the authority given by the Empire to execute and practice law will and can exact judgment on judicial and penal processes

HALL OF STONES: Imperial Builders had charge of the empire numerous construction projects, hiring of artisans and laborers for temporary service, manufacturing Empire equipment, the maintenance of roads and canals, standardization of weights and measures, and the gathering of resources from the countryside.

HALL OF ASSEMBLY: Debate about the welfare of the Empire. Assembled at stated periods and can only be invoked by the Emperor authority if one wanted to assemble during unstated period of time that is not schedule.

HALL OF COUNCILORS: consist of persons of great importance owing to their loyalty, talents, and intelligence that can help the Empire and advice the Emperors in the matter of the Empire.

ORDER OF NOBILITY: must keep their genealogical histories to give them the necessary titles for the feudal advantages they derived by birth. Without proper documentation, they will be denied of a title. Noble could still possess the laborers' lands without losing his nobility, but the laborer could be proprietor of a fief without thereby becoming a noble.

CONSCRIPTION: In times of need every town, quarter, and village should present a fully equipped conscript at the recruiting office. 


Today the new laws are published all around the Empire. The moment Arial return to the Palace he quickly drafted the new order to make it official.

He also announces the Imperial examination for anyone interested to become the Officers of the empire. 

The examination will be held every four years and the requirement is listed. 

It is required to knows some of the Three Teachings, the Analects, Cardinal Virtues and Sins of the Book of Light, Scripture of the Wise and a few other books regarding science and knowledge of governing and moral application.

If they could answer the question and achieve a great mark, then they can be accepted as officer's scholars.

The Imperial examination is divided to two divisions. Administration and Military. 

In military what is important is your level of strength, your ability in the battlefield and other skills of the battle. 

Martials artist and mercenaries is encouraged to apply. 

Administration is one for the officers that either has passed the Imperial examination or by special admission by the Emperor.

However, after creating the laws, he is urged to go to the ball tomorrow. 

His mother and father have come to remind him of this incessantly, of the appointment, of the importance of the events, all the while her mother advise him on the matters of love, of letting go and of looking forward to the future.

It is wise advice, it is good advice but Arial could hardly forget Helia, the way he treated her, things he never said, could say, things he hides and above all, the fact that he never …. tried…tried to make it better.

He…. was afraid of the answer that would come out from Helia mouth that only in her last moment that Arial manages to muster the courage to ask…. whether she even love him.

Every time he closes his eyes, he went back to that day. 

That day he first met her on the hall of the Knight academy with Kyle and Lisa beside him, only one goal in his mind while he was blind to everything else. 

He goes there all the time. 

Wishing that he knows what he had when she was his. Knowing that he should have appreciated her more, spend his time more with her.

If only…. he could be more honest, more open, would the rift appear? Would her heart be swayed? 

He had to admit after all that has been said and done, not much is said…or done. He was at fault. 

But neither could he realize his fault, neither did he do anything. The sins are not knowing that he is at fault but not knowing what the fault is. 

By the time he realizes all this, fate intervenes. 

Time waits for no one. Time and Death. Arial is not a talkative man, he keeps everything in his heart, his secrets closer. 


Could he do that? Could he have prevented all the tragedy? Or is it Helia fate to die in such a way?

When he enters his Imaginary Scape he plays that moment in his head, on the day of the ball where he exchanges love songs with Helia, her smiles burned on the back of his mind, never could he forget the unfettered and how joyful the smile she shows him that night.

When he could hold her hand, smell her fragrance, kiss her lips. He always returns back to that day…and again he wishes. If he could change it…. would he do it?

Sighing he prepared for the ordeal. 

There is no other way than to reject the betrothal but he wishes to do it with bravery and dignity.

It is unbecoming of a man to break a betrothal without explaining fully. 

He wishes to explain to the Empress of his difficulty in accepting the marriage arrangement. 

Surely the empress would understand. From what he has heard the Empress also doesn't like to marry.

After all Arial once heard that the Empress makes many fuss during the last time her mother force her to marry. 

That is why it was strange that she accepted this time. Then he went to his large bedroom and went to sleep.


The ball started and the curtain to the hall is opened and people went inside

The Hall is full of great noble and lords of the Human Continent. 

It is the palace of Vermont and today the Empress Dowager has thrown a ball because the arrival of the empress of Great Renasia

Everyone knows that the empress comes because of her betrothal with the emperor. Arial still maintained his cold expression as he surveyed the hall. 

Sighing, he closes his eyes and then opens it back like he is looking at something that is separate from him.

Kyle is beside him while they are walking to enter the ball.

A good looking and gentlemanlike man, who have a pleasant countenance and easy unaffected manner. 

That is Kyle, bringing warmth

But when the Emperor enters the room every eye drew their attention toward the emperor. 

Arial Vermont is a fine tall person, with a noble features and noble mien. 

The lords and knights in attendance who all wear the appropriate clothes pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, while the ladies declared he was much more captivating than Lord Kyle himself, not only because of his title but also the way power just radiated from him.

But then the ladies changed their assessment for the emperor is found to be very proud, while the lords all attributed this to his position the ladies attributed this to his departed wife.

It has been said after the death of his wife he has become very unsociable, above being pleased and rarely does he smile. 

A most forbidding, disagreeable countenance, a pride that could pierce the sky. Though one could not blame the Emperor for this. 

Out of the four corners of the Human Continent, third of them belong to him and the mountains and lakes all belong to him.

How could such a person did not have pride? He had done what others had failed. But he clearly appeared lonely

But none dare come close because of the difference in rank and power. He stands there looking and nobody dares match their eyes with the cold looking gaze of the Emperor

Radiating coldness, this is the Emperor of Eden, Arial Vermont the Great Conqueror

Lord Kyle on the other hand made himself acquainted with all the principal ladies in the room, lively and unreserved, danced every dance and join in the revelries and songs

What a contrast between him and his friend! 

The Emperor declined being introduced to any other lady when it is the Empress Dowager wishes that Arial will know some ladies that will provide comfort for his broken hearts.

His character was decided by those ladies is their ball gowns. He is the most proudest, disagreeable man in the world. Then Kyle comes near him.

'Come friend. Dance. I hate to see you standing in this stupid manner. You had much better dance.'

Arial snorted a bit and said

'I certainly shall not. There is not another woman in this room that I would stand up with.'

Kyle shakes his head.

'This will not do, friend. Your mother stages all this for you. This betrothal between you and the Empress of Renasia has long been talked about. Surely you will not disappoint your mother. The Lady after all. have done many preparations for this day.'

'I will not listen to another word, Kyle. I have made my decision.'

Then suddenly the ball room entrance open.

'Announcing the arrival of the Empress of Great Renasia, Empress Rhyssa Renasi the First.' The crier yelled out, the trumpet is blown, the music start playing.

Arial turn his face to look at his betrothed. 

This is the first time he will see her. He will explain to the empress that he wanted to break the betrothal because he is not ready.

But then something extraordinary happens. And Kyle looks at Arial face. It was like Arial is stunned.

'Arial, what happen?'

Arial keep looking at the Empress and the empress also look at him, smiling sheepishly and blushing red in her cheeks.

'One look and I already can't catch my breath' Arial mused.

The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories that it has come to be disbelieved in. 

Few people in the world dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. 

Yet it is in this way that love begins, and in this way only.


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